VitrA Vitality Collection 2025

Choosing your shower system

Step 1 Choose between a concealed or exposed system based on the type of wall you have

Cavity wall Concealed

Solid wall Exposed

Choosing the right shower system is one of the most important decisions when it comes to designing your bathroom.

To keep things simple, here are three steps to help you select the right shower system for your bathroom

Built-in shower mixer

Concealed shower valve

Wall-mounted shower mixer

Step 2 Choose your showerhead and/or hand shower


Shower mixer with adjustable water temperature control to a single outlet: hand shower or overhead shower. Shower mixer with adjustable water temperature control can be diverted to two outlets: hand shower, overhead shower, or bath spout. We have a wide range of showerheads and hand showers to match our bath, shower and basin mixers. From traditional to modern, round to square, powerful to water-saving, you can find one that perfectly matches the other elements of your bathroom design.


Step 3 Adding a bath to your bathroom equation?


A diverter allows the flow of water to be switched from one outlet to another. These are shown on page 271



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