1. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. destination and include all freight and delivery charges to actual point of delivery. 2. Bids that vary from specifications/addendum(s) may be rejected by the College. Any and all changes to specifications will be issued by addenda via fax/mail. It is the responsibility of bidders to provide the College with company name, address, telephone, and fax numbers and contact names if applicable. 3. Bidders must be recognized dealers in specified materials and qualified to advise in the application and/or use of the materials. When requested, the bidder must satisfy the Community College of Allegheny County that they have the organization, capital, and stock availability and experience to fulfill their bid offer. 4. Bids may be rejected or award cancelled by the College if a bidder intends to sublet any/all of the required work. 5. Completely executed bid documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the offering company’s name and address; and, the bid number must appear on the sealed envelope. No College representative will bear any responsibility for the premature opening of a bid which is not properly addressed and identified. 6. Whenever the words “Purchasing Agent” or a pronoun referring to a College Agent appears in either the specifications and/or Articles of Agreement, the Agent is acting only under the authority of and subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Community College of Allegheny County. 7. The College reserves the right to award all or any items, separately or in a lump sum whichever is in the best interest of the College. 8. Bids for supplies shall be submitted to the College in accordance with the numbered item(s) on the price sheet. Unit prices(s) shall prevail where extension of prices is requested. 9. Contracts will not be awarded by the College to any corporation, firm, or individual that has failed in any former contract with the College to perform work or complete work or, in the College’s sole judgment, to satisfactorily deliver or provide the quality of materials, fulfill a guarantee(s) or complete work in accordance with the schedule for such prior contract.” 10. If the College Agent is of the opinion that the awarded work/products are unnecessarily delayed, the rate of progress of delivery is unsatisfactory, or that the corporation, firm, or individual contractor is willfully violating any of the contract requirements or conditions or is acting in bad faith, the College’s Agent shall take whatever action necessary for the completion of the work and/or delivery of the products to the College. Resulting expenses to the College will be deducted from monies due the contractor and the bondsman will be held liable for any balance due at the completion of the contract. 11. Inspection of materials and workmanship of the contractor by a College Agent will not lessen the responsibility of the contractor from the obligation to perform and deliver satisfactory work/materials to the College. The contractor is expected to pay for the cost of tests for defective materials. This cost may be deducted from any monies due the contractor from the College. 12. The contractor will not receive instructions from a College Agent relative to the work or delivery until a contract has been duly signed and the bond, if required, is approved. 13. Companies may quote price(s) on work/material to any and all bidders and may also directly submit a bid to the College for the work/material. 14. When samples are requested by the College, the bidder must supply them free of charge. Samples will not be returned to the bidder. Page 1 of 2
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