Round mirror, 60cm • £128 – 67663 H: 595mm W: 595mm P: 34mm
Prime round mirror with LED lighting & motion sensor, 60cm • £325 – 67041 H: 595mm W: 595mm P: 35mm
Round mirror, 80cm • £145 – 67664 H: 795mm W: 795mm P: 34mm
Prime round mirror with LED lighting & motion sensor, 80cm • £412 – 67042 H: 795mm W: 795mm P: 35mm
Round mirror, 100cm • £170 – 67665 H: 995mm W: 995mm P: 34mm
Prime round mirror with LED lighting & motion sensor, 100cm • £567 – 67043 H: 995mm W: 995mm P: 35mm
Our prime mirrors feature motion sensors that detect your presence, instantly activating soft, glare-free LED lighting
For complete technical specifications for all our products, please visit vitra.co.uk
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