CCAC Bid 1095 - Replace Roof at Library Building - Alleghen…


MBE/WBE PARTICIPATION : CCAC encourages the participation of minority and women-owned businesses in all of its contracts and is committed to providing maximum opportunities for qualified minority and/or women-owned business enterprises ("MBE/WBEs") to participate in its work. Bidder agrees (1) if qualified, to take reasonable and timely steps to obtain appropriate certification as an MBE and/or WBE, (2) to ensure that MBE and/or WBEs are appropriately considered as subcontractors and/or suppliers under this Agreement; and (3) to report moneys spent for MBE and/or WBE subcontractors and/or suppliers for work as CCAC may from time to time reasonably request. CCAC’s goal for MBE/WBE participation is 20% (13% MBE and 7% WBE/DBE). Please provide documentation as to your firm’s good faith effort to reach this goal by describing all applicable details of MBE/WBE participation that may be included in the resulting agreement.

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