Bid 1093 - Security Replacement Project at OCS - Invitation…


1. This Non-collusion Affidavit is material to any contract awarded pursuant to this bid. According to the Pennsylvania Antibid-Rigging Act, 73 P.S. § 1611 et seq., governmental agencies may require Non-collusion Affidavits to be submitted together with bids. 2. This Non-collusion Affidavit must be executed by the member, officer or employee of the bidder who makes the final decision on prices and the amount quoted in the bid. 3. Bid rigging and other efforts to restrain competition and the making of false sworn statements in connection with the submission of bids are unlawful and may be subject to criminal prosecution. The person who signs the Affidavit should examine it carefully before signing and assure himself or herself that each statement is true and accurate, making diligent inquiry, as necessary, of all other persons employed by or associated with the bidder with responsibilities for the preparation, approval or submission of the bid. 4. In the case of a bid submitted by a joint venture, each party to the venture must be identified in the bid documents, and an Affidavit must be submitted separately on behalf of each party. 5. The term “complementary bid” as used in the Affidavit has the meaning commonly associated with that term in the bidding process, and includes the knowing submission of bids higher than the bid of another firm, any intentionally high or noncompetitive bid, and any other form of bid submitted for the purpose of giving a false appearance of competition.

6. Failure to file an Affidavit in compliance with these instructions will result in disqualification of the bid.

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