CIPP Prospectus

CIPP membership If you are delivering a payroll, pensions and reward service, in-house or for clients, CIPP membership will give you access to a vast array of people, products and services. Keeping you at the forefront of the profession and giving you all the confidence you’ll need for a compliant operation and highly rewarding career. MEMBERSHIP VALUES

Support Be part of a community where you can collaborate with, share and support individuals that are as passionate as you.

Knowledge Stay up to date, solve problems and save time with our suite of knowledge resources.

Development Take advantage of the vast opportunities within payroll and use our professional development resources to grow your career, your payroll team, client base or payroll business.

Recognition S tand out from the crowd, raise your profile and help shine a light on the payroll profession.


Join the CIPP today at

‘I have worked in the payroll profession since 1986 and throughout my career to date I’ve always had a guardian angel in the wings , someone I can and have relied on for good advice and support, some one I can bounce ideas off or just double check my thinking or simply ask where to go to get some information , that someone is the CIPP, they remain the go to place for all payroll professionals in the UK and I’m proud to be a member.’

Dean Whitaker, MCIPPdip

54 For more information please visit , email or call 0121 712 1000 .

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