Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…

15. The bidder is solely at risk when using unauthorized patented material. 16. Quantities requested by the College are for bidding purposes only. The College may purchase more or less than the estimated quantities. 17. The College reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive minor discrepancies in the bids or specifications, when in the best interest of the College. The College may purchase any part, all, or none of the materials specified. 18. The College will reject materials that do not meet specifications, even if the bidder lists trade names, or names of such materials on the bid. 19. All prices quoted must be held firm for the contract period. Bids containing escalation or other clauses for price change may be rejected. Discounts or other uncalled for allowances quoted will not be considered in making the award and the bid may be rejected. 20. Unless otherwise specified, materials, supplies, and/or equipment must be delivered thirty (30) days from the date of the purchase order. 21. Unless otherwise specified, materials, supplies, and/or equipment must be new, current stock, and unused. SIGNING OF AGREEMENT AND BOND 22. Successful bidders are required to sign Contract Articles of Agreement and bond forms as follows: If trading as an Individual: All copies of Contract Articles of Agreement and bond(s) must be signed by the individual to whom the award is made and signature must be witnessed by the same witness. If trading as a Partnership : All copies of Contract Articles of Agreement and bond(s) must be signed by every partner comprising the Partnership, regardless of number, and these signatures must be witnessed by the same witness. If trading as a Corporation : All copies of Contract Articles of Agreement and bond(s) must be signed by the President (or Vice President) and attested by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary and Corporate seal must appear on all copies. The County requires that Power of Attorney forms be attached to bonds, bear the same date as that appearing on the bonds and that the forms are sealed and executed by a proper live signature . FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION 23. To comply with a provision of the law regarding registration under the Fictitious Name Act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, successful bidders trading as an Individual or a Partnership must submit a certified copy of their Fictitious Name Registration with their contract. Fictitious Name Registration forms are issued by the Office of the Prothonotary of Allegheny County, or the county in which the business is located. PREVENTION OF DELAY 24. A contractor will be considered in default if the contractor has work performed or means employed in the carrying out of the contract that would in any way cause or result in a suspension or delay of, or strike upon the work to be performed of any of the trades working in or about the premises described, or in or about any other building of the Community College of Allegheny County. 25. When trade names or catalog numbers are used, bidders may quote on any equal (unless otherwise stated by the College) but such bids must show trade names and/or catalog numbers of the products. Page 2 of 2 Rev: 6/14/13 - lm

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