

Police warn fall harvest due soon for pot plantations

operator is done harvesting the crop and then raiding the site for the processed pot. Some marijuana growers may also set up their outdoor plantations within an unwary neighbour’s corn field, using the tall corn stalks to conceal their own illegal harvest. Police have reports of an almost-legend- ary individual known as “the Fan Man”, who uses paragliding gear with a large fan-type propeller attached a backpack harness to do low flyovers of cornfields and woodland areas with small clearings in Eastern Ontario and Western Québec. He uses a GPS locator to note the coordinates for hidden outdoor marijuana plantations and then sells the in- formation to other criminals, known as “pot pirates”, who then raid the sites when the harvest is due. Anyone who suspects there may be mari- juana grow operation in their neighbour- hood is advised to phone their local police station.


Watch out for the Fan Man as autumn approaches and local farmers prepare to harvest their crops. Criminals are also getting ready to reap the benefits of their hidden marijuana plantations. OPP detachments throughout Eastern Ontario are warning residents to be careful if they suspect they might be living near to suspected marijuana grow operation. The risk may not be just from the actual owner of the pot plantation. “During this time of year, many outdoor marijuana crops have been harvested,” states an OPP news release. “But other criminals who target specific homes and (marijuana grow) locations for robberies and home invasions are also a concern for the OPP.” Some organized gangs target marijuana grow ops, whether outdoor plantations or indoor operations, waiting until the original OTTAWA | A newmodel of health care that puts more focus on people with special or complex needs is ready to start connect- ing in Prescott-Russell. The Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) has received provincial approval for Health Link programs for the Prescott-Russell and South Renfrew regions of the Champlain LHIN. These are two of 10 potential Health Link regions proposed for the LHIN. The Health Link system involves local health service providers working together to improve coordinated services for pa- tients. The goal is to reduce the need for emergency room visits or hospital readmis- sions for people with very high care needs. The Champlain LHIN will work with health care agencies in the Prescott-Russell and South Renfrew regions to complete readi- ness assessments and detailed business plans for the Health Link setup. The LHIN is also now reviewing the readiness assess- ment for the Winchester area Health Link prior to presenting it for health ministry ap- proval this fall. Health Link connection VISION L’ORIGNAL | Cleanup continues in Lac Mé- gantic after a terrible railway tragedy dev- astated the little Québec village. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) is showing its support for the reconstruction effort getting behind a resolution of the Town of Port McNeill. That municipality has agreed to donate one dollar for each one of its citizens to Lac Mégantic town council to help the munici- pality with the cost of rebuilding. UCPR council during its Aug. 28 session gave unanimous approval to a similar reso- lution of financial support for the Québec municipality. Lac Megantic aid

Photo courtesy OPP

LES SERVICES AUX VICTIMES PRESCOTT-RUSSELL EST À LA RECHERCHE DE PERSONNES VOULANT DEVENIR DES HÉROS DE TOUS LES JOURS Êtes-vous intéressé à faire la différence dans votre collectivité ? Le Service d’orientation et d’aide immédiate aux victimes (SOAIV) est un programme d’intervention communautaire des Services aux victimes Prescott-Russell Victim Services. Il aide les victimes d’actes criminels et de circonstances tragiques en fournissant un soutient affectif, une aide pratique et des références vers les ressources communautaires appropriées. Avez-vous un désir d’aider ceux dans le besoin? JOIGNEZ L’ÉQUIPE DE RÉPONDANTS DE CRISE SVPRVS! Nous recherchons aussi des bénévoles multilingues La prochaine session de formation débute en octobre 2013 NOUVEAU : FORMATION EN LIGNE Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, contactez un membre de l’équipe au

PRESCOTT-RUSSELL VICTIM SERVICES IS LOOKING FOR EVERYDAY HEROES Are you interested in making a difference in your community?

Prescott Russell Victim Services is a community based, non -profit organization that offers to victims of crime and tragic circumstances, emotional support, practical assistance and information/referrals to other appropriate community agencies. Do you have a strong desire to help those in need? JOIN THE SVPRVS VOLUNTEER CRISIS RESPONDERS TEAM! We are also looking for multilingual volunteers The training program begins in October 2013 EXCITING NEW E-LEARNING AVAILABLE For more information, please contact the office at 1 877 632-7530 or by e-mail at We will be happy to provide you with an information package!

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AVIS PUBLIC – MISE À JOUR AVEZ-VOUS PERDU UN MEMBRE DE VOTRE FAMILLE AVANT LE 14 JUIN 2010 DONT LE DÉCÈS A DONNÉ LIEU À UNE ENQUÊTE DU CORONER ET UNE AUTOPSIE? Par le passé, les organes étaient parfois conservés afin de mener d’autres tests après une autopsie dans le but d’aider à MFORVËUFFUEFEÊUFSNJOFSMBDBVTFEVEÊDÍT"WBOUMFøKVJOø MFTGBNJMMFTOÊUBJFOUQBTUPVKPVSTBWJTÊFTEFMBDPOTFSWBUJPO d’un organe. &OWFSUVEV3ÍHMFNFOUøEFMB Loi sur les coroners MBEJTQPTJUJPOEFDFTPSHBOFTEFWBJUTFGBJSFMFKVJO$FTPSHBOFT seront maintenant conservés pendant au moins cinq années supplémentaires puisqu’il apparaît clairement que plus de temps est nécessaire pour faire connaître cette question difficile à la population. Les membres de la famille immédiate et les représentants successoraux (c.-à-d. les personnes chargées de l’administration de la succession) sont invités à contacter le Service de médecine légale de l’Ontario et le Bureau du coroner en chef s’ils souhaitent savoir si un organe a été conservé dans le dossier de leur proche. $FSUBJOTPSHBOFTQFVWFOUOFQMVTËUSFEJTQPOJCMFTFOSBJTPOEFTQSBUJRVFTRVJBWBJFOUDPVSTQBSMFQBTTÊ%BOTMFTDBTPÜ VOPSHBOFBÊUÊDPOTFSWÊFUMFTUUPVKPVST MPSHBOFQPVSSBËUSFFOWPZÊÆVOTBMPOGVOÊSBJSFFOWVFEFTBDSÊNBUJPOPVTPO enterrement. Les frais seront assumés par le Service de médecine légale de l’Ontario et le Bureau du coroner en chef. %FQVJTMFøKVJOø MF3ÍHMFNFOUøFOWFSUVEFMB Loi sur les coroners permet de s’assurer, lorsque cela est possible, que les familles soient avisées et que leurs souhaits soient connus si un organe doit être conservé après une autopsie. Contactez-nous au : Service de médecine légale de l’Ontario 26, Grenville Street Toronto (Ontario) M7A 2G9 Veuillez noter ce qui suit : -FTQFSTPOOFTRVJOPVTDPOUBDUFOUQPVSSBJFOUEFWPJSGPVSOJSEFTSFOTFJHOFNFOUTQFSTPOOFMT$FT SFOTFJHOFNFOUTTFSPOUSFDVFJMMJTDPOGPSNÊNFOUÆMBSUJDMFø  EFMB Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée afin de traiter les demandes se rapportant aux organes conservés conformément à la Loi sur les coroners . Les questions au TVKFUEFMBDPMMFDUFEFDFTSFOTFJHOFNFOUTQFVWFOUËUSFBESFTTÊFTBVHFTUJPOOBJSFEFTFOKFVY  (SFOWJMMF4USFFU 5PSPOUP 0OUBSJP ."ø( ø 1 855 564-4122


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