Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…

Community College of Allegheny County OCS Security Camera System Pittsburgh, PA

i. Floor-Mounted Enclosure: A floor box and floor box cover assembly with means to mount in the floor that is sealed against the entrance of scrub water at the floor level. j. Junction Box: A box with a blank cover that joins different runs of raceway or cable and provides space for connection and branching of the enclosed conductors. k. Outlet Box: A box that provides access to a wiring system having pryout openings, knockouts, threaded entries, or hubs in either the sides or the back, or both, for the entrance of conduit, conduit or cable fittings, or cables, with provisions for mounting an outlet box cover, but without provisions for mounting a wiring device directly to the box. l. Pull Box: A box with a blank cover that joins different runs of raceway and provides access for pulling or replacing the enclosed cables or conductors. m. Ring: A sleeve, which is not necessarily round, used for positioning a recessed wiring device flush with the plaster, concrete, drywall, or other wall surface. n. Ring Cover: A box cover, with raised center portion to accommodate a specific wall or ceiling thickness, for mounting wiring devices or luminaires flush with the surface. o. Termination Box: An enclosure designed for installation of termination base assemblies consisting of bus bars, terminal strips, or terminal blocks with provision for wire connectors to accommodate incoming or outgoing conductors, or both. 5. Emergency Systems: Those systems legally required and classed as emergency by municipal, state, federal, or other codes, or by any governmental agency having jurisdiction that are designed to ensure continuity of lighting, electrical power, or both, to designated areas and equipment in the event of failure of the normal supply for safety to human life. 6. Fault Limited: Providing or being served by a source of electrical power that is limited to not more than 100 W when tested in accordance with UL 62368-1. a. The term "fault limited" is intended to encompass most Class 1, 2, and 3 power- limited sources complying with Article 725 of NFPA 70; Class ES1 and ES2 electrical energy sources that are Class PS1 electrical power sources (e.g., USB); and Class ES3 electrical energy sources that are Class PS1 and PS2 electrical power sources (e.g., PoE). See UL 62368-1 for discussion of classes of electrical energy sources and classes of electrical power sources. 7. Jacket: A continuous nonmetallic outer covering for conductors or cables. 8. Luminaire: A complete lighting unit consisting of a light source such as a lamp, together with the parts designed to position the light source and connect it to the power supply. It may also include parts to protect the light source or the ballast or to distribute the light. 9. Mode: The terms "Active Mode," "Off Mode," and "Standby Mode" are used as defined in the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007. 10. Multi-Outlet Assembly: A type of surface, flush, or freestanding raceway designed to hold conductors, receptacles, and switches, assembled in the field or at the factory. 11. Plenum: A compartment or chamber to which one or more air ducts are connected and that forms part of the air distribution system. 12. Receptacle: A fixed connecting device arranged for insertion of a power cord plug. Also called a power jack. 13. Receptacle Outlet: One or more receptacles mounted in a box with a suitable protective cover. 14. Sheath: A continuous metallic covering for conductors or cables.


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