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with them while he was stationed with the United States Navy in Samoa. Since then we have continued correspondence for
LIKES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS You have a fine magazine, however, may I humbly suggest that if it is possi ble, you include more questions and an swers? They seem to be most enjoyable to the general public. Mrs. Sam G. White, Fresno, California EDITORIALS ON ECUMENICITY I want to commend you for your clear- cut stand on both communism and on the so-called “ ecumenical movement.” I am amazed at the way the church has turned from the Bible and from the Gospel to chase after the ideas of “one world” and “ one church.” I am glad that THE KING’S BUSINESS is taking a firm stand, and is not compromising as some evan gelical publications are doing. Rev. Oscar T. Gillan, Los Angeles, California APPRECIATION ON NICHOLSON POEMS Thank you for your poems by Mrs. Martha Snell Nicholson. Oh, how I wish I could have met her! Believe me, when I get to heaven, I will look her up. The reason I believe I have become so fond of her writings is because I have the same affliction she had. Her poems, understand ably, will mean much more to me. Miss Jeannie Morton, El Cajon, California E ditor ’ s N ote : In checking with pub- Ushers, nearly all of Mrs. Nicholson?s books of poems are now out of print. W e are hoping that it may be possible to have these reprinted in the near future. Mean while, her poems will continue to appear from time to time in THE KING’S BUSI NESS. SUBSCRIBES FOR FELLOW CAPTAIN Here is a letter which I thought might be of interest to you. Captain Brown was Commodore of the Union Castle Line which operates between the United King dom and South East Africa. He is now the Honorable Secretary of the Merchant Navy Officers Christian Association with headquarters in South Africa. Captain Archibald Cook, Oakland, California E ditor ’ s N ote : Captain Cook sends sub scriptions to other sea captains as a means of ministering to them. Here is the letter which Captain Brown writes in apprecia tion for the kindness: “ The subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine is greatly appreci ated. The publication is a splendid one and it is a real joy to know that it will be received regularly.” MAGAZINE IS USED TO HELP NATIVE CHRISTIANS I am enclosing a picture of Rev. and Mrs. Fiti Sunia. Former Biola student, Lester Carmichael, who went Home to he with the Lord in 1956, became acquainted
Rev. and Mrs. Sunia 18 intervening years. W e subscribed to THE KING’S BUSINESS for them some time ago and they have told how that it has been a blessing in their work among the people there. Rev. Sunia is pastor of the church in Pago Pago, working under the London Missionary Society. Late this past summer, the Sunias made their first visit to the States, and re newed their long-standing friendship with us. Mrs. Sunia was very keenly interested in seeing La Mirada, having read of its progress in THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine. A personal tour was given by Dr. Sutherland. The Sunias are parents of 11 living children and it is hoped that one or more might find it possible to at tend Biola. Mrs. Sunia expressed her in terest in this manner, “My husband may have seen Disneyland, but I have seen La Mirada.” Mrs. Betty J. Carmichael, San Bernardino, Calif. MORAL RE ARMAMENT Since the December issue of THE KING'S BUSINESS is our annual Christmas presentation, the third installment in the series "What's Wrong with Moral Re-Armament," by Dr. Louis T. Talbot will appear in our next edition. For those who may not have received the earlier issues, October and No vember carry the first two arti cles in this helpful series. The three are soon to become avail able in book form. E ditor ’ s N ote : W e are sorry that in Cults Critique (N ov. 1961) one line was dropped out of the column so that the sense of the line was spoiled; it should have read: “ It is true enough that Roman Catholics do not know the Bible, even their own trans lations of the Scripture.” Also on page 16 instead of “ Angelical” it should have read “ Anglican."
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