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L ately all you write about is Mark or Ardyth or Bill. I might as well be a step-child.” The voice was Paul Kent’s, but this was an unusual reaction from Moth er’s 14-year-old. Prior to this, Paul never seemed to care if the column existed or not. Now he was both read ing and reacting, leaving Mother not a little “ shook.” “Your request is too much for me, Paul. So here I am writing about you, my fourth son and sixth child. Not one of all my nine is more precious than you. You are at once an enigma and something as transparent as sun light; beguiling and obnoxious; hum ble and impossible know-it-all. But in every phase of your developing character you are my dearly-loved son, my pride and joy, my frustrating despair. “ Someone has aptly said of your stage of life, ‘Nobdy loves ’em but their mothers. Even their fathers would like to forget they are their’s.’ But, Paul, we love you and want you, phases and all. “You keep us from getting in a rut. You blow to smithereens many of our ‘proven’ theories on child-rearing. “ You live in a world which reels space under the awful impact of sin. Only God knows what is ahead for your generation if Christ tarries. But I praise God that you love the Lord Jesus as your Saviour. Before you were five, you experienced and re sponded to the call of God’s Spirit to ‘get saved.’ The other eight chil dren were all older when they were saved. So, let come what may, my son, you are on your way to glory. It is an honor to be your mother. “Now that I’ve written about you, will your Christmas be brighter? Have a wonderful time, Paul Kent, as you remember that ‘God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved’ (John 3:17). “W ill you join me in wishing our readers a blessed Christmas as togeth er we await His return? ‘Even so I come quickly, Lord Jesus’ (Rev 22- ! 20).”
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