T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1925
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Interesting Stories from Real Experience
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i L V a n g e l l S t l C
U e p a r t m e n t
As to ld by Bible In stitu te Workers
Could I bring my sister and my mother, for they never went to one eith e r? ’ “ One young man from P o rtland was invited and tak en to the Bible Class by one of th e school teachers whose h ea rt is in th is work, accepted Jesus Christ and is now a constant w itness wherever he is. He had no intention of attending school when he came to Southern California, bu t in passing the H igh School building, noticed its appearance and inquired what it was, left th e bus a t the next corner, and had enrolled as a stud en t before the week was over. He says th ere is no question as to why he became a stu dent for he knows now it was th a t he m ight learn to know th e Lord Jesus Christ. Out of D arkness in to L ight “One member of the Bible Class has been brought out of Christian Science teaching to accept th e Bible account of creation as a little child would accept it. She said, when we closed our study of John 17, th a t it was new to her to know th a t Jesus Christ had prayed for her. She no longer repeats th e ‘Eddy-version’;'^ of th e Lord’s prayer, b u t prays aloud in th e class to a loving Heavenly F a th e r in the name of h er Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “Another young woman who came to the class one evening when we were studying the Old Testam ent and find ing th e cross of Jesus Christ there, said she had never heard such wonder ful things in h er life, and th a t it seemed to her th a t she had come from th e desert into a wonderful oasis. She said she had not wanted to attend the class th a t night, but felt compelled to go by some strang e feeling she couldn’t understand. As th e lesson closed she said, ‘I know now why I couldn’t stay home. I never had any th ing help me so much. If I never heard anything more about th e Bible, I have enough from this one lesson to last me as long as I live.’ “A Catholic hoy attended regularly last year and was present last month when th e class studied about ‘The Tabernacle,’ It was his last n igh t here, for he has now gone away to college in ano th er state. As he left th e class he paused to say, ‘I know Jesus Christ is up th ere in the holy place for me.’ ” w,_ ¿1* m M WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H . R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings H eld in Shops, F actories, C ar-B arns an d Fire-Engine H ouses in Los A ngeles. B ERHAPS it will be of in te r est to the many friends who have been praying and giv ing for the work of th e Shop D epartm ent to know th a t our work has been made much easier
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an Stew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses an d Soul W inning Clubs.
by the helpful Cooperation of the Union Pacific officials. P erhaps this will be best b rough t to your atten tion by quoting from the Ja n u ary issue of th e ir magazine a repo rt covering the work th a t we are endeavoring to do. R eaders will bear in mind th a t th is is only one of the ways in which they have manifested th e ir in terest and shown th ere appre ciation of the work being done in th eir shops for th e men. They say: “ P erhaps th e work th a t is being done by Rev. M. H. Reynolds, Super intend en t of the Shop D epartm ent of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, in the shops of th e Los Angeles and Salt Lake Divisions, is a little unique, and yet it is felt th a t its success m erits a little study. “ It is noted th a t th is work first of all is a work adapted to th e men of the shops. Many of these men, because of th e ir work, have little tim e to go to church. In o rd er to m eet th is need, B rother Reynolds goes into th e shops, and takes a service to them . “ Interdenom inational in character, it reaches men who may have Church connections, and those who do not. D irect in its appeal, it meets a need in th e lives of the fellows th a t few realize, and often we have heard the men themselves say, ‘We have our church here each week.’ “Aside from the meetings th a t are held, a sick list is handed to B rother Reynolds each week and these men are visited in the homes and hospitals. In times of sorrow, when it is always nice to have some one who under stands to call on, it is to him th a t many of the boys come. “A fter several years, as th e boys have grown to know the work, calls have come to him , asking if he would come to the o ther shops, holding sim ilar meetings, and th rough th e co-op eration of th e officials, a fine work has been established. Reading rooms have been furnished w ith good Gospel liter atu re, and w ith the increased interest, assembly halls have been bu ilt where th e men can g ath er to hear th e mes sage. “Men who are sent into the hospi tals from o th er points are visited, let te rs are w ritten to th e ir loved ones, where the patients cannot w rite them selves, and th is has proved a blessing. Shop Associational Committees, who wish flowers tak en to some of th e ir men here, w rite or w ire him , and this is taken care of. “F rom tim e to tim e the Men’s Glee Club arranges a program or Sacred Concept for th e fellows, a t which tim e a special day is set aside, th e boys themselves planning th e details of the service. “And now may we point out the resu lts of ju st such a work as this.
HIGH School teacher in a nearby city, who is herself deeply interested in th e spir itu al welfare of th e young people w ith whom she comes
in contact, sends us th e following regard ing the work of one of the Bible Women whose work is largely among the High School students: “Very in teresting and wonderful is th e work of one of th e Bible Women in a class of young men and women, — different from all o ther classes in its membership and in th e problems presented, such as, for instance, in te r esting a college stud en t and an eighth grade g ramm ar school student,— sit ting side by side— in th e same Bible lesson! “Some of the High School teachers help to promote in te rest in th e class and invite to it, as opportunity offers, such students as they feel are in spe cial need of such teaching, although th e class is open to any and all young people, often tak ing them in th e ir machines to th e home of th e Bible teacher, sometimes driving tw enty or more miles to get them to th e class and home again. P ray er Works! “ In addition to th e class hour, the Bible teacher keeps the hours from 4:30 to 6:00 open each Sunday afte r noon for any studen t who wishes to come for conference and prayer. One young man had given up praying and reading his Bible some tim e ago, and then, losing his job and being w ithout home or money, w ent to ta lk the whole m a tte r over w ith th e teacher, and w ithin th ree days was placed in a splendid position. This is his testi mony: ‘It was so much b etter th an any th ing I had expected th a t I know it is all due to th e prayer Sunday night. It has proved to me th a t prayer works, and I know it now for a life-time.’ Taste a n d See “A ‘tenth-year stu d e n t’ was invited to the Bible Class and finally came. On th e way she rem arked to the High School Teacher who called for her th a t she had never been in a Bible Class in her life, and asked w hat peo ple did a t a Bible Class and w hat it really was for. It was explained to her as well as possible, and when the class ended and the auto was filled for th e homeward trip she said: ‘W asn’t th a t good, though? I didn’t have any idea w hat a Bible Class m eant, but now I know it’s something I w an t to go to ju s t all I can. W ill you please be su re to come afte r me next week?
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