Community College of Allegheny County Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2022 Library Roofing Project
Adhesive shall not be applied to lap (seam) areas that are to be welded to flashings or adjacent membrane sheets by means of hot air welding procedures. If contamination occurs, remove any contaminates prior to hot air welding seams. Remove and replace all sheets that are not fully bonded. Test cuts shall be made at least daily to ensure 25 lb. mopping. Cut a one square foot sample and weigh. All containers used to heat or hold asphalt shall have attached covers in good condition, operating accurate thermometers, checked at least hourly,
to maintain the following temperatures: Kettle temperature: 525°F; Mopping temperature: 450 to 500°F. EVT temperatures may be used if approved by the WTI upon submittal of current, complete data. All asphalt delivered to the site shall have EVT data on packages of a certified delivery ticket for each bulk delivery. o. Minimize foot traffic on freshly applied membrane until adhesive is fully cooled. p. Mechanically attach membrane sheets to roof decking at roof perimeters and penetrations using #15 heavy duty fasteners and 2 3/8 inch diameter barbed metal plates. Fasteners shall be spaced a minimum of 12 inches on center with disc centered 1-1/8'' from the sheet edge. (1) Field membrane sheets may be mechanically attached at vertical walls using a metal termination bar. (2) Run field membrane a minimum of 1-1/2 inches onto the vertical wall substrate and secure sheet to wall using a metal termination bar and appropriate fastener placed a minimum of 12 inches on center. Trim excess membrane from top of termination bar prior to flashing application.
KEE FB Membrane End Lap Details: (1)
Abut end laps. Gap width between membrane sheets shall not exceed 1/8 inch. Install 6-inch-wide cover strip membrane centered over end lap. Cutcover strip corners round. Heat-weld cover strip over end lap.
Minimum width of welded lap shall be 1-1/2 inches.
Membrane Seaming: (1)
All edge surfaces to be seamed by hot air welding as specified. Surfaces must be wiped with solvent using clean rags. Using an approved automatic heat welding machine or handheld heat gun and steel roller, continuously weld laps and seams. Minimum width of welded lap shall be 1-1/2 inches when using an automatic welder. Hand welds shall be a minimum of 2-inches wide. Only approved Automatic Walker Welders shall be used to weld seams (see Hot Air Welder Equipment).
Minimize foot traffic on freshly applied membrane until adhesive is fully cured.
February 2022
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