Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…

Community College of Allegheny County OCS Security Camera System Pittsburgh, PA

C. When instructions are provided under this Contract, the Contractor shall have in his possession three copies of an identifying letter which shall list the names of the Contractor's qualified instruction personnel including manufacturer's representatives and subcontractors that will be giving the instructions. Likewise on this same letter, spaces shall be provided for the Owner's personnel who will receive the instructions. After instructions have been given and received for each system, the Contractor's representatives and subcontractors shall sign and date the letter, and the Owner's personnel shall also sign and date the letter acknowledging that they have received adequate instructions for operating and maintaining the systems and equipment. One signed copy shall be delivered to the Owner, one copy to the Engineer, and one copy shall be retained by the Contractor. D. In addition to the verbal instructions outlined above, the Contractor and his manufacturers' representatives and subcontractors shall furnish written basic instructions indicating the proper operation of each system and associated equipment. Each manufacturer shall also submit a brochure on his equipment, including instructions on operation, lubrication, recommended spare parts, and instructions on preventative, routine, and breakdown maintenance. E. The Contractor shall combine the written instructions and the manufacturers' equipment brochures in complete volumes with hard back binders which shall be turned over to the Owner before final acceptance of the Contract work. Unless otherwise directed, three (3) copies of the volumes shall be furnished. F. All brochures and formats must be approved by the Engineer. G. It is the intent that this entire system, with its complement of equipment and auxiliary equipment, operate properly in accordance with the design concept and functional intent. It is also the intent that the Owner be given complete instructions for the proper operation and maintenance of the entire system.


Deliver products to the project properly identified with names, model numbers, types, grades, compliance labels, and other information needed for identification.


Written one (1) year full warranty guarantees shall be submitted for the entire electrical installation installed under this project. Where manufacturer's standard guarantee provides for a longer period, the longer period shall apply. B. Where defects in the material, equipment and/or workmanship become evident within this guarantee period, the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing such material and equipment with the approved type of new items; and/or correcting the defective workmanship without any costs to the Owner.


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