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by Bolton Davidheiser, Chairman, Science Division, Biola College
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T here have been many plans for establishing peace on earth, most of them based on optimistic idealism or politics, but science has also been represented. To Alfred Nobel belongs the credit for making the handling of explosives relatively safe. He invented dynamite and through other scientific achieve ments he made possible the rapid fir ing of weapons characteristic of World War I, called “ the war to end wars.” He believed that through the progress of science war would become impossible because of its destructive ness. Science has now progressed so far in this direction that it should be evident, in view of the present world situation, that even the ultimate in the ability to produce horror and desolation is no assurance of peace. Those who have believed as Nobel did were wrong because they did not accept the Word of the Lord that “ the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Idealistic people who live by principle frequently have difficulty in understanding t w o things: first, that a powerful enemy can be altogether ruthless and utter ly devoid of principle, and secondly, that their own righteousness is so far inferior to the righteousness of God that they themselves are in need of a Saviour. Dr. L. S. Tsai trained a cat and a rat to work together to obtain food. They had to press buttons which neither could press alone, and al though the cat had a reputation as a rat - killer, it learned to co-operate harmoniously with the rat in the same cage. This showed that the cat did not have an instinct which com pelled it to kill a rat whenever the opportunity to do so was presented. Dr. Tsai proposed to the American Association for the Advancement of Science that this research might jus tify the establishment of a biological foundation for investigating the possi bility of world peace. This recom mendation was based upon the as sumption that we evolved from the beasts and that our bad qualities re sult from our animal nature. Hence to solve the problem we should study the reactions of animals in order to
learn how to stop war and strife at the human level. Much of the work done with experimental animals in some areas has later been applied to human beings with considerable suc cess. But this has not always been the case. A detail in human heredity which for many years was thought to be understood has very recently been shown to be different from what it was supposed to be. It was assumed erroneously to be the same in human beings as it is in the famous fruit fly, because this fly is very similar to us in many aspects of its heredity. The Bible tells us that human quar reling and fighting are the result of lusts. The remedy prescribed by Scripture is to ask of God instead of lusting, and to ask according to His will. There is no parallel to this in animal behavior and thus it is un realistic to look for a solution to hu man strife in the reactions of cats and rats. As the older explanations of the ori gin of the solar system have been dis proved mathematically, their place has been taken by current concepts which postulate the possibility of numerous other worlds of life in the universe. The most promising locality in space near us is at such a distance that eleven years would be required for a message to travel at the speed of light in one direction. If our radio telescopes should pick up a pattern of sounds when aimed in that direction, it would be interpreted to mean that some intelligent beings were trying to contact us. If we sent back a series of sounds in a pattern, eleven years would go by before these beings could hear our effort at making contact, and 22 years would pass before they could acknowledge having heard us. If such contact were made, it is obvious that a long time would elapse before in telligent messages could be ex changed. Yet it has been stated that if there are such beings, perhaps they could solve our problems for us and show us how to live at peace on earth. To such lengths men will go in rejecting God. Christians look for peace on earth when the Lord returns to rule in righteousness. I
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