T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1925
HE evening of F eb ru ary 20 last, witnessed a most bappy gathering a t the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles. A goodly number of Mr. H orton’s recent and form er associates, in this and other centers, assembled to do him honor upon th e occasion of his retirem en t as directing head of th e Institute. The occasion furnished a fitting opportunity to express the esteem in which th is distinguished Christian leader is held, and to voice appreciation of his em inent and varied services during a period of half a century. Scores of telegram s and letters expressing a unanimous sentim ent of brotherly attachm ent, were, received from widely scattered points, indicating th e extensive and useful m inistry of th is honored servant of th e Lord. The program , as given below, suggests the possibilities of this auspicious event, which was a tim e of fellowship and blessing to all who were privileged' to attend. PROGRAM C h airm an ............................................................................... Mr. J. M. Irvine P resid en t of the B oard of D irectors, Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles T o astm a ster.................................... .................... Rev. W . B. Riley, D. D. P resident, N orthw estern Bible an d M issionary T raining School M inneapolis, Minn. B irth— E arly Life and T rain in g ..................................D r. W. B*. Riley “From a child thou h a st know n th e H oly S crip tu res” (2 Tim . 3:15) C onversion ............................... C all to C h ristian W ork— Y. M. C. A . Rev. David R. Breed, D.D., LL.D. P ro fesso r of H om iletics, W estern Theological Sem inary, P ittsb u rg h , Penn. “Sow ing an d R eaping” (P salm 126:6) Specialized Soul-saving....................................... T he F isherm en’s C lub Mr. D on C. Y oungken E x -P resid en t "T aking m en alive" (L uke 5:10)
U ltim ate L ife-w ork.....................T he Bible Institute of Los A ngeles Rev. R alph A tkinson, D. D. A cting Dean "A w orkm an th a t needeth n o t to be asham ed” (2 Tim . 2:15) A s a C itizen.................................., ..........................Mr. H a rry C h an d ler P ro p rieto r and E ditor, “The Los A ngeles Tim es" “To him th a t sow eth righteousness shall be a sure rew ard." .7 ;^b~(Prov. 11:18) L ite rary W o rk ...............T h e P rin ted Page, "T h e ICing’s B usiness" Rev. F. W . F a rr, D.D., LL.D. P asto r, C alvary B ap tist C hurch, Los A ngeles "T he pen of a ready w rite r” (P sa. 45:1) C h ristian Fellow ship in Gospel W ork Rev. S tew art P. M acL ennan P asto r, F irst P resb y terian C hurch, H ollyw ood A “A band of men, w hose h e arts God had touched” (I Sam. 10:26) A fitting conclusion to the evening’s program was the presentation to Mr. Horton of a beautiful loving cup, and the rem arks made by Rev. S tew art P. MacLennan, Pastor F irst P resbyterian Church of Hollywood, in th is connection, served to emphasize the place of affectionate regard which Mr. Horton holds in the h earts of his countless friends. He responded to this testimony of esteem in his usual modest way, but w ith evident emotion, ascribing to his Lord all glory and praise for whatever had been accomplished by his means. In the picture above, it will be observed th a t Mr. H orton is contemplating, w ith evident pleasure, a copy of The K ing’s Business, upon which he is now concentrating his energy and prayers, th a t this outstanding F undam entalist periodical may attain an even Wider distribu tion th an it has already secured, and carry its message of vital faith in th e infallible Word of God th roughou t the world. —W. R. Hale, Asst. Supt. Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles.
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