King's Business - 1948-07

Angeles, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Dr. J. Renwick McCullough, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, Washing­ ton, and Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Pastor of the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena. In charge of the young peo­ ple’s meetings will be Mr. Russell Kill- man and Mr- and Mrs. A1 Sanders, stu­ dents at the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zwall, gospel cartoonists. The Conference is open to all, both young and old. Inquiries regarding rooms, accommodations or res­ ervations should be directed to Rev. Cyrus Nelson, Mount Hermon Confer­ ence Association, Mount Hermon, Cali­ fornia. All other inquiries should be di­ rected to the Director of the Confer­ ence, Dr. William W. Orr, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 13. What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough To Eat? T HE magazine Time recently related a wartime project in which thirty- six conscientious objectors volunteered as guinea pigs in an experiment in human starvation. The tests were conducted at the Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene at the University of Minnesota. The men were fed two carefully ra­ tioned meals a day totaling about one- half the average necessary'calories for adults. While these men were naturally refined, they soon began to lose their manners. At the table they carefully protected their own food and looked sus­ piciously at their neighbors. As the ex­ periment went on, the men grew increas­ ingly irritable. They had alternate spells of despondency and ecstasy. Four of the men were dropped from the experiment because they cheated by eating extra food. The results have been carefully tabu­ lated in a recent article in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. Over-all results proved that a man is a very different creature when he does not get enough to eat. Apply this to the spiritual life. The Word of God is the Christian’s daily food. There can no more be a healthy spiritual person without proper spiritual food than there can be a healthy physical person without physical food. The rea­ son that so many Christians are cranky, cross, emaciated and useless can be placed squarely at the door of insuffi­ cient diet. One meal a week at the 11 o’clock service on Sunday morning is not sufficient to carry a Christian through seven days and keep him spiritually fit. There should be daily appropriation of spiritual truth. There would not be spir­ itual “gastric disturbances” if one habit­ ually nibbled from God’s Word! Yes, spiritual malnutrition is a wide­ spread disease among Christians. This is the more deplorable because of the superabundance of available food. The Great Physician advises a diet of large, well-balanced' meals. Try it and note your increased spiritual vigor. Page Nine

ish people, along with all others, be di­ rected to him and to the sinister power which he will represent. This turn of events will find the Jews adamant in their opposition to the Anti­ christ which, in turn, will stir up his terrific wrath against them. While Is­ rael has seen some dark days in her history, this, by all odds, will be the darkest. Just when all seems lost, the heavens will open, and Israel’s Messiah will appear to save His people, and to fulfill all the promises which have been made by God to them. But now is the time for thoughtful students of the Word to re-examine minutely the prophetic Scriptures! Now is the time for earnest Christians to serve their Lord faithfully! Now is the time for the ultimate in missionary effort to proclaim the gospel of God’s grace to the ends of the earth. Perhaps this is Is­ rael’s day—and ours! ed Acting Dean of the Moody Bible In­ stitute to fill the place left vacant when Dr. Culbertson assumed the Presidency. Mr. Coder is a graduate of the Dallas Theological Seminary, has held several pastorates, and for a number of years served .as Assistant Editor of Revelation, and more recently was Editor-in-Chief of Moody Press. Mr. Coder is a deep student of the Word of God. Recently he published the Youth Triumphant Course which is winning ever-widening acceptance among the young people of America. Our prayer for him is that the blessing and favor of God may rest in abundant measure upon him in his new and important ministry. Congratulations W E ARE happy to learn that Rev. S. Maxwell Coder has been appoint­ “ Jesus Is Coming” ■ T HIS is the theme of the Second Annual Biola Conference at Mount Hermon Conference grounds in Central California, August 15 to 22. Speakers at this Conference will include the President of the Bible Institute of Los

Welcome To New Readers W E ARE happy to take advantage of this opportunity to offer a warm and sincere welcome to several thousand new subscribers to The King’s Business family. It is our sincere prayer that these pages will be used of God to bless and edify our readers. Our constant policy is to fill the magazine with Christ- honoring, true-to-the-Bible, timely mate­ rial. If there were ever a day when Christian men and women needed to be informed of their part irt God’s plan for the world’s evangelization, it is now. To this purpose, in God’s wisdom and by His strength, we dedicate ourselves anew. ration of Statehood by provisional repre­ sentatives of the Nation of Israel. Tem­ porary recognition to this republic has already been given by the President of the United States. Fierce fighting is go­ ing on between the Jews and Arabs. To say that students of prophecy are interested in this turn of events is a great understatement. For upon this par­ ticular event hinges the entire system of end-time events. It is yitally important that Bible students make a new, inten­ sive, and thorough, survey of the pro­ phetic Scriptures. If this is Israel’s day, and if the events of the last sev­ eral weeks constitute the opening of the prophetic door, then the days leading to the consummation of this present age are very near. What do the Scriptures teach regard­ ing Israel and end-time events? First of all, Israel as a nation is to be re­ stored. The Jews are to inhabit their own land again and enjoy for a time the full status of national entity, so much so in fact that the coming Antichrist or world ruler, will make a covenant, or league of peace with them, allowing them commercial, political and religious free­ dom. Yet this covenant will endure for only one-half of its scheduled time. The Antichrist will break it summarily and demand that the worship of the Israelit- J U L Y , 1 9 4 8 Is This Israel’s Day? A S WE write these lines, the press is filled with the news of the Decla­

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