King's Business - 1934-04


Copyright by Stephen H. Willard, Palm Springs, Calif.

“ Q L m d . . . t h e d a r\ n eS S hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day.”

“ There was no other good enough, To pay the price o f sin; He only could unlock the gate O f hedveh and let us in."

"While we were yet sin­ ners, Christ died for us." (Rom. S:8)

Dear Fellow Disciple of the Risen Lord: Again the Easter season approaches. And once more, throughout the world where Christ is known, men are moving in thought toward Calvary. You and I are in the company that is drawing near the cross. Moti­ vated by love to Christ, we are moving, in remembrance, into the very darkness of the Golgotha scene. We do not make this mental journey often enough, but we have come today__you and I— and we are standing, heart-hushed, close to the Sav­ iour's cross. We are gazing, in thought, upon that holy scene in which Christ, the God-Man, willingly gave His life a ransom for many, an atonement for the sins of the people. There never was, and there never can be a similar sacrifice, for at Calvary "God was in Christ, recon­ ciling the world unto himself." In the silence of this sacred moment of contemplation, familiar words come back to us: "I gave, I gave My life for thee; What hast thou given for Me?" Beloved— you who have received the gift of eternal life— you must answer the Saviour's question, and I must answer it— each of us for himself. "He died, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God." What are we doing to make salvation known to men for whom Christ died? In the shadow of the cross, each of us must answer honestly. As you read the facts on the opposite page, that concern the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles— a school that exists solely to make Christ known— will you pray, as I am praying, "Lord, help me remem­ ber Calvary"? Yours in the bonds of Christian fellowship,


March 30, 1934

Will youhelpuswidenthis circle? I n the work of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, a double enrollment is con­ stantly taking place.

come from? Who will send them in, and when? Useless, foolish questions! W e do not ask them. Our task is to train the students whom God has sent to us; and thus we accept them solely with regard to their fitness, and without re­ gard to whether our finan­ cial prospects justify a large enrollment or not. Then as an Institute, and as individ­ ual Christians, we pray for the funds to come in. O f course, we make the

A t the beginning o f each term, there must be the searching out o f earnest, consecrated students whose life work, by the grace o f God, will justify the training which the Institute offers them absolutely without cost. Next, the support o f this work must be provided— the inevitable expense o f thek cla s s ro om in s t r u c t io n .

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The first Easter offering to the Lord to be received at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles this year was a check for $150.00 from the President of the Institute» Louis T. Talbot» and Mrs. Talbot. This amount covers the cost of training two students for one semester. Accompany­ ing the check was this note: “ I cannot afford to miss the joy of sharing in the PARTNERSHIP PLAN of training young men and women to be witnesses of the saving power of the Son of God. I trust many others of the Lord's people will realize the holy privilege and the great necessity for cooperation in this sacred ministry."

For every student who is enrolled, there must be enlisted from one to seventy-five interested friends who will enter into partnership with the Lord and with the student, and who will assume the educational cost of that student’s train­ ing at the Institute. The supply o f these funds has been the ever-recurring miracle o f the Bible Institute. In the early days of each term, as at the present moment, financial resources sufficient to provide for the training o f the entire group accepted as students have nearly always been lacking. Let us visualize the situation ! If the number actually provided for were separated from those for whom no provision has been made, there would be a small central group approximating 200, ex­ penses for whose training were assured. These students are represented in the picture below by the group within the circle. On each side o f such a company there would be two large groups, for expenses o f whose training not a cent is in hand. The miracle o f the support o f the Institute has been repeated each year— as God’s people have prayed and have given. From east and west, from north and south, God’s stewards have caught a , vision o f the meaning o f Calvary and have sensed the urgent need o f sound Bible training for the task o f world evangelism, and have sent their gifts for the continuation o f the ministry o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. This, it seems to us, has been the method chosen o f the Holy Spirit in the support o f this school dedicated “ unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” Will those who gave during last term renew their giving this semester? Where will the new funds

facts known, as we are doing now, and as George Muller did at the Bristol Orphanage that he founded and for whose maintenance the Lord continually provided. But the answer comes, irrespective o f our efforts, through the gentle lead­ ing o f the Holy Spirit. W e face the facts in full assurance that He who has led us so far, still has His watch­ men on the walls, His stewards in the vineyard, and that through their prayer and giving, not a qualified student will need to be sent home, nor a class discontinued during the current term. The school year is scheduled to close on June 21, twelve weeks from Easter day (April 1 ). Within that period, we shall need $15,000.00—$75.00 for each o f the 200 students who are not within the circle shown below. Every dollar that you give enlarges the circle and helps to include another student. Whether you give little or much is not the question. But whether, in the light o f Calvary, each o f us is obeying the entreaty o f the Lord is o f supreme importance. Will you enter into partnership with one student and pay for the cost o f his or her training?

For a semester...........................................$75.00 For a month............................................... 25.00 For a week.................................... 6.25 For a day...... .......... 1.00

Remember, your love offering to the Lord at the Easter season will help train a student in the Word o f God and enable him to take the message of salvation to some for whom Christ died. You may share in this PARTNERSH IP PLAN . Address: BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LOS ANGELES 558 S outh H ope S treet L os A ngeles , C alif .

« « » “It isHis Comandment; Ihave no Choice"

She Sitile Garnit#S ita t in e M otto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ."—R ev . 1 :5.

Volume XXV

April, 1934

Number 4

• So reads a recent letter. And the writer went on to say how deep­ ly the Lord has burned into his heart the conviction of his duty and privilege toward Israel. This con­ viction, furthermore, he had expe­ rienced only after faithful study of God’s Word, not from man’s opin­ ions, but only from the revealed teaching of the sacred page itself. • And it has been this soul-con­ viction of hundreds of the most consecrated and faithful o f His followers, that has made possible the world-wide reach of the Gospel testimony of the American Board o f Missions to the Jews. 9 Dear reader, can you afford to say No when God has said Yes? You do know that concerning the Jew He has told you, “that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.” Romans 11:31. As a true child of God, born again by virtue of His blood shed for you at Cal­ vary, have you really any choice when He has once commanded ? 9 And may we offer you the fel­ lowship of the ever-enlarging fam­ ily circle o f the dear ones who hold us up in prayer and gift day by day, in behalf of that people which are to God as the apple of His eye? It’s a good fellowship, and we think you’ll be happy you joined yourself to us. At least isn’t it worth trying just once? 9 Our work still merits your every confidence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Your fellowship in prayer and gift is always welcomed and appreciated. THE CHOSEN PEOPLE is of course sent to all contributors. American Board of Missions to the Jews Inc. 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Around the King’s Table— Louis T. Talbot.:................................... 131 When God Leaves Us Alone— Roy L. Laurin................................... 132 “ Bring Me the Book”— Norman B. Harrison..................................... 134 Girls’ Query Corner—Myrtle E. Scott................................................ 136 The Mastership o f Christ—William Evans......................................... 137 ^ The Great Red Dragon and the Woman’s Child— in 1934 — Louis S. Bauman............................................................................ 139 Our Literature Table...............................................................................142 Helps for Preachers and Teachers— Paul Prichard...........................143 Bible Institute Family Circle..................................................................144 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker........................................145 International Lesson Commentary.............................. 147 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner..............................156 Daily Devotional Readings....................................................... 162




T ER M S: Single Copies.............................................. 15c Annual Subscription ......................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptions................................... 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions...........................................10.00 Subscription in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REM ITTA NCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF A D D RESS: Please send both old and new address at leastjpne month previous to date of de­ sired change.

A D V ER T ISIN G : For information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS address the Religious Press Association, 325 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or North American Build­ ing, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. M A N U SCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

POLICY A S D EFIN ED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE B IB L E INSTITU TE OF LOS A N G ELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young, men and women to fit themselves for and .engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make -the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known. - (e) To magnify God our Father and1the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. 558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lo* Angeles, California

Ask for our free booklet, “ Jewish Mission Annuity Bonds.“

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


o Around the King’s Tabltj B y L ouis T. T albot

to remain in camp. It might be a few days, or it might be for only a night. But they were to ascertain the Lord’s will by watching for His signal, keeping their eyes constantly upon Him. "A s long as” (Num. 9 :18 ). These three words suggest to us the rule that governed the sojourn of the Israelites. “ As long as the cloud abode . . . they remained encamped.” Are we as eager to catch the Lord’s signal and to remain encamped until His sign for moving is given? T o cease from our journeyings “ as long as” God in His infinite wisdom would have us pause before Him, is to be living in obedience to Him. "Whether . . . or.” “ Whether it were two days, or a month, or a year . . . , the children o f Israel remained en­ camped, and journeyed not” (Num. 9 :22 ). The plan God had for their journey was not revealed in detail or in advance. The design was made plain but a bit at a time. Not knowing whether the halt was for two days, or a month, or a year, still they journeyed not until the cloud was lifted. "When . . . then.” “ And when the cloud tarried . . . , then the children o f Israel. . , journeyed not” (Num. 9 :19 ). The sequence o f events is strikingly suggested here. When something happened, then something else resulted. When the cloud tarried, then they journeyed not. When the cloud arose, then they broke camp and followed. In either circumstance, no change of activity occurred until after Jehovah had given His command. The full blessing o f the presence o f God is the unique and unspeakably precious possession of His children who are in the place to which He has led. Whether His people be journeying at His command, or by His will at rest and in the place of worship, the eager responsiveness o f yielded hearts brings the abundant blessing of fellowship with the Lord Himself. Learning to Look Up "Our eyes . . . unto Jehovah our God” (Psa. 123:2 ). "Mine eyes are unto thee, 0 Jehovah the Lord” (Psa. 141:8). T h e psalmist, had learned to look up for his marching orders. In the first instance, he is expressing the thought not solely for himself, but also for others: “ Our eyes , . . unto Jehovah our God.” The company of God’s people should, as a group, constantly keep their gaze fixed upon'Him. In the attitude of dependence and obedience, they together look to Him for His direction. But the psalmist does not forget his personal, individual relationship to his God, for he says: “ Mine eyes are unto thee, O Jehovah the Lord.” In 2 Chronicles 2 0 :12, we have the story o f Jehoshaphat when he prayed for help against Moab and Ammon. Listen to his confession o f helpless­ ness, and likewise his acknowledgment o f the source from which his help may com e: ‘‘For we have no might against this great company that cometh against u s ; neither know we what to d o : but our eyes are upon thee.” When we keep our eyes upon Him, we need have no fear as to the conse­ quences. When our eyes are upon Him, then His eyes are upon us for our deliverance.

[The illness o f the President o f the Bible Institute, that has confined him to his home fo r some time, has been the cause o f deep regret on the part o f many friends. Ever since his coming to Los Angeles, Mr. Talbot has given un- stintingly o f his time, strength, and means to the Lord’s work here, declining to accept any salary from the Institute fo r the multiplied duties he has willingly performed as President. Although Mr. Talbot’s physical condition is reported to be unalarming, and it is believed that he will soon be able to return to his duties, he has been unable to prepare the material fo r this page. Nor has he been able to continue the announced radio broadcasts, or to assume pastoral leadership in the 'evangelistic meetings in the Church o f the Open Door, March 18 to April 1, in which Dr. P. W . Philpott and Arthur W . M cK ee are the evan­ gelist and song leader. I7n the emergency created by Mr. Talbot’s absence, the Dean o f the Institute, Dr. Elbert L. McCreery, has gra­ ciously consented to provide the devotional comments for the department, “Around the King’s Table,” and to assist, with Dr. John A . Hubbard and others, in the week-day radio broadcasts over KM P l 7\It will be a. disappointment, especially to friends living, aTa distance*frofn nos Angeles, to know that the plans fo r a national radio ministry in which Mr. Talbot’s voice might be heard each week over KF I, have necessarily been postponed indefinitely. It is hoped that these friends; with many others, will join in earnest prayer fo r the full recovery o f the health o f the President o f the Institute and fo r the extension o f the Institute’s gospel ministry .— E ditor .] Divine Marching Orders "A t the command o f Jehovah the children o f Israel journeyed, and at the command o f Jehovah they encamped” (Num. 9 :18 ). W h e n G od was leading the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt into the land of promise, He low His leadership. The cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night were the emblems of God’s presence and leader­ ship. May it not have been the Shekinah glory manifested in these appearances by day and by night ? Frequently, while living in the Sudan, I was reminded o f this symbol of God’s leadership. When the great prairie fires were burning over hundreds of acres o f ground, all that was visible to the eye by day was the great pillar o f smoke. The brightness o f the sun obscured the brightness o f the flame, so that only the smoke appeared. But at night, the picture was just the reverse. No smoke was seen, but the pillar o f flame appeared in brilliant illumination o f the region, How very similar to the experience of the Christian ! Though the appearance o f the manifestation o f the Lord may differ by day or by night, still His leadership is assured. "Sometimes . . . a few days; sometimes . . . from even­ ing until morning” (Num. 9 :20 ,2 1 ). When the children o f Israel encamped in obedience to the signal from God, they did not know how long they were

gave very specific directions in order that they might fol­


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1934

WhenQodLeavesus ALONE By ROY L. LAURIN* San Gabriel, "California

"[And, the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man ” (Gen. 6 :3 ). A pointed story went the rounds o f interest a few years ago. It was the tale o f a farmer who was out in his field looking over a very promising crop o f grain. A neighbor came by and, joining him, said, “ What a fine crop o f grain you have, neighbor/’ “ Yes,” replied the farmer, “ if God Almighty will only leave it alone, it will be a mighty fine crop.” As the story goes, the crop immediately stopped grow­ ing, for God left it alone according to the desire o f the foolish farmer. O f course, the story as an actual fact is unlikely; yet its underlying principle is true. The incident is possible, but not probable. Such a report might be true, if God were to take immediate account of instances o f defiance o f His great name. But there is value in this story. It opens the door upon a great company o f people who, in their attitude, are like this foolish farmer. They want God to leave human affairs alone. They want all marks of divine providence and divine government removed. They want all visible and invisible expressions o f God’s presence withdrawn. In their spirit, how similar they are to the foolish farmer! They think that if God will only leave us alone, we shall be able to raise a fine crop o f human beings. W e have atheists who

toward the West when he said, “ Go west, young man, go west.” Among many anecdotes told concerning the famous editor is this one: “ An acquaintance met Greeley one day, and said : ‘Mr. Greeley, I have stopped your paper.’ ■ “ ‘Have you?’ said the editor. ‘That’s too bad.’ . And he went his way. The next morning, Mr. Greeley met the man again and said, ‘I thought you had stopped the Tribune.’ “ ‘ So I d id / “ ‘Then there must be some mistake,’ said Mr. Greeley, ‘ for I just came from the office, and the presses were run­ ning, the clerks were as busy as ever, the compositors were hard at work, and the business was going on the same as yesterday and the day before.’ “ .‘Oh,’ ejaculated the man, ‘I didn’t mean I had stopped the paper. I had stopped my copy o f it, because I didn’t like your editorials.’ “ ‘Oh, is that all ? It wasn’t worth taking up my time to tell me such a trifle as that.’ ” This story reminds us that a good many people suppose that they are indispensable to God. They suppose that their objections to God’s management of the universe are going to change His policies. Yet each o f their objections is as unreasonable as that o f the foolish farmer. Man can­ not interfere with God’s method o f dealing with the uni­ verse; neither could he exist if God were to t leave him alone.

Do we ever stop to think o f what would be the consequences if God chose to leave us alone ? The desolation of such a divine withdrawal— with its attendant vacancy, destruction, and ar­ rested progress—would be beyond comprehen­ sion. The answer is startlingly simple: W e should perish. W e S hould P erish P hysically Our daily physical ex­

a re militantly organized and engaged in a campaign o f godlessness. But these aggressive unbelievers are by no means the only indi­ viduals who are asking to be left alone. In every community there are men and women, respected cit­ izens, who, through their negative, indifferent lives, are saying to G od : “ I want to be left alone.” These|;| in cold unconcern, applaud the church, but rarely at­ tend it. They agree with Christianity, but n e v e r

istence depends upon the active presence and par­ ticipation o f God in the a f­ fairs o f life. God is not dead. His hands are not idly resting upon a golden throne in the heavens beyond the stars. His control o f the ordered events o f our universe, through an elaborate sys­ tem o f natural law, is as if the very hand o f God sus­

support it. They may know the gospel, but never accept it. And this negative attitude is just another way, a refined and respectable way, o f saying: “ Yes, if God Almighty will only leave it alone, it will be a fine crop.” But the management o f the universe cannot be determined by either man’s active opposition to God or by his passive desire to be left to his own contrivances. The shallow objections offered by man in his ignorance merely reveal his limited understanding in contrast to the wider purposes of God. One o f the quaintest figures o f American life was Horace Greeley. It was he who set the face o f the East

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tained the restless moving o f every sea, the ceaseless blow­ ing o f every wind, the careless growing o f every blade o f grass, and the measured breathing o f every babe. It is by God in Christ that “ all things consist,” and that “ all things” are upheld, “ by the word o f his power.” . Suppose that God should choose to leave us alone by suspending the law o f gravitation. That act would mean

* Pastor, San Gabriel Union Church.

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


universal death, because the very moment that law was sus­ pended, every inhabitant o f the globe would fly off into space to an instant and certain death. A man could not be chained to the earth, so resistless would be the power that would hurl him from this planet. Gravitation is rather hard on the eggs that fall from our hands, but very neces­ sary for the folks who like to stay upon the earth. A recent report from the'Smithsonian Institution tells o f the startling discovery o f how close we live to instant destruction, because o f our dependence upon a proper bal­

if divine authority were removed, the nature o f man is so inherently corrupt that every law in our courts would collapse; every protective standard would disappear; every trace o f moral decency would vanish; and we should be plunged into a moral desolation. W e S hould P erish S piritually W e have not sounded the depth o f our desolation until we have seen what loss this world would sustain spiritually if God chose to leave us alone. There would he

ance in the ozonic la y e r s n ea r t h e stratosphere. In the upper rea ch e s o f this stratosphere is a wall o f ozone gas w h ich is sp read through a consider­ able space. I f com­ pressed for meas­ urement, th is gas would be found to be only one-eighth o f an inch thick. The report states : “ I t is astonishing and even terrifying to contemplate the narrow margin o f safety on which our lives thus depend. Were this trifling quantity o f atmos­ pheric o z o n e r e ­ moved, we should all perish. I f it were ten tim e s greater, we could not live. Rickets would pre­ vail universally.” If man is to continue to live, God cannot leave him alone. W e S hould P er ­ ish M orally We are at pres­ ent in the grip o f a

no ch u r ch ... God would be compelled to remove His Holy S p ir it fr om th e ch u r ch , and this withdrawal w ou ld automatically d is ­ franchise the spir­ itu a lity o f t h e church and render it only an ecclesiasti­ cal institution with­ out divine signifi­ cance. ; In th is event; there would not be the voice o f right­ eousness pounding into the ears o f a w a yw a rd world", nor prophets seeing the future as God sees it and warning a careless age; nor comfort in hours of g r ie f; nor encour- : agement in days of d e p r e s s i o n ; nor hymns to nourish our faith; nor any o f the only food which satisfies the human soul. But this picture o f spiritual desola­ tion is more than an . imagination. The

“T his I s M y F ather ’ s W orld ”

violent wave o f crime. Why are we in constant terror o f the criminal ? The answer is that evil lies at the bottom o f human nature. And when the world has less o f God, it has more o f crime. When the world-forsakes its churches, it fills its prisons and hospitals and asylums. When the world closes its Bibles, it opèns a record o f crime and sor­ row which is appalling. What we know as civilization is a veneer. It is doubt­ ful whether civilization has actually arrived. The Prince o f Wales when asked, “ What is your idea o f civilization ?” replied, “ It is a good idèa. Somebody ought to start it.” The moral nature o f the universal man is a base disposition which is held in leash by the customs, standards, and laws o f society. It invariably results that when these restraints are ignored, man reverts to his original nature. Where do we get such standards as these ? Some may say that their source is tradition, social science, and experi­ ence, But every high standard which governs life, so as to insure decency and safety, comes from God’s laws, chiefly through the Ten Commandments. -These com­ mandments form the basis o f our social, moral, and civil life. I f God should leave us alone, He would necessarily withdraw His authority from these commandments. And

time is coming when this conception will be an actual fact,- The time is coming when the restraining influence o f the Holy Spirit will be removed at the up-gathering o f the church, and men and evil will be left to an unhindered oper­ ation o f passion and iniquity. There would be no altar o f prayer. God must close His ear to every prayer if He leaves us alone. And in this ' case the world would become a universal wailing wall at which we should pound our heads and implore a heedless heaven to hear our cry. Where would' the sinner go with his sin, and the suf­ ferer go with his pain, and the sorrowing go with their grief, if God were to leave us alone? There would be no Bible. God must remove His author­ ity from the Bible if He should leave us alone. This Book is God’s voice among us— His own message committed to. print. What a desolation a Bible-less world would b e ! How could we comfort the dying without the Twenty-third Psalm or the fourteenth chapter o f John ? How could we bury the dead without the eleventh chapter o f John or the fifteenth chapter o f First Corinthians or the fourth chapter o f First Thessalonians ? How could we meet the sinner [Continued on page 142]

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


“ BRING ME THE BOOK B y NORMAN B ^ A R R I S O N * Minneapolis, 'Minnesota


l o o e o o r 0 0 V s m » -

i i u T f t - o u u c - n o 'A J T he words o f Sir Walter Scott, “ Bring me the Book,” forever immortalizing the Bible amid the fast-multi­ plying productions o f human thought, are a call to us to re-evaluate “ the Book” for our own thinking and living. And this appraisal is the more needful in a day of repeated disparagement o f the worth o f the Bible as an authorita­ tive guide book, and in a day o f evident turning to con­ temporary literature as o f equal, if not o f superior, value “ for men who think.” O f course, this latter tendency is the logical attitude when once the evolutionary theory is applied to Scripture. By this theory, we now know (so we are told) that every idea o f the Bible sprang from rude and primitive notions;

“ In the Church itself” ; and it proceeds to erect a hierarchy to demonstrate and enforce its claims. But corruption and error render untenable the doctrine o f papal infalli­ bility. The church’s voice has ever been a human and fallible interpreter o f Christ. ¡The Protestant Church has always insisted that the seat o f authority is the sacred Scriptures. In keeping with this position, her ministers take their ordination vow in words to this effect: “ I believe the Scriptures o f the Old and New Testaments to be the Word o f God, the only infallible rule o f faith and practice.” The evangelical church o f Christ is thus committed to submission to the authority o f the Scriptures in matters o f belief, conscience, and condu ct//-,«? / / oy / r* ¡The third position is that

that we must have progressed far beyond it; that much of its teachings we have entirely outgrown; and that the only procedure left to us is to take from it what remains of value for our day and needs, discarding the remainder. Yet how strikingly all this theorizing fails to tally with the present-day facts! With the few, the head may esti­ mate the Bible thus; but with the many, the heart hungers for it still. This Book re­ mains by all odds the “ best seller.” It has no competitor. It is ' now read in 966 lan­ guages and dialects. T o meet the demand for its circulation, some thirty societies put out 36,500,000 copies in one year. The production rate o f one o f these publishing houses was more than 2,000 every hour. The Bible was the first Book to be printed, and it has reached an estimated output o f 882,000,000 copies in these

TWO STATESMEN AND THE BIBLE All the good, from the Saviour o f the world is communicated th rou gh this B ook; but for this Book we could not know right from wrong. All the things desirable to man are contained in it. —A braham L incoln .

o f the so-called modernist in the church, corresponding to the rationalist o u ts id e the church. His position is that o f reason sitting in judgment upon revelation. Rejecting - the integrity and authority of the Scriptures, declaring that they contain the W ord o f God rather than are the W ord of God, he is under necessity o f deciding for himself what portion o f the Bible is of authority to him. This view, in its practical effect, means that the human reason is en­ throned as the source o f authority. But whose reason decides ? With so many shades and shiftings o f thought, it becomes evident that in fol­ lowing this theory, one is helplessly adrift with no hope o f finality?? / - f i ^ l f* On. Were this last position to prevail in the church, she

Who doubts that, tim es without number, particular portions o f the S c r ip tu r e s

find their way to the human soul as if they were embassies from on high, each with its own commission o f comfort, of guidance, or o f warning? What crisis, what trouble, what perplexity o f life, has failed, or can fail, to draw from this inexhaustible treasure-house its proper supply? What pro- fession, what position, is not daily andhourly' enriched by these words which repetition never weakens, which carry with them now, as in the days o f their first utterance, the fresh­ ness o f youth and immortality ?—W illiam E. G ladstone .

would be writing her own death warrant. Whenever, faith­ less, she forfeits her authority, then she also forfeits her following. In utter necessity, then, we turn anew to the Scriptures; and, thank God, faith and reason combine to declare that these sacred writings were meant to be, and still are, our God-inspired source o f authority. W hat the B ible I s Seven words in Hebrews 4 :12 give us the Bible’s own estimate o f itself: “ The word of God is quick [living] and powerful.” “ The word o f God.” Whatever men may say about the Bible, the Record itself carries the claim o f divine authority. Some-2,600 times in the Old Testament, with varying expression, and some 525 times in the New Testa­ ment, the Bible calls itself the,Word o f God. O f course, this repeated assertion is either, the truth, or else it is the most deliberate, oft-repeated deception.

centuries o f distribution.

There must indeed be something of vital worth about this world-sought Book. What a grim disappointment this popularity would be to Voltaire, who predicted that the Bible would be obsolete in a hundred years! Well may we meditate upon the secrets o f the Bible’s pull upon the human heart. As we do so, let every one make an honest check of his own personal attitude, as reflected in the use or disuse of the Book, the reverence or disrespect for its intrinsic worth, as shown in his daily habits. T he S eat of A uthority Authority there must be, if the Christian faith is to make good its claims. Authority there must be, if that faith is to satisfy and unify its followers. Authority there must be, if Christianity is even to survive against a rising tide o f unbelief. But where shall that authority be found ? There are three answers. The Catholic Church says, * Pastor, Oliver Presbyterian Church.

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


But this, the Bible’s self-styled description, is its self- consciousness, that which it knows itself to be. If, then, the Bible is an honest Book (and who but a fool would charge it with being otherwise?) ; if it be a knowing Book —and confessedly it voices the highest knowledge in the ken o f man, what it knows itself to be—what it persistently calls itself— is the very strongest evidence o f what it really is. Moreover, the Bible cannot be explained on any other supposition (aside from the deception and duplicity with which such supposition must charge it). For example, its conception o f God cannot be accounted for on any other basis. Nowhere apart from the Bible have we a concep­ tion o f God as a personal, spiritual Being, infinite, eternal, ' unchangeable, all-wise, all-powerful, all-present. The most cultured people, the Greeks, pictured Him as merely a

ample, the walls o f the city o f Pithom, built in the days o f Israel’s oppression, tell the same story o f bricks without straw as is found in Exodus. O f the thousands o f histori­ cal allusions, not one inaccuracy has been proved. Still again, its symmetry is an outstanding quality. Legislation, lived out in history, poetry, prophecy, grouped in a past, present, and future, constitutes the Old Testa­ ment. The Gospels, with the Great Law-Giver o f whom Moses was a type, lived out in history (the A cts), Epistles o f present-day application, the Revelation— these, too, grouped in a past, present, and future— constitute the New Testament. Structurally, the two are exactly correspon­ dent. Again, comparing the opening and closing scenes, we find the problem— sin’s marring o f the first heaven and earth— answered by the glories, the beauties, o f the new

deified Man. Where did the Bible get its conception o f God, and that from the earliest times? Grant that the Bible is God’s self-rev­ elation, and we have the explanation. Again, its estimate of man is unique. Its startling insight into human nature, its courageous condemna­ tion o f it— these have no parallel in literature. The Bible’s uniform omission o f fulsome, praise, and its persistent faithfulness in depicting flaws and fail­ ures, constitute such a treatment o f its finest he­ roes as can nowhere be duplicated. Such recogni­ tion o f weakness is not man’s way o f doing. Some One higher than man has spoken— and has declared the truth. Still again, its lofty . ideals o f life prove its divine source. These ideals, the highest known to man even today, the Bible does not grope after, but holds from the beginning. Its laws are the basis o f the

heaven and the new earth. The latter picture is the -goa l toward which the whole story, from its in­ ception, moves. The Word o f God is powerful. What power is inherent in and exerted by the S c r ip tu r e s , saving, guiding, upholding, trans­ forming, . ennobling, en- heartening! Only the spir­ itual biographies o f all the centuries could tell this story. It is in this attitude that we reach the transition from what the Bible is to what the Bible does. Before we pass to this theme, however, let us meditate upon the great­ ness and grandeur o f the Bible in the praiseworthy ascription o f an unknown pen: This B o o k con­ f the way of salvation, the doom o f sinners,- and the happiness o f ‘ tains the mind of God, the state o f man,

T he C overdale B ible Persecution, even martyrdom, was the price which some o f the early English translators paid to give the Word o f God to the peo­ ple in their own tongue. In A.D. 1535, the very year o f the impris­ onment of' William Tyndale—translator o f the first complete English edition o f the New Testament—Miles Coverdale brought forth his translation of. the whole Bible— the first printed English Bible. A translation from the German and Latin, Coverdale’s work was so forceful in its use o f English idiom that though not a trans­ lation from the original languages, it has influenced subsequent versions. In the pages shown here, the woodcut■ of the plan o f the tabernacle is an additional example o f Coverdale’s effort to bring the Bible within the understanding o f the common people.

believers. Its d o c ­ trines are holy, its precepts aré binding, its histories are true,

world’s best jurisprudence. That man, in his truest think­ ing and noblest living, cannot surpass or outgrow these ideals o f life, cannot be explained upon a naturalistic basis. In these respects, not to mention its predictive features and many others, “ the Bible is such a Book as man could not have written if he would, and would not have written if he could.” The Word o f God is living. It not only possesses and imparts life, but it is itself an organism, with qualities in keeping. Consider, for example, its unity. The unity o f thought, expressed by some forty writers, covering a period o f nearly 1,600 years, with no opportunity for consultation, collaboration, or collusion, is wholly inexplicable upon human grounds. The unity o f purp'ose, increasingly defi­ nite as God’s plan unfolds, is equally amazing. Again, its integrity is a living reality. Its teachings are not abstractions, but are framed in and interwoyen with his­ tory. They are given the background o f human life, action, and enterprise. Not only are the teachings true, but the history' is équally true. Bible lands, explored with the spade, have yielded up surprising evidence. For ex­

and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the sol­ dier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates o f hell dis­ closed. Christ is its grand object, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine o f wealth, a paradise of • glory, and a river o f pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened in judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the great­ est labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents. W hat the B ible D oes In the realm o f nature, the evidence o f design is one o f the strongest proofs o f the mind and hand o f God. This element o f design is equally present in Scripture and argues unmistakably for its inspiration. Just as man de­ signs a plow to meet his needs in tilling the soil, or a tele­ phone for the communication o f speech, so God has de­ signed His Word for the doing o f His work, to the accom-

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


a state o f protracted babyhood, undeveloped, unable to re­ ceive the “ meat”— the deeper truth the Lord’s servant has for them. It is the duty o f every believer to give the Bible full opportunity to nourish and upbuild his spiritual nature. I t is light, to give guidance (Psa. 119:105). The psalmist referred to the Word as “ a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The world about is dark. God wants to guide His people through it. Archaeology has found a lamp fitted to the ankle,, the light showing just where the next step is to be taken. So must God’s Word be to His people. It is gold, to enrich (Psa. 19:10). The Bible is a gold mine. But God, in His wisdom, has not put gold on the surface; it is stored away in the earth where men need to hunt for it. So it is with the riches o f His W o rd ; those who dig for the gold will find it and be immeasurably en­ riched thereby. It is a mirror (2 Cor. 3:18, R .V .). In it man sees a faithful reflection o f himself, for his correction and re­ proof (JaSi 1:23-25). But this vision o f self merely creates in man a desire to see God. And the Bible is also a faithful, reliable mirror of Him. Seeing Him, His beauty and glory, “ we . . . are transformed into the same image from glory to glory.” The instrument designed to work this marvel in our lives is in our hands every day; when­ ever we will we may turn to it and let it carry on its trans­ forming, glorifying work. It is a critic (Heb. 4 :12 ). The Greek implies “ a critic o f the thoughts and intents o f the heart.” Men have re­ versed the divine order. Our being critics o f the Bible is not God’s way; God designed the Bible to be a critic o f us. As we submit our hearts to its searchings, the W ord effects a dislodgment o f all that hinders— the pride, selfishness, impurity, unkindness— and full room is made for the Lord’s peace, joy, love, patience. The secret of the Christian life is in letting God, through His Word, have His way. So may it be. vailing prayer and intercession as can come only with a real love for God and for souls. But we are to cast these burdens also on the Lord, for we read: “ Casting all your care upon him.” “ Be careful [full o f care] for nothing” includes even that burden, does it not ? Prayer should be followed by committing the matter to Him, and we do not commit when we continue to carry the load. “ Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.” There is a vast difference between lightness o f heart and lightness o f character. In meditating upon the numerous exhortations to rejoice, remember that it is not merely your own experience that is involved;but also that it is the joyous Christian that makes other people hungry for God. When your cup is running over with the joy o f the Lord, others will be blessed by the overflow. A singing heart is one o f the evidences o f being filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5 :19 ). The psalmist says: “ God hath anointed thee with the oil o f gladness” (Psa. 4 5 :7 ). In another psalm, we read o f oil to make the face shine (Psa. 104:15). If the Holy Spirit, typified by oil, is filling our lives, the joy o f the Lord will shine forth, revealing His presence. Christ’s work is to bring us to heaven, but the work o f the Holy Spirit is to bring heaven to us. now. Questions for answer in this corner should b e se n t to M iss SGott, 896 1 D ic k s Street,W. Hollywood, California. No name will be p u b lis h e d . E.. S c o t t -, ■ ■

plishing o f His purposes with men. This design is ex­ pressed by well-known symbols. It is a, hammer, to break in pieces (Jer. 2 3 :29). “ Is not my word . . . like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces ?” The heart o f man, how hard it is, under the in­ fluence o f sin, Satan, and the w orld ! The only remedy Is to break that heart, and the Bible is designed to deliver sledge-hammer blows to accomplish this needed crushing. It is a fire, to melt (Jer. 2 3 :29). “ Is not my word like as a fire?” This is no more comfortable a process than the former, but by it the dross is removed and the Refiner (Mai. 3:2, 3) can take for His use the purified metal Were we faithful in allowing His Word to do this refining work, we might be spared the necessity for many a provi­ dential furnace o f affliction. I t is a sword, to pierce (Eph. 6:17 ;T Ieb. 4 :12 ). The Word o f God is “ the sword o f the Spirit” ; “ sharper than any two-edged sword.” It has power to penetrate the hid­ den recesses o f the heart, discerning its inmost intents, laying bare the sin o f which we were scarcely conscious. In this function it possesses a skill that has often amazed, startled, and shamed us. It is water, to cleanse (John 15:3 ; Eph. 5 :26). “ Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it; That'he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.” The primary work o f cleansing is regeneration (Tit. 3 :5 ), washing away the corruption o f our deadness in sin. Then follows that daily, continual renewing and cleansing by His Word in the believer’s life. It is, seed, to produce new life (1 Pet. 1 :23). By this seed, vitalized with the life o f God, dropped into the heart and there taking root, we are “ born again.” T o do this work, the' seed must be “ implanted” (Jas, 1 :21, R .V .). Then its “ living” quality becomes ours. It is food, to sustain and develop life (1 Cor. 3 :2 ). The apostle’s complaint is that God’s people have esteemed the food for their spiritual natures so lightly that they are in Dear Miss Scott.: Recently, some one accused me o f not being a happy Christian, and it set me to thinking and analyzing myself a bit. I know I am happy in the Lord and do not believe I carry my own burdens or worry over them unduly, but I cannot, see how we can help feeling burdened'when we see so much sin, sorrow, and suffering about us. I suppose I come to feel more crushed by it all than I should. But Paul wanted to have a share in Christ’s suffering, and Christ grieved over a sinful world. Is it not natural that those who love the Lord should feel this sorrow, too? Is not the danger rather one o f lightness on the part o f God’s people? I know Christ said much about rejoicing, and I feel that somehow I am failing Him, but I am not sure where or how I am at fault. Can you help me ?—M. M y dear M .: —Yes, God’s Word does say much about rejoicing. It tells u s : “ The joy o f the Lord is your strength.” Why should you cast your own burdens on the Lord, and yet carry the weight o f other loads until they crush you? O f course, we are to have the privilege o f the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings; and; as a result, we shall have a real burden for lost souls and such a ministry o f effectual, pre­ n C o n d u c t e d b y . •-



M y r t l e

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The^Mastership of CHRIST Christ as Master in the Realm of Christian Service*

C M it i t - r u t

s e & M C b

B y W ILLIAM EVANS Los Angeles, California

“Master, . . . let us make three tabernacles” (Lk. 9:33). ' “Master,. . . at thy word we will let down the n ef’ (Lk. S:5). I n the preceding articles, we have considered the “ Mas­ tership o f Christ” as it related itself to the head —the brain and thinking, and to the heart — the affections and loves o f the Christian; now we take up that mastership as related to the hands and feet — the service and activity o f the Christian, and thus complete the cycle o f the entire 1mastery o f Christ in the life o f His disciples. When we remember that a predominant characteristic o f our day is pragmatism — that which lays stress on the practical consequences o f belief, and demands proof of

they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude o f fishes” (Lk. 5 :5, 6 ). What a lesson! Without the Master — fruitless toil; with Him— productive labor! Why do we not learn this lesson? M eaning of “ M astery ”, The claim o f Christ to mastery in connection with our service is indicated and illustrated in the words used to describe this unique mastership: First, there is the Greek word epistates, which means a superintendent, an overseer, and is always used in the sense of having the right to command both life and service. It

.belief: in action—we can readily under­ stand how important it is that Christ be Master in the -realm o f Christian service and activity. He must be not only Head o f the church’s life ; He must be Leader also in all her activity and service: “ There are differences o f administrations, but the same Lord” (1 Cor. 12:5 ). T he S aviour I s C ommander He who makes whole is the one to command what shall be done with that perfected life: “ He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk” (John 5 :11 ). He who saved me has the right to command me. This is (logical. Just as the head o f the human body controls the activities o f that body, so Christ, being the Head o f His body which is the church, has a right to control the actions o f that body. “ For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members o f that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ” (not the church, mark you, but Christ: 1 Cor. 12 :12). The unity o f control o f the body, the church, lies in its Head, the Christ. And this is a point o f information the church cannot afford for one moment to overlook. “ Without me [severed from me] ye can do nothing” (John 15 :5 ). As there can be no true life without the Head,

was used by Greek youths in addressing their trainers in the gymnasium, who watched over their training. In a some-; what similar sense, the disciples o f Christ are learners in the gymnasium o f life, and they need Christ as Overseer. This word is used in Luke 5 :5 : “ Master, . . . never­ theless, at thy word I will let down the net” ; in 9 :33: “ Master, . . . . let us make three tabernacles” ; and in 9 :49, 50: “ Mas­ ter, we saw one casting out devils . : . and we forbade him . . . Jesus said . . . Forbid him not.” The second Greek word used to de­ note Christ’s mastership in the service of the Christian and the church is kathegetes. Its use and meaning may be seen in Matthew 23:8-11, in which Jesus is rep­ resented as the Leader and Guide o f His disciples. This is the only place in the New Testament in which this Greek word is used. And who, better than He, could be the ideal Master for the Christian in his service, seeing that He Himself had been the ideal Servant o f Jehovah, per­ fectly doing service to Him? “ Behold my servant, . . . in whom my soul de- lighteth” (Isa. 42 :1 ). C hrist ’ s W ords F inal It should be admitted then, conceding Christ’s mastership in this relation, that

neither can there be any effective service without the Mas­ ter. Motion there may be, as in the case o f a headless chicken, but it is erratic, uncontrolled, ineffective, and soon ceases. The branch severed from the vine soon withers and is fit only to be cast info the fire. I neffective C hurches Not so long ago, government statistics concerning the churches declared that about 7,500 churches had not re­ ported one accession to the church on “ confession o f faith.” That report means that more than 700,000 sermons were preached and not one soul was saved and added to the church on “ confession o f faith.” “ Master, we have toiled all the night [one whole year], and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. And when *Third o f a series.

the principles which He taught, and illustrated by His life, concerning the nature and extent o f true service to God, should, when rightly interpreted, be the final word for us today in, our labors and service for Christ and His king­ dom and church. And in this connection we should note that both words and works went together in the case o f Jesus Christ; they were not divorced one from the other in His life and ser­ vice for the Father. Christ’s principles controlled His ser­ vice as authoritatively as they controlled His life. Thus, if Christ’s words are found necessary to our spirit and life (John 6 :63 ), they are also essential to our activity— “ For without me ye can do nothing.” iT rue I nterpretation Care, o f course, must be exercised as to the meaning we give-to Christ’s teaching regarding our activity and

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