Section 01600 - Page 01600-4
Provide a copy of the specified warranty: Sample copy of manufactures warranty that meets all requirements stated in this specification. Furnish manufacture’s affidavit that project warranty requirements shall be enforced. Standard manuf acturer’s warranty that does not meet requirements specific to this project will be rejected. Any equipment submitted as an equal to specified standard must also submit a list of three (3) jobs where the proposed equipment has been used in similar applications as that which is specified, and within a one hundred (100) mile radius from the location of the specified job. In addition the three (3) jobs must be at least two (2) years old and be available for the engineer, Owner or Owner’s representative to inspect. Any deficiencies in performance, warranty terms or improper submittal procedure shall constitute grounds for immediate rejection. Equipment submitted as possible equals to the specified standard system must meet or exceed all criteria specified. Manufacture’s standard procedures, warranties, etc. that do not meet criteria of the specification will constitute grounds for immediate rejection. Consideration will be given to only those equipment’s that have approval prior to the scheduled bid opening date. The College reserves the right to be the final authority on the acceptance or rejection of any proposed alternate materials or equipment.
B. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents. C. Request constitutes a representation that Contractor: l. Has investigated proposed Product and determined that it meets or exceeds in all respects, specified Product.
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