CCAC Bid 1095 - Replace Roof at Library Building - Alleghen…

Community College of Allegheny County Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2022 Library Roofing Project


Clean seam areas and weld side and end laps to ensure a watertight seam installation.

11. The top of the installed flashing shall be fastened under metal counterflashing, coping cap, or through wall metal reglet. The maximum distance between fasteners shall be 8 inches through flat bar or 12 inches through metal reglet. Install specified sealant between masonry walls and top edge of flashing membrane prior to fastening. 12. Install prefabricated universal corners for sealing all inside and outside corners.



A. Install new pressure treated wood sleepers with walk pads at existing wood sleeper and conduit/pipe locations. Sleepers to be sized to support conduit /pipe/equipment. Secure and flash existing pipe supports per Tremco Inc. details, and standards. B. Heat weld walkway pad to field membrane. 1. Clean, smooth membrane ply surface with soap and water. Allow drying. All surfaces must be clean and dry prior to walkway application. 2. For heat welding, allow the hot air welder to warm up. Insert the nozzle tip of the hot air welder to the attachment area. Move nozzle at a steady speed, immediately applying pressure behind the air nozzle with a neoprene roller or weighted wheel to ensure positive contact of the heated Walkway Roll to the roof membrane. a. Minimum width of welded lap shall be 2.0 inches and 6.0 inches long when performing hand welds. b. Spot weld Walkway Roll to roof membrane. Attachment of walkway roll should not impede drainage. 3. Field test heat welded laps to assure proper construction. 4. Perform field test after lap area cools to ambient temperatures. Properly constructed heat welds will not separate at the lap interface when tested.




Install tie – in. 1.

Remove embedded gravel/debris from top ply of felt along termination. a. Width: 24 inches


Remove dirt and debris from tie-in area. a. Width: 24 inches

3. Adhere 12- and 18-inch-wide ply sheets from exposed deck to existing roofing witha continuous 1/16 thick application of tie-off mastic. Glaze cut-off with surfacing mastic. Extend 18 inch wide felt 3 inches either side 12-inch felt. 4. Install “deadman” insulation filler at insulation staggers. 5. Extend new roofing membrane at least 24 inches onto prepared area of adjacent existing roofing. Seal edge with 6 inches wide reinforcing membrane embedded between alternate courses of tie-off mastic.


February 2022

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