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cessful program. Sample forms and services are presented. A chapter also deals with the Primary Church, 112 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Outlines Studies in Matthew By W. H. Griffith Thomas The compilation of this volume has been an interesting experience for the author’s daughter, Mrs. Winifred G. T. Gillespie. The pattern was set by Doctor Thomas in His Devotional Commentary on Genesis and on Ro mans, but the material was put to gether from notes and from previously published material in magazines. In addition, notes taken in Oxford, Eng land, during classes conducted on Matthew, were contributed by Dr. Montagu Robert Lawrence. Thus this is a rather unique production. Since Doctor Thomas was a master exposi tor, the student as well as the preach er w ill find here a rich mine of ma terial, arranged under 60 studies. 476 pages; cloth; W. B. Eerdmans Pub lishing Co., Grand Rapids; $5.50. THE DOUGLAS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS by Earl L. Douglas, xii, 475 pages; cloth; The Mac millan Co., New York; $3.25. The 25th anni versary volume of this useful commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons. "Hints to teachers" accompany each lesson. ROZELL'S COMPLETE LESSONS by Ray Rozell. 318 pages; cloth; Rozell and Co., Publishers, P.O. Box 11, Fort Worth; $2.95. Fifteenth annual volume on the International lessons. Each les son has an outline of probable pupil needs, sug gested aim, and note on the lesson approach. THE GIST OF THE LESSON edited by Donald T. Kauffman. 128 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $1.25. Sixty-third year of this handy exposition of the International lessons originated by R. A. Torrey. Background, outline, and summing up features characterizes the treatment. IS GOD A "DIRTY BULLY"? AND OTHER SENSATIONAL SERMONS by John R. Rice. 202 pages; paper over boards; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, III.; $2.50. The sub-title is not an understatement of the nature of this book! Additional titles are: "The Kidnapping and Murder of Bobby Greenlease," "Healers Die, Too," "Sermon from a Catholic Bible," and "How a Devil-Possessed Fortune-teller Got Two Preachers in Jail and What Came of it." CHURCH-TIME FOR JUNIORS by Julia A. Gor man. Continuing series, paper with spiral bind ing; Scripture Press Foundation. Wheaton, III.; $1.50 each. These are manuals for a junior church course worked out in detail as to organi zation, operation, and program. Four parts carry through the first year. THE QUESTION OF SOUTH AFRICA by Paul B. Smith. 126 pages; paper; The People's Press, Toronto; $1.35. After a three months' sojourn on South Africa, the author believes that he comprehends something of the real problem. He has come to some understanding of the basic elements of Apartheid, and feels that genuine revival is the only answer to what otherwise eventually must erupt into a blood-bath the like of which has not often occurred. CHRISTIANITY AND AESTHETICS by Clyde S. Kilby. 43 pages; paper; Inter-Varsity Press, Chi cago; $1.25. Third in the IVP Series in Con temporary Christian Thought. Man has need of art, and the author seeks to introduce his readers to the Christian and theistic view of beauty and aesthetics. A number of aspects are included. HEALTH SHALL SPRING FORTH by Paul F. Adolph. 64 paces; paper; Good News Publishers, Westchester, III.; no price listed. A "One Eve ning Condensed Book." The author is known for his missionary writings on health in the field. DECEMBER, 1961 BOOK ENDS________ (A Review of Current Publications)
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