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T h e K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board DECEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 52, No. 12 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-one Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home IW lA CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS — Martín R. DeHaan ............................... 8 CHRISTMAS MEANS: CONFLICT, CROSS, CROWN — Chester J. Padgett ................................................................................. 10 OUR GIFTS FOR HIM — Dwight Custis ................................................... 12 THE VIRGIN BIRTH — I. M. Haldeman ............................................. 13 THE TREE ON THE HILL — Helen Frazee-Bower ............................ 36 "TVE GOT A MELODY" — Picture Story ............................................ 40 Fedrn MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 CHRISTMAS IN AFRICA — Thais Good .............................................. 18 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 26 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore .................................... 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ....................................... 29 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ............................................................. 30 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................... 33 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................................. 34 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ............................. 35 Columni READER REACTION ........ 4 NUGGETS OF GOLD ............................................. 25 HOMILETICAL HELPS .................................................................................... 27 TOWN AND CAMPUS NEWS .................................................................. 38 ALUMNI NEWS ................................................................................................ 39 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ............................................................................... 42 — All Rights Reserved —
travel with CHRISTIAN leaders in 1962 SOUTH AMERICA— Feb. (33 days) Around South America, seeing the most and the best, with emphasis on Latin American missions. M EX ICO—March (12 days) A most enjoyable conference tour which w ill include M exico C ity and A Biola sponsored tour with Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dean of Talbot Theologi cal Seminary. ALASKA—June (10 days) A thrilling cruise with Christian friends through the Inland Passage. HAWA II—August (10 days) M ore than a summer vacation. Out standing Christian leaders will partici pate. EUROPE— September (30 days) A fter the summer rush, a leisurely escorted tour through the most desired areas. ORIENT—October (45 days) An experience of a lifetim e, covering all vital countries. CARIBBEAN CRUISE— November Visiting the Bahamas, Jamaica, Haiti and Bermuda. other points of great interest. HOLY LAND—April (29 days)
A ll Tours are es corted by Christian leaders whose pri mary interest is to utilize travel op p o r t u n it ie s for Christian fellow ship and the fur therance of the Gospel.
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager
EDITORIAL BOARD William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith E B • EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." DECEMBER, 1961
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. ■ MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
Oran H. Smith, Tour Director CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE TOURS AND CRUISES P. 0 . Box 575, La Mirada, Calif.
For that TRIP OF A UF F TlM I WH E A T O N TO U R S Experienced tour planning, details handled by tour leader, lectures en route, outstanding sights, places of special interest to Christians, fine fellowship, new friends, annual tour reunion, happy memories for a lifetime. Address: Dr. Joseph P. Free W H E A T O N T O U R S BOX 468 Dept. K121 WHEATON, ILLINOIS) CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION Member Mission I.F.M.A. M O B ILE M ED IC A L U N IT N EED ED Doctors and Nurses Needed Write for free literature 107 North Hale, Wheaton. Illinois TO . . . —■ 1. HOLY LAND 2. EUROPE 3. SOUTH AMERICA 4. SCENIC AMERICA Write today for FREE BULLETIN Specify which tour
with them while he was stationed with the United States Navy in Samoa. Since then we have continued correspondence for
LIKES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS You have a fine magazine, however, may I humbly suggest that if it is possi ble, you include more questions and an swers? They seem to be most enjoyable to the general public. Mrs. Sam G. White, Fresno, California EDITORIALS ON ECUMENICITY I want to commend you for your clear- cut stand on both communism and on the so-called “ ecumenical movement.” I am amazed at the way the church has turned from the Bible and from the Gospel to chase after the ideas of “one world” and “ one church.” I am glad that THE KING’S BUSINESS is taking a firm stand, and is not compromising as some evan gelical publications are doing. Rev. Oscar T. Gillan, Los Angeles, California APPRECIATION ON NICHOLSON POEMS Thank you for your poems by Mrs. Martha Snell Nicholson. Oh, how I wish I could have met her! Believe me, when I get to heaven, I will look her up. The reason I believe I have become so fond of her writings is because I have the same affliction she had. Her poems, understand ably, will mean much more to me. Miss Jeannie Morton, El Cajon, California E ditor ’ s N ote : In checking with pub- Ushers, nearly all of Mrs. Nicholson?s books of poems are now out of print. W e are hoping that it may be possible to have these reprinted in the near future. Mean while, her poems will continue to appear from time to time in THE KING’S BUSI NESS. SUBSCRIBES FOR FELLOW CAPTAIN Here is a letter which I thought might be of interest to you. Captain Brown was Commodore of the Union Castle Line which operates between the United King dom and South East Africa. He is now the Honorable Secretary of the Merchant Navy Officers Christian Association with headquarters in South Africa. Captain Archibald Cook, Oakland, California E ditor ’ s N ote : Captain Cook sends sub scriptions to other sea captains as a means of ministering to them. Here is the letter which Captain Brown writes in apprecia tion for the kindness: “ The subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine is greatly appreci ated. The publication is a splendid one and it is a real joy to know that it will be received regularly.” MAGAZINE IS USED TO HELP NATIVE CHRISTIANS I am enclosing a picture of Rev. and Mrs. Fiti Sunia. Former Biola student, Lester Carmichael, who went Home to he with the Lord in 1956, became acquainted
Rev. and Mrs. Sunia 18 intervening years. W e subscribed to THE KING’S BUSINESS for them some time ago and they have told how that it has been a blessing in their work among the people there. Rev. Sunia is pastor of the church in Pago Pago, working under the London Missionary Society. Late this past summer, the Sunias made their first visit to the States, and re newed their long-standing friendship with us. Mrs. Sunia was very keenly interested in seeing La Mirada, having read of its progress in THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine. A personal tour was given by Dr. Sutherland. The Sunias are parents of 11 living children and it is hoped that one or more might find it possible to at tend Biola. Mrs. Sunia expressed her in terest in this manner, “My husband may have seen Disneyland, but I have seen La Mirada.” Mrs. Betty J. Carmichael, San Bernardino, Calif. MORAL RE ARMAMENT Since the December issue of THE KING'S BUSINESS is our annual Christmas presentation, the third installment in the series "What's Wrong with Moral Re-Armament," by Dr. Louis T. Talbot will appear in our next edition. For those who may not have received the earlier issues, October and No vember carry the first two arti cles in this helpful series. The three are soon to become avail able in book form. E ditor ’ s N ote : W e are sorry that in Cults Critique (N ov. 1961) one line was dropped out of the column so that the sense of the line was spoiled; it should have read: “ It is true enough that Roman Catholics do not know the Bible, even their own trans lations of the Scripture.” Also on page 16 instead of “ Angelical” it should have read “ Anglican."
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The article appearing below, entitled, "What Manner of Man Is This?" was written many years ago by the late Dr. Keith L. Brooks, one time editor of THE KING'S BUSINESS and founder of the Prophetic League. It is hoped that this impressive and delightful presentation of the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ will be of special inspira tion and blessing to all readers of THE KING'S BUSINESS at this glad and blessed Christmas season. — S. H. Sutherland
Ip ie S itte 0?ett Hear^fon »selected stations feroimd the world. • Bible Teaching.. nò the woRò Became piesh anò òwelt amonq us^ • '^ A h iio n a r y tn$faifattdnal\ hi • DivJ. Myron Webb fouftdemcN^ector Montrose, California “ TT esus C hrist was born in the meanest of circumstances, but the air ^ above was filled with the hallelujahs of the heavenly host. His lodg ing was a cattle pen, but a star drew distinguished visitants from afar to do Him homage. “His birth was contrary to the laws of life. His death was contrary to the laws o f death. No miracle is so inexplicable as His life and teaching. “H e had no cornfields or fisheries, but H e could spread a table for 5,000 and have bread and fish to spare. He walked on the waters and they supported Him. “ His crucifixion was the crime of crimes, but, on God’s side, no lower price than His infinite agony could have made possible our re- \ demption. When H e died, few men mourned, but a black crepe was hung over the sun. Though men trembled not for their sins, the earth beneath shook under the load. A ll nature honored Him ; sinners alone rejected Him. “ Sin never touched Him. Corruption could not get hold o f His body. The soil that had been reddened with His blood could not claim His dust. “ Three years H e preached His Gospel. H e wrote no book, built no church, had no money back of Him. A fter more than 1,900 years, He is the one central character of human history, the perpetual theme of all preaching, the pivot around which the events of the age revolve, the only Regenerator of the human race. “ Was it m erely the son of Joseph and Mary who crossed the world’s horizon 1,900 years ago? Was it m erely human blood that was spilled on Calvary’s hill for the redemption of sinners and which has worked such wonders in man and nations through the centuries? “ What thinking man can keep from exclaiming: “M y Lord and m y God!” "The Bible Institute Hour” KBBI 107.5 me 8:30 A.M. Monday through Friday BIBLE WORKBOOK By Catherine B. Walker, M.A., D.R.E. Widely used in high school Bible classes. Suitable as adult Bible study guide. Questions, notes, maps, and outlines. Vol. 1— Old Testament Vol. 2— New Testament BIBLE WORKSHOP DISTRIBUTORS $1.00 each 420 E. Madison, Wheaton, Illinois THE KING'S BUSINESS 6 Wherever the Bethlehem story is told, life is different because of the Babe. Not all recognize the Manger Child as the Man of Calvary who died for^the sins of the world. Not all know Him as personal Saviour, as they should. But, life is different for all because of Him. Because this One came, there are benefits that all enjoy: a moral code, a stand ard of civic righteousness, a concern for the physical and intellectual welfare of children, hospitals, schools, colleges, welfare agencies, homes for the aged. The Light of the world shines upon believer and unbeliever alike, and all have a better place to live because of Him. Bethlehem’s Babe became the Man of Sorrow and of Grief, upon whom the Almighty laid the iniquity of us all. “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also give us all things?” This Baby—God’s only begotten Son—makes the difference! We at Wheaton thank you who have shared in helping us to proclaim this message through lads and lassies who have gone forth into God’s glad service everywhere. J & g f l j H H j g k P R E S I D E N T "For Christ and His Kingdom" Since I860 W H E A T O N C O L L E G E W H E A T O N • I L L I N O I S G R A D U A T E S C H O O L C O N S E R V A T O R Y O F M U S IC • N U R S IN G P R O G R A M DECEMBER, 1961 7 G h ristmas by M . R. DeHaan December is the traditional month of the year for the birthday of Jesus. I say, TRADITIONAL, for there is no proof from Scripture that Jesus was bom in December, thinking now especially of that which we call “ the Holi day Season” which comes toward the end of our year. On the 25th day of December the Christian world celebrates, much less on December 25. The date and much of the celebration is of purely pagan origin. This year as in other years, Christmas will be celebrated; Christ will be largely forgotten. It is possible and all too often true that Christians also, who ought to love the Lord Jesus Christ and gather about Him, and make Him the center of all of their attention and devotion and their worship, lose Him, even in their religious worship. Amidst all of the ceremony and the ritual, amidst all of the organization, all of the activity of our religious life, too often the Lord Jesus Christ is left in the background and we are like the group in the 2nd of Luke who could go upon their journey happy and fellowshipping and enjoying the blessings of the feast without recognizing or missing Him who is the Author of the feast and the source of all of these blessings. This is especially true at certain seasons of the year. We are (wrongly or rightly), the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ as a Babe in a stable in Bethlehem. For weeks and weeks ahead of time preparations are made for this gala event, churches plan their programs, business makes all of its preparations for a boom in sales, and the making of money, children look forward to the time when they will have the Christmas tree and open their presents, parents make hectic preparation for a day of rejoicing and feast ing. Now we have no objections to some of these things, but the sad thing is that amidst all of this flurry and all of this excitement and all of this celebration, we lose the vision of Him who is the source of all of our blessing. The world is preparing itself for the holiday season which is called Christmas, with its pagan influences and super stition, with its manifold religious activities, with its commercialization of the birthday of God’s greatest gift. And, sad to say, in the debauchery, drunkeness, revelling, THE KING'S BUSINESS Him as your own personal Saviour, it becomes a sin rather than a virtue or blessing, to even celebrate the birth of Him whom you reject and nail to the Cross once again. What a sad, sad spectacle all this' presents when we realize that sinners who believe neither the Book nor the Person of the Book, the Lord Jesus, who deny the truth of Almighty God, and curse and swear and take the Name of Christ in vain the year around, every day, and live for self and live for sin, and never darken a single church door, will, when Christmas time comes around, go piously to church, will join in the singing of carols, and even listen to the story of His birth, may even enter into the pageantry and the celebration, while they them selves have never accepted Him, nor ever intend to serve Him once the day is finally over. We have lost Jesus, and in His place the world has set up a fat, old, rollick ing, jovial fellow by the name of Santa Claus, who has made men forget that Christmas was originally designed to call our attention to another, even the Ancient of Days. To millions upon millions of children in our Am erican homes, Jesus will never even once be mentioned or thought of, but instead, the wholly fictitious and my thical character of old Saint Nick will be placed on the pedestal of worship, and Jesus will, indeed, be lost once again amidst the ritual of the season. CHRISTMAS COMMERCIALIZED Then again, in addition to all of these other evils which have crept into the history of the church with its demoralizing and degenerating influences by which we have lost the Lord Jesus Christ, there is the commercial ization of this day which was originally a religious day and one designed to be spent in self-examination and exercises of the Spirit, to make us more spiritual and more like Him who came that we might have eternal life. And so we find that thousands of people who give no serious thought to the lost Child, Jesus, are looking only toward this particular season of the year for an upturn in their business, for added sales to get them out of the red column of the ledger. They make profit and market of the superstitions and the sentimentality of Christians and the gullibility of the general public, crazed by the holiday spirit, to unload their surplus stock and fatten their pocketbooks. If all of the millions upon millions, and probably billions of dollars which will be spent for worthless, useless trinkets within the next few weeks to be used for one day, and then only to be cast aside, could be turned into channels of relief, we could go a long ways in taking care of the hungering millions in Europe, or could be turned into the noble channel of preaching the gospel which only can make men free and happy and satisfied^it would hasten both the material and spiritual victory and the coming in of peace for a world tom by strife at this very time when they are cele brating the birth of the Prince of Peace. What place are you going to give the Lord Jesus Christ in your life during this particular season? Are you going to place Him in the center and worship Him, and before you even think of giving anyone else a single gift, give Him the gift which He asks of you, when He says, “Young man, young woman, give me your heart.” The greatest gift that God gave was the Lord Jesus Christ, and the greatest gift that you can return is yourself, by believing devotion, in receiving Him, the Saviour of the world. But before you can give yourself to Him, you must receive Him first of all. “ To as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name.” dancing and worldly celebrations, as well as in a great many thousands of homes where the greatest preparations are made for the celebrating of this great holiday, Jesus will once again be lost and fail to receive the merited attention which He demands as the Giver of every bless ing not only at this season of the year, but every day of our sojourn here. Not only is this true in the individual life and in our social life and in business life, for no other day has degenerated and been debauched as much as Christmas day, but it will be true in a great many of our churches which call themselves by the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amidst the ritual and the program and the creed, the Lord Jesus Christ is too often lost. How much of the ceaseless activity of the great num bers of our church members in getting ready for the celebration of Christmas, even in our churches, getting the Christmas tree and the lights and the manger all fixed up, with its program and with its!1gifts, will only serve to obscure the Person of Him who is God’s great Gift to us. I am wondering how many people who seldom darken a church door will go to church on Christmas day only because it has become the custom of the year, some sort of a religious exercise which has some merit and some standing with God. Others will go because they enjoy the beautiful programs and stirring singing and the wonderful music, together with the elaborate pagean try which usually characterizes the activities of the day, but lost the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that thousands who came to the feast on that day when Jesus was lost in the temple, saw only the ritual, saw Jesus; but saw Him as just a little lad, but nothing more, just the Son of a carpenter from Nazareth in Galilee. Instead of taking our Bibles and reading the precious record of how He came to be bom as a Babe in a stable, how He was reviled, how He was spit upon, how He was accused, how He was persecuted, how He was crucified amidst the pushing, milling mob at the Cross, we will be milling and pushing around instead, in the dime stores and the department stores and the gift stores, until with feet burning, and headache, and heart palpitating, and nerves frayed to the very breaking point, and our patience exhausted, we come to Christmas day with our temper burned down to the very last quarter of an inch of fuse, before we are ready to blow up, and then we think we are having a blessing. But there is an even sadder aspect to the Holiday Season. To a great many people the season of Christ mas time becomes an excuse for indulging in sin which they shrink from during the other months of the year. It becomes the occasion for some to break down all the bars of restraint and make it a day of debauchery and sinning and licentiousness about which they would have qualms of conscience were it at any other season of the year. To many people it will mean the casting off of every restraint of decency and order, and it is safe to say there will be more highway accidents, more deaths on the road, more drunken driving, and more violence than we have seen for a long, long time. There is no season of the entire year that has so far departed from the real spirit it was designed to express when God gave to us the Son of God, the gift of His love. Strictly speaking, the unconverted, the worldly, those who do not recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ, ought not to celebrate Christ mas at all. It is the birth of the Saviour. When the Lord Jesus Christ was announced by the angel, he said unto Mary, “Thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and shalt call His Name JESUS, for He shall SAVE His people from their sin.” That was the purpose for which He came into the world, and to all of you who have not received DECEMBER, 1961 by Chester J. Padgett fD TTi ! [F[ (fùT '•J) ! In h II This first promise of Christmas in the Old Testament is wonderfully full of prophetic truth. It speaks of conflict. God said, “ I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed.” This conflict has worked itself out in every realm of the believer’s experience. There is first of all conflict in the soul. The words of Gen. 3:15 imply that there had be gun with the Fall a terrific struggle between right and wrong, between truth and error, between light and darkness. There is not a believer in the world who has not experienced this truth. Study Romans 7 and see how the Apostle Paul became aware of the conflict. Through the new birth Paul had become aware of sin. He saw sin as something ex ceedingly sinful. He learned to hate sin. His soul became sensitive to everything that dis pleased God and for the first time in his life he saw himself as God saw him. The picture was not lovely (cf. v. 18). Paul had a battle on his hands (cf. w . 23-24). Thank God he won the victory, as every humble believer wins it, through the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 25). There is also the conflict o f the believer with the world. This antagonism is evident wherever the child of God lives in full obedi ence to the Word of God. It is impossible to live for Christ and not come into open con flict with the world. This is part of the mean ing of our text. Every young Christian and THE KING'S BUSINESS every new Christian needs to be made aware of this truth. If he does not know that the battle line has been drawn, he may become disillusioned and des pondent when he finally comes to the realization that the world is not sympathetic to Christ and the Gos pel. Let the believer read John 15:18-25; James 4:4, and I John 2:15-17. suffering notice that, although it is intense, yet it is not fatal — it is a heel-wound. He died, yes, but He rose again! He suffered the pains of death, it is true— but they were pains of travail and through them He has brought many sons into glory (Isa. 53:11; Heb. 2:10 ). We do not, dare not, and cannot minimize the sufferings of the Saviour (Isa. 53; Psalm 22). But He came “ through the valley of the shadow of death” and is now exalted with a “ name that is above every name” (Phil. 2:9-11). It may seem strange to anticipate the Cross in con nection with Christmas, but this must be done. The climax of the conflict suggested by Gen. 3:15 came at Calvary. Christ came into the world for the express purpose of dying (John 1:29; I Peter 1:19-20). He became the “ seed” of the woman (the Virgin Mary) in order that He might become the Saviour of men. The cradle means nothing without the Cross. W ill you note how carefully the Holy Spirit pro tects the virgin birth of Christ by referring to the “ seed” of the woman! God did not say the seed of Adam, or the seed of Man, but the seed of the woman. The Bible is fully consistent in this as in every other matter. The Bible guards the virgin birth of Christ because upon this truth hinges Christ’s redemptive work. His virgin birth enabled Him to have a true humanity yet uncontaminated with human sin (II Cor. 5:21; Hebrews 7:26). If the Lord Jesus had been bom exactly as every man is bom, He would have needed a Saviour, too. But He was bom of the Virgin, conceived in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit and brought forth by her without sin. This blessed Sinless Christ then went to Calvary, the spotless substitute for sinners, the only one qualified to assume man’s guilt and sin and to provide an acceptable sacrifice. Thus by faith in Him and His finished work all who believe are freely for given, justified for ever, and enter into peace with God (Rom. 3:21-31; 5:1; 8:31-39; Gal. 3:10-13). Thus the Cradle and the Cross must both loom large before the eyes of us all . . . We dare not think of the one without the other. The Cradle and the Cross both speak o f the failure of man. The first Adam failed in obedience and in devotion as the representative man; the Lord Jesus as the “ last Adam” (I Cor. 15:45- 49) perfectly fulfilled the will of God from His heart, and stands as the victorious Representative of God’s elect (Romans 5:12-21). The Cradle and the Cross speak of the plan and purpose of God in salvation■ The very first promise in the Old Testament (Gen. 3:15) include both the virgin birth and the vicarious suffering. W ith regard to the DECEMBER, 1961 The wonderful text that we have been studying (Gen. 3:15) speaks forcibly of the conflict and of the cross, but it also speaks of the crown. The Holy Spirit through Moses writes: “ . . . it (the seed of the wom an — Christ) shall bruise thy head . . .” This means that although the serpent’s attack on Christ will re sult in a “ heel-wound,” the Saviour’s attack on Satan will result in a “ head-wound” ! At Calvary Christ was wounded and at Calvary Satan was slain. The devil was put to death at Calvary, rendered helpless as far as the elect of God are concerned (John 10:28- 29), and prophetically Calvary speaks of the coming judgment of Satan with his ultimate consignment to the eternal flames of hell (Rev. 19-20). The “ heel-wound” of Christ was healed three short days and nights after it was inflicted. The Cross of Christ became a signpost pointing to the empty tomb. Forty days after the Resurrection the Saviour re turned to Glory (Acts 1:3-11). There He was set at God’s right hand in the heavenly places, “ far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all” (Eph. 1:20-21). In Phil. 2:5-11, the Apostle Paul describes the same chronology: Christmas is the revelation of the Sav iour’s voluntary humility in the Incarnation; then comes the death of the Cross; then comes the Crown; “ Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” How wonderful that in the Providence of God His children know the meaning of Christmas and praise Him now, gratefully, volitionally, and lovingly. This is the true Christmas spirit. ii W H A T ARE W E GIVING Our Giftsfur HIM When the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, wise men came to worship Him. They brought gifts to Hun of gold, and frankincense, and myrrh” (Matthew 2 : 1 1 ) . Since at Christmas we are celebrating the birth of Christ, is it not fitting that we who are saved should also bring Him gifts? But, you ask, are there gifts which I can give Him? Yes, there are! Using as symbols brought to the Lord, I would like to suggest three gifts which you too can give Him. Let me explain. The first gift was gold. Gold is a symbol of purity. In Job 23 :10, Job said, "When He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Also in Revela tion 3:18 we read of "gold tried in the fire.” The idea in both passages is that of purification, the removal of dross. Are you living before the Lord a pure and holy life? This is one gift He would be pleased to receive from you. The second gift was frankincense. Frankincense is the symbol of a fragrant testimony. The Apostle Paul teaches us in II Corinthians 2:15 that "we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.” This is a precious truth! It is God’s purpose that both He and men should see in the believer that which will remind them o f the Son. Are you manifesting Christ in your daily life? I f not, this is another gift which He desires. The third gift was myrrh. Myrrh is the symbol of suffering. When the Lord’s body was taken down from the Cross, Nicodemus "brought a mix ture of myrrh and aloes” to anoint it. Thus, myrrh is here related to death. The significance of this gift is expressed in the words of Philippians 3:10: "That I may know . . . the fellowship of His sufferings, being made con formable unto His death.” Are you ashamed of the Lord so that you are unwilling to bear the ridicule which the world will often hurl at the child of God? I f so, dear fellow-believer, then what time could be better than this Christmas season to take a firm stand for Christ whatever it might mean to you personally? This gift would also give Him joy. by DwightCttstis These are gifts the Lord desires from His people, not only at Christ mas but throughout the year. They are gifts which each believer can give and which every believer should desire to give: The gold of a pure life, the frankincense of a fragrant testimony of Christ, and the myrrh of willingness to suffer'reproach for Jesus’ sake. W ill you give these gifts to Him? THE KING'S BUSINESS 12 A Classic Message on • THE VIRGIN BIRTH A la r g e n u m b e r of people, professed Christians among them, think it of no importance whether or not you believe in the virgin birth. They look upon it, so they say, as altogether a matter of theological interpretation, having nothing to do what ever with what they are pleased to call the “vital” side of Christianity. I affirm it makes a great difference, a difference so great, so radical, that should the church consent to cut it out of the doctrine of Christianity, Christianity would have no decent, moral nor intellectual basis on which to stand. I ask you to consider. 1 .The effect on the name, the character and reputation of Mary, the mother of Jesus, if He were not Virgin Born. She was espoused to Joseph. Espousal in that day was something more than lip service. continued on next page by I. M. Haldeman * «■•■•■•■»■»I■»■■■!■« I *Born, 1845; died 1953; was pastor of the First Baptist Church of New York, N. Y., for forty-nine years; one of the most outstanding exponents of the evangelical faith and partic ularly of the Second Coming of Christ who ever lived. DECEMBER, 1961 13 and mother of a child of whom he was not the father. As his wife it makes her guilty of breaking wedlock. The parties to espousal must come before the elders of the congregation and pledge their vows. In making her vow the woman committed herself to and assumed all the responsibility of a wife. Before the marriage ceremony was performed she was looked upon by the elders, by the congregation, and the neighborhood, as a wife. When the angel would comfort Joseph concerning Mary’s condition with child, even though they had not yet come together, he said: “ Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife” (Matt. 1 : 20 ). In the eyes of God and man Mary had all the repu tation and responsibility of a wife to maintain. That Joseph was not the father of Mary’s child ought to be self-evident to every logical, intellectual and decent mind. When he discovered she was about to become a moth er, he determined to divorce her. Divorce in Israel was both solemn and serious. The parties to divorce must present themselves to the elders in open meeting. The case would be fully and searchingly tried. If the woman were found guilty she would be taken out to a public place or field, the whole populace would surround her and under command of the elders, without mercy, they would stone her to death. Joseph knew this would be the doom appointed to Mary if he sought publicly to divorce her. He was not willing to do that. He believed she had proved false to him. But he still loved her. He therefore determined to put her away privately. He would put in the claim of annulment against his own vows and set her aside, having henceforth no more to do with her. This is what Scripture means when it says: “ Then Joseph her husband [mark, even before the marriage ceremony he is recognized as “husband,” as she is, as “wife” ], being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away priv ily” (Matt. 1:19). But the living God never allows us to be in doubt about the truth. After the angel had spoken to Joseph and bade him without fear to take Mary to himself we read in Matthew that he “ took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus” (Matt. 1:24, 25). This is the plain statement that marriage between Jo seph and Mary had not been consummated before he brought her home; that it was not consummated till after Jesus was bom. It is the Holy Ghost demonstration that, so far as Mary was concerned, she was virgin to Joseph till after Jesus was bom. It is the Holy Ghost demonstration that so far as Joseph was concerned, he was virgin to Mary till after Jesus was bom. What more would you have? What more need have you to prove, at the least, that' Joseph was not the father of Jesus? Since then Joseph was not the father of Jesus, behold where it places Mary if Jesus were not virgin bom. It brings her into the light as Joseph’s accredited wife, It makes her guilty of fornication. It makes her guilty of adultery. Deny the virgin birth and this is the category in which by inexorable logic you are under bonds to put Mary the mother of Jesus. Deny the virgin birth and you give to Mary, the mother of Christ, a stain, a shame, that all the waters of all the seven seas can never wash out. Think you it a light matter to put this indelible stain upon the mother of our Lord? Deny the virgin birth and this is what you do to the consternation, even, of devils. Consider, I pray you, 2 .T h e effect this denial of the Virgin Birth must have upon the name ayid reputation of Jesus Himself. If some man other than Joseph were His father, and He were begotten and conceived out of wedlock, then He was an illegitimate child, a child who had no legal right to come into the world. This is what you must face — Jesus Christ an illegiti mate son. But that is not all. Deny the virgin birth, make Mary a faithless wife, guilty of breaking wedlock, and you make her son some thing more than illegitimate. It is plain enough what that something more is. It is just this: If some other man than Joseph were the father of Je sus we have to reckon this — that man was not known. He was not known in that day. He has not been known any day since. He is not known now. No man can put his finger upon his identity qnd name and say this is the man who betrayed Joseph and begot Mary’s illegitimate son. There can be no question about it. He was and is unknown. It follows therefore if Jesus had an earthly father and that father was not known, we have to say that Jesus was the son of an unknown father. And what is the name in all languages you give to the son of an unknown father? There is but one name and title. And that is, A bastard. It is an ugly name. It looks ugly. It sounds ugly. A bastard. Would you know what God thinks of a bastard? Hear what He says: “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord: even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord” (Deut. 23:2). A bastard could not enter into the congregation of the Lord. The posterity of a bastard could not enter into nor partake of the privileges of the congregation of the Lord for ten generations; that is to say, for three hundred years. 14 THE KING'S BUSINESS less, soulless system which substitutes intellect for Spirit, reason for faith and prating about God, knows Him not. Deny the virgin birth, and as absolutely as two and two make four, as inexorably as-the arrow to the mark, you deny and reject the Trinity of God. Without the virgin birth Christianity has no author ity, neither as an ethical nor doctrinal system. Without This tells you what God thinks of an unmarried wom an who gives birth to a child. This tells you what God thinks of a married woman who gives birth to a child by another than her own hus band. This tells you what God thinks of the bastard himself. He must carry his mother’s shame and advertise it wherever he goes, and he must bear his own shame as a bastard, ashamed of God. Illegitimacy and bastardy are two millstones heavy enough to hang about the neck of any son. What think you is the weight of these millstones about the neck of Him whom we seek to call the Son of God? Consider, 3. The effect the denial of the Virgin Birth must have upon the essential being of Jesus Himself. If He were not virgin born, then of course He had a human father. If He had a human father He inherited the nature of that father. As that father had a nature of sin He inherited his nature of sin. If He had a nature of sin He would be under the penalty of all who are born in sin. He would be under the penalty of death. When therefore He claimed that no one could take His life from Him, that He had power over His own life, He did not tell the truth; being bom in sin (if He had a human father) He was as all others, doomed to die. He was therefore a lost sinner. As a lost sinner. He needed a Saviour. He needed a Saviour to save Him from death. According to His own legislation He needed to be bom again; He needed a new nature. It is terrific — but it is inexorable logic. If Jesus Christ were not virgin bom ; if He had a sin ful human father, He was as much in need of regenera tion and sacrificial redemption as any other begotten of a human father. Deny the virgin birth and you paralyze the whole scheme of redemption by Jesus Christ. What claim or right of claim has any man to be the Redeemer and Saviour of men who Himself is bom in sin, needing regeneration? But that is not the only consequence of having a hu man father. Mark it well. If He had a human father, and as that father had a finite personality, then He inherited a finite personality. If He had a finite personality, of course we are bound to say He did not have an infinite personality. He was not an infinite person. If He were not infinite He was not God. If He were not God, then He was not the Second Person of the Eternal Trinity. If He were not the Second Person of the Trinity then none was. If none were, there is no triunity of God. If there be no triunity of Godhead we are landed at the front door of Unitarianism, that bloodless, emotion- Bastardy is a shame to the mother. Bastardy is a double shame to the son. EMMANUEL . . . GOD WITH US Time, in its swift and ceaseless flight, Has brought us through another year; To mark again the season bright That blends new hope with Christmas cheer. The narrative o f life is told In loss, in gain, through gales that blow ; In hopes and fears— so doth unfold His plan: the way that we shall go. N o t once His promises have failed; "Emmanuel” His name once given, "G od with us,” though by hell assailed Has daily led us on toward!“heaven. Fresh hope is ours as we recall The Babe, the Manger, and the Inn; The message: ransomed from the Fall, A Saviour born to save from sin. Wayfarer, cheer thee! be ye glad! Once more the bells o f Christmas ring; "G od with us” still— why then be sad? Rejoice in Christ, our Saviour-King! —G. E. Hooker the virgin birth, I repeat, Christianity has no decent, moral, spiritual nor intellectual basis on which to stand. He who denies the virgin birth denies Bible Chris tianity, smites the mother of our Lord with shame, snatch es the crown of deity from His brow, strips Him of His sinless humanity, makes His cross a blood-stained failure and bids us face eternity with no light in the darkness. 15 DECEMBER. 1961
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