Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…


Section 0l100 - Page 0l100-2



A. Contractor(s) shall have limited use of premises for construction operations as indicated on Drawings by the Contract limits. 1. Contractor(s) shall establish an area at the work site as may be feasible for conducting their operations, as agreed upon by the Construction Manager and the Owner. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the route that construction traffic shall use to the work areas and insuring that

adjacent areas are protected against damage, dust and noise.

3. The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for the erection of temporary barriers as required to separate areas under construction or demolition from occupied areas. 4. The Owner, within its facilities, will furnish electricity for construction purposes free of charge to the Contractor(s). Electric shall not be used for temporary heat. 5. The Owner will provide water for construction purposes at no cost to the Contractor(s). 6. The Contractor(s )’ working hours shall be in accordance with a schedule approved by the Construction Manager. Should evening hours or weekend work be required, this work must be fully coordinated with the Construction Manager in advance of scheduling the off-hours work. 7. The Construction Manager is responsible for the overall coordination construction activities. 8. The Contractor(s) will be required to use private phones or cell phones at their own cost and expense. 9. The Contractors(s) shall not use other than approved designated work areas for storage of materials. Storage of combustibles will not be permitted within building. 10. Use of the Owner ’ s dumpsters for disposal of waste materials is prohibited.

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