VitrA Vitality Collection 2025

V-Fix Prime

Regular slim frames

Reduced-height frames

Reduced-height frame, floor & wall fixation, 82cm, 3/6 litre £320 – 761-5805-01 H: 750-1080mm W: 430mm P: 155mm

Reduced-height frame, floor & wall fixation, 98cm, 3/6 litre £352 – 761-5825-01 H: 980mm W: 500mm P: 160-190mm

Regular wall-hung frame, 8cm, floor & wall fixation with electrical connection, 3/6 litre • £352 – 768-5800-01 H: 1120mm W: 555mm P: 85mm

Regular wall-hung frame, 8cm, floor fixation with electrical connection, 3/6 litre • £403 – 768-4800-01 H: 1127mm W: 555mm P: 130mm

Regular wall-hung frame, 8cm, back-to-back fixation with electrical connection, 3/6 litre • £700 – 768-5850-01 H: 1120mm W: 555mm P: 200mm

Regular standard frames

For optimal performance it is recommended that reduced-height frames are used with standard, non Rim-ex, wall-hung WC pans

Compatible flush plates, sold separately





Loop Round

Loop Square

Smart Panel


Regular wall-hung frame, 12cm, floor & wall fixation with electrical & water connection, 3/6 litre £352 – 762-5805-01 H: 1120mm W: 555mm P: 160-190mm

Regular wall-hung frame, 12cm, floor fixation with electrical & water connection, 3/6 litre • £403 – 762-4805-01 H: 1120mm W: 500mm P: 200mm

Regular wall-hung frame, 12cm, back-to-back double fixation with electrical connection, 3/6 litre £700 – 762-5855-01 H: 1120mm W: 500mm P: 260mm

For our full range of flush plates including colour finish options, see page 190



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