King's Business - 1934-04

April, 1934



_ M AY 7 The Ministry of Comfort “ Comfort one another with these words" (1 Thess. 4:18). The “words” (1 Thess. 4:18) that one is urged to speak relate to the coming o f the Lord Jesus Christ for His own. They constitute a message o f supreme comfort. — S elected . Comfort one another, For the way is growing dreary, The .feet are often weary, And the heart is sad. There is heavy burden-bearing, When it seems that none is caring, And we half forget that ever we were glad. Comfort one another, With the handclasp true and tender; And the sweetness love can render, And the looks of friendly eyes. Do not wait with grace unspoken, While life’s daily bread is broken, Gentle speech is oft like manna from the skies. —M argaret S angster . MAY 8 The Blessing of the Indwelling Spirit ' “ When the Comforter is come, . . . he shall testify o f me” (John 15:26). The primary task o f the blessed Spirit o f God is to bear witness o f Christ to the believer. . . . It must have seemed utter­ ly inexplicable to the disciples when Jesus said, “It is expedient for you that I go away” . .' . Their hearts would have de­ clared with bitterness that they could never gain by losing Him. . . . And as His disciples today are in just the same position as those early disciples were, we may take it that it is a definite advantage for us to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts, rather than to have the visible, physical presence o f the Lord with us. We may, indeed, long wistfully to see our Lord face to face. |. . . _But, for the present little while, it is a gain to be in the dispensation o f the Spirit. For until that dispensation came in, the disciples were never able to understand either the person or the work o f the Lord Jesus Christ. — J. R ussell H owden .

MAY 9 Connection with the Source of Power “Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). Neglect prayer, and you are like a build­ ing in which all the necessary wiring has been done, and the fittings are in place, and the switches are in order, but there is no light, no heat, and no power. Prayer is the connecting point with the source of power. The natural man with his sinful heart and proud nature revolts against prayer. He will find a thousand good excuses why he has not made prayer a daily habit, and why he has not an Olivet made sacred by his meeting with God in daily devotion. He will try to calm his own conscience by a thousand plausible reasons why he has not cultivated his own soul in a daily intercourse—very intimate and very sacred—with his beloved Saviour; but all the excuses and reasons in the world will not connect him with God’s power-house; but prayer will. —L ionel B. F letcher . The cross of Christ has completely changed the believer’s relation to sin. Christ’s death, which has separated the be­ liever from the consequences o f sin as a transgression, has also separated him from the authority o f sin as a master—it has set him free. . . . Freedom from sin’s rul­ ing power is the immediate privilege of every believer.! It is the essential condi­ tion or starting point of true service as well as o f real progress. Such service and growth are as possible for the young con­ vert as for the mature believer. Therefore freedom from sin’s dominion is a blessing we may claim by faith, just as we accept pardon. W e may claim it as that which Christ has purchased for us, obtained for our immediate acceptance. We may go forth as set free from sin, and as alive unto God in Jesus Christ our Lord. —E van H. H opkins . MAY 10 Freedom from Sin’s Ruling Power “Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom. 6:11).




"The Partiality of Jesus" WILL TELL YOU CAN you think o f anything more refresh­ ing than a friendly visit in the cool o f the day, with Jesus? He loves to have you talk things over with Him. Perhaps your con­ versation might drift to books. Had you ever thought o f Jesus as having a favorite book?_ Remember, He was human as well as divine, and o f course had His tastes as we have ours. PERHAPS He had a favorite time o f day. It might have been morning, with the dew fresh upon the ground, the stillness o f the early dawn descending in holy peace direct from heaven. It might have been noon, when the glorious sun shone its brightest, when a pause in the day’s occupation brought sweet fellowship over the lunch­ eon table. It might have been evening,— the lengthening shadows falling o’er the land, the sun growing less bright until a quiet rest should fall on Jesus and His friends, and He could talk with them about the happenings o f the day, and o f the home in heaven which would be theirs. THERE are passages o f Scripture which answer these and other interesting ques­ tions about our dearest Friend, bringing Him closer and making Him dearer than ever before. Mr. E. C. Comfort has studied this subject, and the result is a most de­ lightful book called “ THE PAR T IAL ITY OF JESUS.” But wait! The title itself suggests a question— “THE PART IAL ­ ITY OF JESUS.” To whom or what was He partial? The book will tell you. “THE PAR T IAL ITY OF JESUS” sells regularly for $1.35. However, through the courtesy of the author, we are able to o f­ fer it, free, with a year’s subscription to T he K ing ’ s B usiness at the regular sub- scription price—$1.50. W e have 100 copies of this book, and of course the first 100 in­ quirers will be the first served. IF you are already a subscriber to T he K ing ’ s B usiness , why not ask us to add 12 months to your subscription? W e will be eagerly watching the mails for your T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. □ You may send me T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e ss for one year. □ You may add 12 months to my subscription beginning with the................... issue, and send me free therewith, a copy of "THE PARTIAL­ ITY OF JESUS,” postpaid, to the address be­ low. Please find $1.50 enclosed, which pays for both. Name.............. .......... _________ ___ ....... ...... Address....... .......... ...__ ___ ........

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