CCAC Bid 1095 - Replace Roof at Library Building - Alleghen…

6. MINORITY & DISADVANTAGED PARTICIPATION GOALS The College's goal is to obtain 20 % MBE/WBE/DBE (13% Minority-owned Business enterprise/7% Woman-owned Business Enterprise/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) participation in the work. This is to be based on the dollar value of employment, subcontracts, supplies, goods, and services as a percentage of the total contract amount. The bidder/contractor must demonstrate to the College prior to award of the contract, and periodically thereafter throughout the term of the contract, their compliance and continued ability to comply with these goals. The contractor shall submit with their bid (on Return Form 4.0) a completed Minority & Disadvantaged Contractor Commitment Plan that will contain the details of how they plan to comply with this goal should they be awarded the contract. If the plan is not submitted in the bid or is not acceptable, the College may deem the bid non-responsive and may award the work to the next lowest responsive bidder with an acceptable plan. Thus, it behooves all bidders to formulate their M/W/DBE plan before submitting a bid. F inding Certified M/W/DBE’s - All subcontractors and suppliers of goods and services used to comply with this goal must be certified minority or disadvantaged firms. They may be certified by any recognized and reputable organization such as the following: African American Chamber of Commerce, Allegheny County, Port Authority of Allegheny County, City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Regional Minority Purchasing Council, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, United States Federal Government. If the firm is not certified and desires to be certified, it is suggested that they contact one of the following organizations. These organizations may also be used as references for sourcing M/W/DBE firms.

Allegheny County


M/W/DBE Department

Regional Enterprise Tower

County Office Building Rm 204

425 Sixth Avenue

542 Forbes Avenue

Suite 401

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219



Diversity Business Resource Center

African American Chamber of Commerce

700 River Avenue Suite 231

Koppers Building

Pittsburgh, PA 15212

436 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2220


Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412.391.0610

A list of PA certified M/W/DBE firms can be found on the Internet at .

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