Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…

Community College of Allegheny County OCS Security Camera System Pittsburgh, PA

3. There shall be a permanent service organization maintained or trained by the manufacturer to provide satisfactory service. E. Experience: Manufactured items shall have been installed and used, without modification, renovation or repair, on other projects for not less than three years prior to the date of bid opening for this project. F. All work shall be installed in a first class, neat and workmanlike manner by mechanics skilled in the trade involved. The quality of workmanship shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Any work found by the Engineer to be of inferior quality and/or workmanship shall be replaced and/or reworked until approval of the Engineer is obtained. Any cost involved in obtaining said approval shall be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain electrical service to the Existing Buildings during the course of construction. Temporary equipment, switches, cable and whatever else necessary shall be provided as required to maintain electric service. Rules and regulations of local, state and federal authorities respecting safety provisions shall be observed. The Contractor shall use all precautions so as not to endanger the lives of the building occupants or the public. The Contractor shall furnish and install a temporary service should it be required and remove same after need is satisfied. All charges and costs shall be included in the Electrical Contract. B. When it becomes necessary to temporarily interrupt electric service to any portion of the buildings, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the Owner in writing at least seven days in advance to enable necessary arrangements to be made. No interruptions will be permitted without the expressed written permission of the Owner. C. The existing fire alarm system shall be fully maintained in service during the execution of work under this Contract. The Contractor shall furnish and install, and later remove any temporary equipment, wiring or other appurtenances necessary to provide the continuity of service for the system. 1.15 CONTINUITY OF SERVICE A. 1.16 INSTRUCTIONS TO OPERATING PERSONNEL A. The Contractor shall furnish the services of a person, or persons, approved by the Engineer and thoroughly familiar with the completed installation to instruct the Owner's Operating Personnel in the proper operation of the electrical systems and the proper care of all equipment and apparatus included under this Contract. These services shall be furnished for a minimum of two 8-hour days. B. During the instruction period, the Contractor and his approved qualified personnel shall demonstrate to the Owner, in the presence of the Engineer's representative, the complete operation of the various systems installed under this Contract. Manufacturers' certificates of tests and performance shall be delivered to the Engineer and the Owner as hereinafter specified with the various systems or equipment.


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