Community College of Allegheny County OCS Security Camera System Pittsburgh, PA
all subparagraphs shall bear the same paragraph number as the contract specification so that a close comparison can be made to the manufacturer specified herein by catalog number(s). 2. Each paragraph for the substituted product/system shall be identified as follows: a. Comply: The term “comply” shall only be used when the product/system indicated by the paragraph is completely equal in all respects to the type of material used, functionality, programmability, size, accessories to be provided, future capabilities, mounting, etc. to that which was specified. Anything less is not to be considered as complying and shall not be indicated as “Comply”. b. Exception: The term “exception” shall be used when the product/system indicated by the paragraph does not meet the definition of “comply” as indicated above. The manufacturer shall provide a brief, clear and non-technical description of why the product/system does not meet the requirements of the specification and why it is not necessary to provide the specified materials, components, features, etc. c. Deviate: The term “deviate” shall be used when the product/system indicated in the paragraph does not fully comply but the manufacturer is willing to provide all the necessary materials, components, features, accessories, future capabilities, etc. to meet the intent of the Contract Documents as determined by the Engineer. The manufacturer shall provide a brief, clear and non-technical description of what additional items are to be provided and how these items affect the product/system. 3. Compliance report may be submitted prior to the submission of the substituted product data and/or shop drawings but the Engineer reserves the right to request that certain product data, shop drawings, wiring diagrams, certificates, etc. be included as requested. D. All costs involved in changes in the building, to the equipment, to the arrangement of equipment, or to the work performed or to be performed under other sections of the specifications, due to the substitution of equipment in lieu of that shown on the drawings or specified, shall be borne by the Contractor making such substitutions, and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, costs or fees in connection with resubmission of drawings for approval, if required, by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, local authorities or insuring agencies having jurisdiction over the work.
A. All laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of public bodies bearing on the conduct of the work are hereby incorporated and made a part of these specifications. 1. Americans with Disabilities Act. 2. Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code / International Building Code to include the IECC. 3. BICSI. 4. EIA/ TIA. 5. City and Local Codes. 6. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), i.e. National Electric Code - NFPA 70, Electrical Safety in the Workplace – NFPA 70E, National Fire Alarm Code – NFPA 72, Life Safety Code - NFPA 101 and Emergency and Standby Power Systems – NFPA 110. 7. National Electrical Safety Code - ANSI C2.
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