King's Business - 1934-04

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


love; and, at this hour, millions o f men would die for Him.”—P ickering . When Children Sang to Jesus M atthew 21:1-11 Memory V erse : “With my song will I praisè him” (Psa. 28:7). Approach : The time had come now for Jesus to go to Jerusalem. He knew that after He should reach Jerusalem His

the blind and the lame who came to Him in the temple. These poor sufferers were ready to receive physical benefit from His hands, and He was ready to bestow the needed blessings. But the recipients of divine benefaction were not ready to bow before the Lord in humble acceptance of Him as the Messiah. Likewise today, peo­ ple will not give to Him the obedience which He demands simply because He is the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ not only claimed to be Lord in that day and in that city, but He makes the same claim today in every city. The history of the past two thousand years provides sufficient proof that His claims are true. But there still exist two classes of people who hear Christ’s word—those who listen to His claims and deny them, and those who hear His words and believe them. Those who tielieve are the saved people, yielding their allegiance to the Lord Himself. Those who reject are the lost ones who yield their allegiance to Satan. Points and Problems This lesson is remarkable for the num­ ber o f fulfilled Old Testament prophecies which it records. I f we take the entire section of verses 1 to 17, no less than seven clear fulfillments, in whole or in part, may be found. 1. A prophecy in Zechariah 9 :9 de­ clared that the King o f Israel would pre­ sent Himself “lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass” (vs. M i . . I 2. A prophecy in Psalm 118:26 described the Messiah as the Blessed One who “cometh in the name o f the Lord” (v. 9). 3. A prophecy in Isaiah 56:7, in con­ nection with predictions that God will gather together both Gentile and Jew in His kingdom, declared that His house “shall be called an house of prayer for all people” (v. 13). To this end our Lord casts out the buyers and sellers. 4. A prophecy in Jeremiah 7 :11, which our Lord evidently referred to in cleans­ ing the temple, reads: “ Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den o f robbers in your eyes? Behold I, even I have seen it, saith the Lord” (v. 13). While the passage undoubtedly had an application to the immediate situation in Isaiah’s day, it also pointed to the future situation which our Lord found. 5. A prophecy in Isaiah 35 :4-6 pictured the great physical blessings o f the king­ dom, when “the eyes of the blind shall be opened” and “the lame man leap as an hart” (v. 14). 6. A prophecy in Psalm 8 :2 declared that, because o f His enemies, God would bring forth testimony to His Messiah from the “motith o f babes and sucklings” (vs. 15, 16). 7. But the great prophecy fulfilled in this lesson was the remarkable prediction in Daniel 9:25. On March 14, 445 B. C., Nehemiah received his commission to re­ build Jerusalem (Neh. 2:1-8). And ex­ actly sixty-nine sevens of prophetic years afterward, or 173,880 days, our Lord rode up to Jerusalem and offered Himself as “Messiah the Prince.” It was on Palm Sunday. (See The Coming Prince by An­ derson, for the chronology.) Golden Text Illustration In the Anthology o f Jesus, by Sir James Marchant, these are given as the correct words of Napoleon: “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded em­ pires. But on what did we rest the crea­ tion of our genius? Upon force! Jesus Christ alone founded His empire upon

BibleStudents Try This Simple Bible Test Yourself— Now! Can you name in order, each of the great Biblical Dispensations ? Can you give God’s eight covenants with man, and refer to the texts describing them? Can you find in the Bible all the types and prophecies, foretelling the First Com­ ing of our Lord? Can you find all the types and prophecies foretelling His Second Coming? W e suggest that you make a list of your immediate answers to these impor­ tant questions, and if you are hazy on all —or most o f them, then we consider it proved that you need J A M I S O N ’ S CHRONOLOGICAL PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. Let us try to visualize this wonderful Bible Chart for you : In the- upper left hand corner, the heavens, in deep blue and gold, are depicted declaring “the glory o f God” as at crea­ tion’s dawn. Below shines the aureate city —the church o f Christ—“chosen before the foundation of the world.” Lurking near by, Satan, “the anointed cherub,” “ full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty” gazes down upon a reconstructed world. In long parallel bands o f subdued tints and colors, stretching across the chart, the great facts o f Scripture are one by one taught in their proper relations. Confirm­ atory texts plainly printed corroborate every statement. “ The Mystery of His Body the Church” stands next the crimsoned cross in the right center o f the diagram. The Millen­ nial Kingdom, rising from the midst o f a renewed Palestine, is shown at the right, while below detailed studies o f the History o f Israel, the Times of the Gentiles, the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, etc., are dis­ played. Every Bible student needs this chart. Every Bible teacher should be supplied with it. For, with such a chart, a Bible, and perhaps a few easily procured reference works, you will have provided an ideal classroom, in which more can be imparted to the young and active minds o f children than by hours o f reading or teaching with­ out visualisation. You Can Get a Jamison Chart Free! Just fill in the attached coupon and send it to us with your subscription to T he K ing ’ s B usiness , enclosing our regular an­ nual subscription price of $1.50, and we will send you the Jamison Chart printed on heavy linen map cloth 17 inches by 34 in­ ches, securely packed, postpaid. I f you have already subscribed for the coming year, send the additional subscrip­ tion to some friend, or direct us to add the additional 12 months to your own term— for subscription and chart will be mailed to separate addresses if desired. But don’t delay—act today. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street. Los Angeles, Calif. You may send by mail prepaid, J amison ' s N ew C hronological P anorama of the B ible as ad­ vertised, with T he K ing ' s B usiness for one year, beginning^ with the_____________issue, for which I am enclosing $1.50. Name.------- .......— .....---------------- -— ---------------. Street or R.F.D.—....... ---- .........--------— --------- Post Office and State.----------------------------------------

enemies would cap­ ture Him and put Him to death. But He knew, too, that this was part of God’s plan for Him, and so He went. On the way to J eru sa lem , Jesus wanted thè people to know that He was truly their King and the Son o f G od .

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Later in that same week, when they would see Him captured and crucified, it would be easy for them to forget that He was their all-powerful God. As He went into the city, He gave them something which would help them to remember that He was their King. Lesson Story : Jesus sent two o f His disciples to bring Him a donkey. In those days, kings often rode on donkeys, and Jesus was going to enter Jerusalem as a king should. His followers began to form a proces­ sion as they went along with Him. They threw down their outer garments, that they might form a road for Him. They gath­ ered branches from the palm trees to wave as they sang: “ Hosanna to the Son of David : Blessed is he that cometh in the name o f the Lord; Hosanna in the high­ est.” The little children ran ahead and sang. Pilgrims coming to the feast day at Jerusalem joined in the procession until multitudes were following Jesus. When the long parade reached Jerusa­ lem, every one asked, “Who is this?” For it was. as if a king had come. '“This is Jesus the prophet o f Nazareth of Galilee,” some of the people answered. How often His disciples must have re­ membered this great day ! When they were feeling sad because Jesus had left them, they could remember how once He had ridden before them as King. They could remember, too, His promise that He would come again to rule over them. Object Lesson T he D onkey T hat N ever H ad to be T amed Objects: A little donkey cut out o f cardboard, covered with brown paper, and a red cross cut from cardboard. Lesson : In our study o f the lesson about Christ’s entering Jerusalem, we often for­ get something very important. W e may be so busy thinking of the people who sang songs of praise and spread their garments before the Lord, that we forget the little donkey that carried Him into the city. Here is a picture o f him. More is told us about the donkey than about the people who sang. He was more like boys and girls than we at first realize. You know that in the Old Testament cer­ tain animals were called unclean and could not be eaten. Donkeys were among these kinds of animals that were called “un­ clean.” In Exodus 13:13 we are told that the firstborn donkey must be redeemed with a lamb, or the donkey’s neck must be broken. This substitution of a lamb was a picture of what must be done for human beings who are “unclean.” Just as the lamb had to take the place of the donkey,

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