April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Pity the poor, deluded preachers and professors in that day, with their smoked and blinded eyes! There will be no, eclipse of the Son of God then, but His countenance will be as “ the sun shineth in his strength,” from which “ the heavens and the earth” will flee away. “And th e kings of th e earth , and th e g rea t men, and the rich men, and th e chief captains, and th e m ighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, h id themselves in th e dens and in th e rocks of th e m ountains; - “And said to th e m ountains and rocks, F a ll on us, and hide us from th e face of him th a t sitte th on th e throne, and from th e w ra th of th e Lamb; ’ ‘ ’ *• “F o r th e g reat day of his w ra th is come; and who shall be able to stand ” (Rev. 6 :15 -17 ). THE MODERN SAMSON In our cartoon Mr. Pace has given us a picture which
(6) Cast your cares upon Him. You will have cares, but you need not carry them, for “ He careth for you.” (7) Covet earnestly the best gifts. He knows what gifts to give and when and how to bestow them. (8) Be concerned for the souls of people. What other reason would He have for leaving us here ? Why not take us to be with Himself? R e m e m b e r you belong to Christ. Do not allow anyone to tell you what or where your field of service is to be. Wait on the Lord, follow these rules and you will give joy to
His heart and be a happy Christian. THE ECLIPSE OF THE SON
The newspapers have been telling us that 25,000,000 people saw the eclipse of the sun last January. Shortly
fills our heart with compassion and con fidence,—^compassion for those whose faith in the fundamental doctrines of God’s Word is being , des troyed by the insid ious influence of those in places of authority, and, on the other hand, con fidence t h a t t h e hands of men are helpless and their efforts fru itle s s :to overthrow the doc trines themselves. Look for a moment at these two pillars l§-the Blood and the Body—w h i c h are i m b e d d e d in the immovable founda tion of the Virgin B i r t h of J e s u s Christ,—God mani fest in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). The “ blood is the life” and the life of our Lord was poured out in a crimson
after that interest ing event we listened to a lecturer, who had gone up the Hudson R i v e r to witness it, describe the scene in graphic language, culminat ing with the emer gence of the sun f r o m the shadow cast upon it by the moon. His words- set us thinking of another eclipse—the eclipse of the Son of God by the shadows of doubt and unbelief that have been cast upon Him by Mod ernistic professors and preachers, seek ing to dim the glory and beauty of His royal presence.; seek ing to obliterate faith in His virgin birth and D e i t y ; classifying Him as a Christ but not the Christ; as a g o o d man, but not the
stream from hands and feet and heart. His life on earth and His example before men were ideal, but men could never equal them by imitation for, alas, the flesh is weak! But “ when I see the blood” God says, “ I will pass over you.” Under His blood are hidden all our sins, blotting them out from God’s sight. “ The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” A bloodless Bible would be a burlesque. And the same body, from which the blood was poured,—but glorified—came forth from the tomb. Hear His own testimony as He stood in the upper room after His resurrection (Luke 24:39): “Behold my hands and my feet, th a t it is I myself; handle me and see; for a sp irit h a th n o t flesh and bones, as ye see me have.”
God-Man ; giving to boys and girls and men and women smoked glasses through which to look, darkening their vision with mere semblances of truth until the Son of God ceases to be the God of the Bible and becomes merely a teacher and an example. The eclipse of the sun lasted but a few moments, then its rays again shone out in all their glory, shedding warmth and radiance over the earth. But millions are still dwelling in the shadow of the eclipse of the Son of God, and our heart aches for them. Had we the power we would smash to pieces every bit of smoked glass designed to shut out the truths of the glorious Gospel of the Son of God, and in its place put the telescope of the Word of God through which people might see Him as He ascended from the Mount of Olives and coming again—with sceptre in hand—the King of glory—to rule and reign!
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