King's Business - 1961-12

Pasadena Civic Auditorium is well packed out on Monday nights. Often, on seasonal dates, crowds are even turned away. “ I just live one day at a time,” Iris happily answers when one asks her about the future. “ Phil and I always considered this the Lord’s work. He knew much more\about it than any of us. I only want to be used for God’s glory, as He leads me step by step.” A special seasonal Musical is sched­ uled for Sunday, December 24 at the Biola Campus in La Mirada featuring Tony Fontane. The annual Kerr New Year’s Musical will be held in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium Saturday, December 30. Many well-known ar-

Musicians gather on the platform for a last minute of fellowship before the cur­ tain goes up. Pictured from left to right are Bill Carle, Tim Spencer, and Dick Goodwin. “ W e still live on the hottest street in town, Pepper Streep’ says Mr. F. H. Lacy, who with his w ife joins the Musi­ cal artists in song testimonies. Although advanced in years, the Lacy’s are always a delight to audiences. “ Pm from Texas; let me see if / can get a tune out of that’’ Iris Kerr says in joining the Harry Stillwell Combo group. A favorite of the Monday night crowd, Mr. Stillwell also directs the Salvation Arm y Band.

tists will be featured in the program which will run from 7:30 to midnight. Although Phil Kerr never liked to talk about himself or of his accom­ plishments, some of the best-known Christian artists owe much of their start in church ministry to the al­ ways smiling “ I’ve got a Melody” man—people such as Tony Fontane Bill Carle, Redd Harper and a verita­ ble “Who’s 'Who” in the sacred music field. Although his earthly work is finished, the musical ministry Phil Kerr started is still being heard ring­ ing in the hearts of thousands. This is not because Iris Kerr is carrying on the work, but because each pro­ gram is centered around a simple clear-cut testimony for Christ. “And so will it ever be,” Mrs. Kerr states, “until the Lord calls me home.” DECEMBER, 1961


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