Section 0l750 - Page 0l750-6
A. Attachments and Supports
Attachments and Supports: Provide adequate support for all installed equipment. Methods of support shall be subject to approval. 1. All fastenings, supports, hangers, clamps, and anchors shall be of the type made for the specific purpose for which they are to be used. Provide toggle bolts or machine bolt fastenings for hollow tile, terra-cotta or lath construction. Use machine screws for structural steel fastening, lead expansion shields and machine screws for solid masonry fastening, and lag screws or bolts for wood fastening. Install all conduit rigidly and firmly to prevent swaying, vibration or sagging, using malleable or wrought steel hangers of standard design, pipe clamps, or fabricated steel supports of approved design. Hangers for horizontal conduit runs shall be adjustable clevis type. Perforated strap iron hangers are not permitted. 2. Fastenings and attachments such as screws, bolts and nuts, shall be made with nonferrous metals, or galvanized or cadmium plated steel. All fastenings and attachments shall be made with such materials or so protected that they will offer the maximum protection against deterioration from age, weather and dampness. 3. Masonry anchors installed in reinforced concrete shall support ACI 318 Appendix D Strength Design with an ICC ES report. B. Singular Number: All references made to any particular item in the singular number shall apply equally to as many identical items that the completed electrical system may require.
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