Section 0l750 - Page 0l750-10
M. Guarantee 1. This Contractor and his surety shall guarantee in writing for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance that all materials, equipment and labor furnished by him are free from defects. This Contractor shall further guarantee that if any piece of material or equipment is found to be defective within the guarantee period because of faulty manufacture or faulty installation, in the opinion of the Engineer, he will replace and install such material or equipment without any further expense to the Owner. 2. Furnish three copies of all guarantees and certificates that are required.
N. Selective Demolition - Removal of Existing Wiring, Devices, Equipment, Etc.
O. Cleanup of Premises and Equipment 1. Weekly cleanup of the construction areas shall be observed by the Electrical Contractor. He shall clean any of his debris that the Owner or construction manager deems necessary to maintain a safe environment for the work site. 2. Upon completion of this Contract and after final approval of completion is given, remove all tools, benches, and other workmen's appurtenances from the premises. Clean the premises of all remaining debris and leave the entire installation clean and in first-class operating condition.
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