King's Business - 1961-12

For This Choice 10th Anniversary Word Record

When purchased with any other regular WORD RECORD — High Fidelity or Stereo — at regular price of $3.98 or $4.98. Send for complete catalog of WORD RECORDS available at the complete Record Department of the BIOLA BOOK ROOM. A DECADE OF DEDICATION #W-3155-LP HI-FI THE WHITE SISTERS— Springs of Living Water CHARLES MAGNUSON— I Surrender All DICK ANTHONY CHORISTERS— Jesus the Very Thought of Thee

MELODY FOUR QUARTET— I've a Home Beyond the River GREG LOREN— My Lord Is Mighty ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE CHOIR— O Worship the King FAGUE SPRINGMAN— Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley CHARLES MAGNUSON and KURT KAISER— Go Tell it On the Mountain J. T. ADAMS— Great Gettin' Up Momin' RALPH CARMICHAEL and His Orchestra— In The Garden CLAUDE RHEA— The Prayer Perfect BILL CARLE—When Little Children Pray BILL PEARCE— Some Bright Morning RONNIE AVALONE— Great Is Thy Faithfulness

FRANK BOGGS— God Will Take Care of You HAVEN OF REST QUARTET—My Sins Are Gone PAUL MICKELSON ORCHESTRA— Prayer from Stra- della BILL MANN— Here's One BILL PEARCE and DICK ANTHONY— Saved, Saved REVIVALTIME RADIO CHOIR— Medley: Scale of Life, Everything to Me, and Happy Am I LEW CHARLES— Lead Kindly Light JOE ANN SHELTON— He Hideth My Soul

YOU PAY ONLY 98* for this special Record. This offer good until March 1st, 1962.

Along w ith your 98 c Special select any one o f the following 10 choice WORD records or send fo r a FREE copy o f the latest complete catalog o f WORD records available at the BIOLA BOOK ROOM. SUNRISE! BOB ANDERSON Piano and Organ Music of the HI-FI #W-3156-LP $3.98

HI-FI #W-3141-LP $3.98 Stereo #WST-8078-LP $4.98 Tones for Worship Sunrise Blessed Assurance Over The Sunset Mountain My Home Sweet Home Sweeter As The Years Go Be When He Cometh •directed by Donald Hustad He's Got the Whole Wide World in His Hands Mexican Christmas Blessed Christmas Procession Guest from Heaven Whitsunday Hymn Jesu Priceless Treasure #W-3048-LP $3.98

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SOLITUDE DICK ANTHONY CHORISTERS Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee Nearer, Still Nearer God's Tomorrow Hiding In Thee Just A Closer Walk What Wondrous Love Is This? narrated by Paul Harvey Introduction by Paul Harvey Dwight L. Moody Ira Sankey YESTERDAY'S VOICES

A FESTIVAL OF PRAISE THE MOODY CHORALE- Motet-Op., No. 2 (Ps. 51 Prayer to Jesus Children of the Heavenlv Father O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go Sing and Smile and Pray


#W -3llo-LP $3.98 #WST-8051-LP $4.98


with Don Hustad Orchestra and Choir How Great Thou Art Amazing Grace I'd Rather Have Jesus Blessed Redeemer Jesus Is All the World To Me

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OVER THE SUNSET MOUNTAIN « ... #W-3059-LP $3.98 BILL PEARCE & DICK ANTHONY #WST-8004-LP $4.98 with the Concert Orchestra of London Orchestrated by Paul Mickelson Over the Sunset Mountains

Day by Day Cleanse Me

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Jesus, Lover of My Soul Precious Hiding Place I've Discovered the Way of Gladness

BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. Enclosed please find $............................................ for which send .......... copies of #W-3155-LP, A DECADE OF DEDICA­ TION at 98c of this Special Offer on WORD Records along with the following Stereo records at $4.98 or HI-FI records at $3 98___ Select at least one Regular WORD record with each Special at 9 o C .

ESPECIALLY FOR YOU THE WHITE SISTERS Trust God in the Dark Heartaches Sometime Soon I Am Perusaded So Send I You Sunlight Springs of Living Water Wounded for Me Room at the Cross Calvary Conquered My Heart Have You Any Room for Jesus? How Big Is God? A CARMICHAEL CONCERT #W-3149-LP $3.98 RALPH CARMICHAEL and His Orchestra Jesus Name I Love In the Garden This I Know Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? Amazing Grace 'Tis So Sweet #WST-8082-LP $4.98 Ivory Palaces Unworthy What A Friend Wonderful Peace Some Golden Daybreak Sweet Hour of Prayer #W-3151-LP $3.98 #WST-8089-LP $4.98

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CASH, CHECK or MONEY ORDER must accompany each order. [ Add 35c for each two records to cover postage and taxes.



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