King's Business - 1934-04

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


IV. O ld N ames and N ew

It was a cynic who said, “ If I had two daughters today, I should not give them the fine old names of Prudence and Pa­ tience; I’d call them Extravagance 'and Hysteria.” How far was he right? —A nderson . MAY 27, 1934 The Everyday Use and Abuse of Money L uke 19:12,13,16,17; 1 T isiothy 6 :10 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“Make Me a Channel o f Bless­ ing.” Hymn—“ Bring Ye All the Tithes.” Prayer. Scripture. Solo-^“Why Should He Love Me So?” Leader’s Message. The parable o f the nobleman and the tal­ ents—told in Luke 19:12-27—is a pivotal one in the teaching o f Jesus Christ. His disciples had already been arguing among themselves as to which would be greatest in His kingdom, for they were expecting that in a short time He would begin His reign upon earth. Knowing that this event was not to be the outcome of His entrance into Jerusalem, He told them this parable. The kingdom o f God would be postponed on account of the rejection of Jesus Christ. And during the long interval before He should return to establish His kingdom, certain principles o f stewardship would ap­ ply to His servants. For us today, our Lord’s prophetic sketch stresses the nature and the great im­ portance of our stewardship. W e know from this parable that our Lord is in the glory. From other portions o f the Word, we know that in that “ far country” He is sitting on the right hand o f God inter­ ceding for us. But He is coming back again to set up His kingdom. And what does our Lord expect o f all His servants during His absence? One short sentence, “ Occupy till I come,” states His will. Our privileges, our talents, our gifts are given to us to use for Him. Any other life would not be worthy o f those who have been so enriched by their Master. Every Christian is a steward, and the manner in which his stewardship is discharged will be clearly revealed at the judgment seat o f Christ. A certain accounting and reckoning awaits all Christians. There is a day of judgment coming, when the Lord,' the righteous Judge, shall give to every one according to his'works. To the Christians who are true and obedient, this parable brings the as­ surance that reward is certain. Each faith­ ful one shall receive a reward proportioned to his diligence. One shall be placed “over five cities,” another “ over ten.” Often Christians who are discourgaed and unknown may feel that it does not pay to be faithful. But to such, the W ord of God is full o f hope: “ Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not.” When the Lord shall reward those who have fulfilled their trust, these shall find that they will receive-a hundredfold for everything they have done wholly for Christ. Lastly, and this is a solemnizing truth, all enemies of the absent Lord will be pun­ ished when He returns. Men will then dis­ cover that there is -such a thing as the wrath o f the Lamb. Peter’s words admon- Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Hymn— “I’ll Live for Him.” . Benediction—Jude 24, 25. Meditation on the Lesson

WH ICH DEPARTMENT IS MOST HELPFUL? The King’s Business would like to know which department in the magazine you use most, and why. If you care to write, a postal card addressed to the Editorial Depart­ ment, 558 South Hope Street, will be gratefully received.

S P E C I A L $)i/p/e 1 mêincdùm... O F F E R !

race may not be run by any who have not been regenerated. Then follows training in God’s school— . sometimes of affliction, adversity, suffer­ ing, for “whom the Lord loveth he chasten- eth.” The Christian athlete must obey the rules o f the- contest. Where are these rules? Every o n e /o f them is found in God’s Word. Thus we are brought to the last figure in our lesson—the student. “Study to show thyself approved unto God.” There can be no knowledge of God’s will without study o f His Word. But, as the Revised Version makes plain, it is more than study that is required, as the word “ study” is commonly used. What is signi­ fied is a diligence which manifests itself in a constant effort to please the Lord in the field of Christian workmanship: “ Give dil­ igence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth.” Leader’s Helps I. T he M an -U p T here A t a recruiting meeting in Trafalgar Square, an aged man with flowing beard climbed the plinth of the Nelson Column. Telling how he had served at sea, and now at seventy-seven still wanted to fight, he pointed to the statue o f Nelson and ex­ claimed, “There’s the man for me up there!” Each “good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2 :3) can point to the right hand o f the Majesty on high and declare, “There is the Man for me.”—P ickering . n . Two P aths Prescott relates in his history that Pizar- ro, in his earlier attempts to conquer Peru, found that his followers were about to de­ sert him. He drew his sword and traced with it a line from east to west. Then turn­ ing toward the south he said, “ Friends and comrades, on that side are toil, hunger, nakedness, the drenching storm, desertion, and death; on this side, ease and pleasure. There lies Peru-with all its riches; here Panama and its poverty. Choose each man, as becomes a brave Castilian. For my part, I go south.” So saying, he stepped across the line. One after another his comrades followed him, thus pledging themselves to brave whatever might come. Likewise, Jesus points out two paths, one a path of seeming pleasure and selfish grat­ ification that leads to final ruin; the other a path of hardship and self-denial, that leads- to life eternal.—S elected . III. 2 T imothy 2:15 Dr. W . M. Taylor of New York tells how his father, finding him in the early hours of the morning reading plays, ex­ claimed: “My man, if you are going to preach Christ’s gospel, you ^had better be doing something else at this time of the morning than reading a play actor’s book.” “ Study to show theyself approved unto God.”—S elected .

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