Community College of Allegheny County OCS Security Camera System Pittsburgh, PA
Maintenance procedures and schedules. Precautions against improper use and maintenance.
Copies of warranties.
m. n. o.
Repair instructions including spare parts listing. Sources of required maintenance materials and related services.
Manual index.
2. Organize each manual into separate Sections for each piece of related equipment. As a minimum, each manual shall contain a title page; a table of contents; copies of Product Data, supplemented by Drawings and written text; and copies of each warranty, bond, and service contract issued. a. Title Page: Provide a title page in a transparent, plastic envelope as the first sheet of each manual. Provide the following information: 1) Subject matter covered by the manual. 2) Name and address of the Project. 3) Date of submittal. 4) Name, address, and telephone number of the Contractor. 5) Name and address of the Engineer. 6) Cross reference to related systems in other operation and maintenance manuals. b. Table of Contents: After title page, include a typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged systematically according to the Project Manual format. Include a list of each product included, identified by product name or other appropriate identifying symbol and indexed to the content of the volume. 1) Where a system requires more than one volume to accommodate data, provide a comprehensive table of contents for all volumes in each volume of the set. c. General Information: Provide a general information Section immediately following table of contents, listing each product included in the manual, identified by product name. Under each product, list the name, address, and telephone number of the Subcontractor or Manufacturer and the maintenance contractor. Clearly delineate the extent of responsibility of each of these entities. Include a local source for replacement parts and equipment. d. Product Data: Where the manuals include manufacturer's standard printed data, include only sheets that are pertinent to the part or product installed. Mark each sheet to identify each part or product included in the installation. Where the Project includes more than one item in a tabular format, identify each item, using appropriate references from the Contract Documents. Identify data that is applicable to the installation, and delete references to information that is not applicable. e. Written Text: Prepare written text to provide necessary information where manufacturer's standard printed data is not available, and the information is necessary for proper operation and maintenance of equipment or systems. Prepare written text where it is necessary to provide additional information or to supplement data included in the manual. Organize text in a consistent format under separate
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