April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Number of T racts given away............................................ ...... 400 Number of Backsliders Reclaimed...................................-...... 2 Number of Souls B rought to Christ....................................... 42 Persons Dealt W ith........................................ ............................. 67 REPORT OF RESULTS ACCOMPLISHED BY MEN’S BIBLE CLASS IN 1924 Gospels of John given away............................................. 29,639 T racts given away................................,................. .........,...141,617 Souls dealt w ith .......................... 1....................................... 16,324 Professed Conversions ,.......................,...!......................... 3,537 We are giving you these statistics .with the hope and prayer that other classes of young and old may be led to band together for the great work for which our Lord laid down His life. If this work could be done in a city so pleasure-loving and largely indifferent to the Gospel as is Los Angeles, it could be done' anywhere in the country. Why not prove it in your community? A GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Surprises await us all. Sometimes they fill us with sadness, and sometimes with gladness. It was the lat ter emotion which moved me when, on the night of February 20, a number of friends—old and new— gathered to testify in a loving way of their friendship for me. ■ Many greetings came also by wire and by mail, and the memories they evoked of friends and faces of bygone days stirred my heart with deep emotion. For this testimony, so unlooked for and of which I was so unworthy, I can only express my heartfelt gratitude. One feature of the gathering was a little remarkable; There was present one man who united with the church in Cincinnati at the same time as myself; another man who was President of the Y. M-. C. A. in Indianapolis when I first entered that work as secretary forty-eight years ago and also a dear Christian brother who was a co-laborer with me in the same city (Indianapolis); Dr. W. B. Riley) who presided over the gathering, was an intimate friend and associate in service twenty-eight years ago in Minneapolis, and another dear man was a close friend and helper when I was pastor of the Sco field Church in Dallas, Texas. This covered my field of service, with the exception of Philadelphia,; from which city came hearty greetings. In acknowledging these expressions of friendship, I desire to express my gratitude to those from whom they came and assure them that, with bodily strength unimpaired and deepened desire to labor for my Lord and Master, I shall seek with renewed devotion to do my best for Him who did His best for me. —T. C. Horton. ate jte CHRIST IS RISEN!
Notice the expression, “ flesh and bones” not “ flesh and blood.” :The blood was gone. Listen to the testi mony of Paul (1 Cor. 15:6 ): “A fter th a t he was seen of above five hundred b reth ren a t once; of whom th e g rea ter p a rt rem ain un to th is present, b u t some are fallen asleep.” “ In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established,” but here were five hundred wit nesses. Listen, again, to the testimony of the two men (Acts 1 :11): “ Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up in to heaven? -This same Jesus, which is tak en up from you in to heaven, shall so come in like manner, as ye have seen him go in to heaven.” He was not only resurrected but this same Jesus, in the same body, will come again. Take your hands off, you mimic Samson! You defile the structure, but you do not move the pillars. You may sweat, but you will not succeed- “ The foundation of God standeth sure.” THE PRESIDENT SEALS HIS OFFICIAL OATH OF OFFICE by Pressing His Lips upon the First Chapter of the Gospel of John. Opposite the “ Table of Contents” page we have pre sented a brief suggestion which we trust every member of our King’s Business Family will read. Our purpose in preparing it was to inspire every one of. you with a new love for souls and to give a suggestion of how to “ do i t now.” The point of contact is the essential thing in soul winning. The President has furnished us with an excel lent one and we urge every lover of the lost to improve the opportunity. Anyone, anywhere, will listen to you if you open your Gospel of John to the first verse and ask, “ Did you ever notice the significance of this first verse with its announcement of the eternal Godhead of our Lord Jesus Christ?” and then point out to them the great doctrinal teaching in that wonderful first chapter, and the illustration of personal -soul-winning contained in the incident of the calling of the first disciples. People are hungry for the Gospel. Nothing else will satisfy them, but so many do not know where to get the Bread of Life. We know, and we should help them. “ Give ye them to eat.” We are left here for that pur pose. The editor-in-chief of* this magazine has been teaching a Sunday morning Men’s Bible Class for eight years and has continually stressed with them the importance and need of personal work in saving the lost. He takes pleasure in giving you the report of results accomplished by the Evangelistic Band of this class. This Band is organized, meets on Sunday afternoon at two o’clock for prayer, then separates into groups and goes out to different sections of the city and the surrounding territory, holding meetings on the streets, at the seaside resorts, etc., wherever the opportunity offers, and winning souls through personal work with individuals. REPORT OF GOSPEL TEAM OF MEN’S BIBLE CLASS fo r ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON F eb ru ary 22, 1925. Total Number of W orkers.......................................................... 32 Number of Gospels given away.................. .............................. 301
Christ the Lord is risen today, Sons of men and angels say; Raise your songs and triumphs high; Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply. . •Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ hath burst the gates of hell; Death in vain forbids His rise; Christ hath opened Paradise.
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