Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…

Community College of Allegheny County OCS Security Camera System Pittsburgh, PA

1. Copper. Solid for No. 12 AWG and smaller; stranded for No. 10 AWG and larger. C. ASD Output Circuits Cable: Extra-flexible stranded for all sizes. D. Power-Limited Fire Alarm and Control: Solid for No. 12 AWG and smaller. CONDUCTOR INSULATION AND MULTICONDUCTOR CABLE APPLICATIONS AND WIRING METHODS A. Feeders Concealed in Ceilings, Walls, Partitions, and Crawlspaces: Type THHN/THWN-2, single conductors in raceway. B. Feeders Installed below Raised Flooring: Type THHN/THWN-2, single conductors in raceway. C. Feeders in Cable Tray: Type THHN/THWN-2, single conductors in raceway. D. Exposed Branch Circuits, Including in Crawlspaces: Type THHN/THWN-2, single conductors in raceway. E. Branch Circuits Concealed in Ceilings, Walls, and Partitions: Type THHN/THWN-2, single conductors in raceway. F. Cord Drops and Portable Appliance Connections: Type SO, hard service cord with stainless steel, wire-mesh, strain relief device at terminations to suit application.




A. Conceal cables in finished walls, ceilings, and floors unless otherwise indicated. B. Complete raceway installation between conductor and cable termination points according to Section 260533 "Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems" prior to pulling conductors and cables. C. Use manufacturer-approved pulling compound or lubricant where necessary; compound used must not deteriorate conductor or insulation. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tensions and sidewall pressure values. D. Use pulling means, including fish tape, cable, rope, and basket-weave wire/cable grips, that will not damage cables or raceway. E. Install exposed cables parallel and perpendicular to surfaces of exposed structural members, and follow surface contours where possible. F. Support cables according to Section 260529 "Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems." G. Complete cable tray systems installation according to Section 260536 "Cable Trays for Electrical Systems" prior to installing conductors and cables.

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