Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…

Community College of Allegheny County OCS Security Camera System Pittsburgh, PA

2. Any material, equipment or appurtenances, the operation, capacity or performance of which does not comply with the drawings and/or specification requirements or which is not new or which is damaged prior to acceptance by the Owner will be held to be defective material and shall be removed and replaced with the proper acceptable materials, equipment and/or appurtenances or put in proper acceptable working order, satisfactory to the Engineer with no additional expense to the Owner. 3. All details of the installation of all equipment shall be electrically and mechanically correct. All equipment shall operate without objectionable noise or vibration should be produced and transmitted to occupied portions of the building by apparatus, conduit or other parts of a system, any corrections to eliminate noise and vibration shall be at no expense to the Owner.



A. General: Perform cutting and patching in accordance with Part 1 paragraph “Related Documents." In addition to the requirements referenced in the “Related Documents” paragraph, the following requirements apply: 1. Perform cutting, fitting, and patching of electrical equipment and materials required to: a. Uncover Work to provide for installation of ill-timed Work. b. Remove and replace defective Work. c. Remove and replace Work not conforming to requirements of the Contract Documents. d. Install equipment and materials in existing structures. e. Upon written instructions from the Engineer, uncover and restore Work to provide for Engineer observation of concealed Work. 2. Cut, remove, and legally dispose of selected electrical equipment, components, and materials as indicated, including but not limited to removal of electrical items indicated to be removed and items made obsolete by the new Work. 3. Protect the structure, furnishings, finishes, and adjacent materials not indicated or scheduled to be removed. 4. Provide and maintain temporary partitions or dust barriers adequate to prevent the spread of dust and dirt to adjacent areas. 5. Protection of Installed Work: During cutting and patching operations, protect adjacent installations. 6. Patch existing finished surfaces and building components using new materials matching existing materials and experienced Installers. Installers' qualifications refer to the materials and methods required for the surface and building components being patched.


Cutting, Patching, and Finishing (Existing Building) 1.

Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, patching, and finishing of existing construction for the proper installation of all electrical equipment and materials to be installed in the existing portion of this project. This will also be required for the removal of the existing equipment and materials. All cutting shall be kept to an absolute minimum consistent with the requirements of the project. Cutting, patching and finishing shall be


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