King's Business - 1961-12

USE and GIVE SUPERINTENDENTS GUIDE A LL NEW FOR 1962 The only complete single volume covering a whole year. Leader guidance ma­ terial — program helps — order of service — desk

Superintendent's GU IDE


lesson material — pages for records and other aids. Comments based on Interna­ tional Sunday School Lessons —— not a commentary. Sire 3% x 5%, 96 pages, 85c. ORDER FROM DEPT. KS 61 AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.

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W HILE VISITING THE HOLY LAND i n 1865, a young pastor decided to ride from Jerusalem to Bethlehem on the day before Christmas. That afternoon he passed the fields where shepherds first heard “ good news of a great joy” from a heavenly mes­ senger; that night he attended a Christmas service in the ancient Church of the Nativity, near Christ’s birth-place. It was a memorable day. Three years later, in his Philadel­ phia church, Phillips Brooks sat at his desk completing plans for a children’s Christmas service for the next day. But his mind wandered; it focused in­ stead on his Holy Land trip. He re­ called in vivid detail the ageless beau­ ty of the Palestinian countryside, the shepherds tending their flocks, the qui­ et hamlet of Bethlehem with its nar­ row, crooked streets and flat-roofed buildings. Almost without thinking he slid a piece of paper from his desk drawer and, as recollection blended with imagination, began to write: “ O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie: Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by: Yet in thy dark streets shineth

The everlasting light: The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight.” That evening Phillips Brooks took the poem to his friend Lewis H. Red- ner, church organist and Sunday school superintendent, and asked that he set it to music. Working into the night, Redner composed a simple flow­ ing melody, and early the following morning, harmonized it in time for presentation that day at the children’s service. Although it soon became well known locally, this rich blend of words and music was not published in a hymnal for 25 years. Since then it has become one of the best known and best loved of Christmas hymns. A man richly endowed with sym­ pathy for others, Dr. Brooks was loved and respected by Christians of all tra­ ditions. Fame came to him in his lifetime through his mastery of the spoken word. He was unquestionably one of the most eloquent preachers America has produced. But even later genera­ tions know of his greatness; it clearly shines from the beautiful hymn he wrote to honour the birth of the Prince of Peace.

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