King's Business - 1934-04

April, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



desire. But I question very much whether there is any need to pray that. I think what we should pray is rather this: “ Lord, make me usable.” You should pray that you may be made usable, because there is no: denying the fact that, although there are so many who profess to belong to the Lord, a large number of them are entirely unusable by God. My friends, are you among those whom God desires to use, yet cannot use? If so, may He grant that this hour may be a time of such adjustment to His will that you may go forth a usable man or woman.—W . H. A ldis . MAY 24 Sowing and Reaping “ Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal. 6:7). This is a truth which obtains in the spiritual realm as surely as in the physical order of things. We read it in the history of man. W e see it in nations. No one is exempt from the operation o f this law. Men speak of belief and unbelief. They confound the former with opinion which is not certain. W e realize that in the ordi­ nary events of life, the truth stands, a lie falls. The master tells the servant to say he is not at home; the servant in turn lies to his master when it suits his convenience. The merchant who encourages his clerks to be dishonest finds that they will be dis­ honest to him. So an evil business pro­ duces its own fruitage. —D. L. M oody . MAY 25 Because He Loved “ The Lord . . . set his love upon you, . . . because the Lord loved you" (Deut. 7 :7, 8). If I were to puzzle myself all my life to try and find out why God loved me, I should be able to give no other reason than because He is lov e; and by and by, in the glory, I shall be as unable to explain God’s love as I am now. “ God is love” ; there­ fore, He loves me. What a comfort this is to our hearts I By this we can slay that monster, Unbelief. If the temptation comes to you, “ I am unworthy, unfit for God” ; say, “It was because I am so un­ holy and unlovely that He loved me.” The love o f God outstrips the love o f man as far as eternity outstrips time. —H. W . S oltau . MAY 26 Only a Voice "The voice of one crying , . . Prepare ye” (Lk. 3:4 ). You are a Sunday-school teacher. For years you have been sowing the seed of the Word in the hearts of your scholars, quickening it with prayer, watering it with tears. You are not especially able or bril­ liant as a teacher. You think that the boys and girls will soon go out into the world, and you and all your words be for­ gotten. And so they do go out to begin life in earnest. The storms o f temptation arise ; the billows of passion surge over the soul ; darkness, sin, and eternal death are at hand. . . . The boy is about to be shipwrecked ! But suddenly, at the awful crisis, a voice from within breaks upon his startled conscience like thé warning cry from the fatal cliff, flashing some message from the Word of God into his memory. He hears—-hesitates—and turns back from the black abyss of sin. In the hour o f his deadliest peril, he has been saved by a yoice ! What though he does not remem­ ber it was a message that you gave him away back in his boyhood days ? What though he has forgotten you? . . . Hereby

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President Talbot's New Book given FREE with K I N G ' S B U S IN E S S S U B S C R I P T I O N

T HE King’s Business announces that it will mail postpaid to any address a copy of the above work— now on the press—-together ^with a year’s subscription to The King’s Business for $1.50. “ Objects that Talk and Teach” is a book of useful object lessons far children, and is the direct outcome of Mr. Talbot s experience as pastor. For some time past, 20 minutes of his morning service have been devoted to address­ ing an attentive Junior Church, composed or the children of the congregation, seated directly in front of the pulpit and quivering m joyful anticipation as such interesting objects as tanned elephant feet, bowls of gold fish, friendly looking dogs, old shoes, and what not are displayed. Under the skilful presentation by Mr. Talbot, each of these intriguing articles is found to teach an appropriate lesson directly connected with the Sunday-school work of the auditors. It is no secret to add that the grown-ups enjoy these lessons quite as much as the juniors, for whom, of course, they are especially intended. Advance Orders Now Accepted Fifty-two of these usable object lessons-— one for each Sunday in the year, will soon be ready for distribution in the form of an attrac­ tive 5" x .7% " book, with firm covers of blue- gray over which pictures o f the ' objects are scattered. A classified index, indicating object lessons for special occasions, makes reference easy— as this book is intended for busy Peo­ ple— pastors, Sunday-school workers, and chil­ dren’s evangelists. It is useful for Sunday-schools, churches, and children’s meetings, in fact can be adapted to any group. Objects used are easily obtained, in any home or toy shop. TESTIMONIALS MRS. ANN A L. D EN N IS, Teacher of Christian Educa­ tion, Bible Institute of Los Angeles: “ That is not first which is spiritual but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. This is God’s order. Talks of this nature have special value. I have observed from week to week the marked interest on the part of young and old as Mr. Talbot has given these object lessons. I heartily commend them to teachers, mothers, or any who are interested in the training of children. Any children's evangelist will find them very practical.” DR. E. L. McCREERY, Dean of Bible Institute of Los Angeles: “ I most heartily commend Mr. Talbot’s book ‘OBJECTS THAT TALK AND TEACH’ as it meets a long felt need on the part of many pastors and Christian workers, who are desirous of impressing spiritual truth on the minds of the children of their congregation.’ REV. CHAS. E. HURLBURT, Bible Teacher and Pioneer Missionary from Africa: “ The object talks by Mr.. Talbot to the children, young and old, at the Church of the Open Door, are the finest and most markedly Spirit-inspired of any to which I have ever listened. It is a joy to know that they are to be put in shape so a wider circle may get their messages, and perhaps some of God’s messengers may be able to usé them again."


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THE KING'S BUSINESS! 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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