King's Business - 1925-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1925

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Interesting Stories from Real Experience

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i L V a n g e l l S t l C

U e p a r t m e n t

As to ld by Bible In stitu te Workers

Could I bring my sister and my mother, for they never went to one eith e r? ’ “ One young man from P o rtland was invited and tak en to the Bible Class by one of th e school teachers whose h ea rt is in th is work, accepted Jesus Christ and is now a constant w itness wherever he is. He had no intention of attending school when he came to Southern California, bu t in passing the H igh School building, noticed its appearance and inquired what it was, left th e bus a t the next corner, and had enrolled as a stud en t before the week was over. He says th ere is no question as to why he became a stu ­ dent for he knows now it was th a t he m ight learn to know th e Lord Jesus Christ. Out of D arkness in to L ight “One member of the Bible Class has been brought out of Christian Science teaching to accept th e Bible account of creation as a little child would accept it. She said, when we closed our study of John 17, th a t it was new to her to know th a t Jesus Christ had prayed for her. She no longer repeats th e ‘Eddy-version’;'^ of th e Lord’s prayer, b u t prays aloud in th e class to a loving Heavenly F a th e r in the name of h er Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “Another young woman who came to the class one evening when we were studying the Old Testam ent and find­ ing th e cross of Jesus Christ there, said she had never heard such wonder­ ful things in h er life, and th a t it seemed to her th a t she had come from th e desert into a wonderful oasis. She said she had not wanted to attend the class th a t night, but felt compelled to go by some strang e feeling she couldn’t understand. As th e lesson closed she said, ‘I know now why I couldn’t stay home. I never had any­ th ing help me so much. If I never heard anything more about th e Bible, I have enough from this one lesson to last me as long as I live.’ “A Catholic hoy attended regularly last year and was present last month when th e class studied about ‘The Tabernacle,’ It was his last n igh t here, for he has now gone away to college in ano th er state. As he left th e class he paused to say, ‘I know Jesus Christ is up th ere in the holy place for me.’ ” w,_ ¿1* m M WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H . R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings H eld in Shops, F actories, C ar-B arns an d Fire-Engine H ouses in Los A ngeles. B ERHAPS it will be of in te r­ est to the many friends who have been praying and giv­ ing for the work of th e Shop D epartm ent to know th a t our work has been made much easier

BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an Stew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses an d Soul W inning Clubs.

by the helpful Cooperation of the Union Pacific officials. P erhaps this will be best b rough t to your atten tion by quoting from the Ja n u ary issue of th e ir magazine a repo rt covering the work th a t we are endeavoring to do. R eaders will bear in mind th a t th is is only one of the ways in which they have manifested th e ir in terest and shown th ere appre­ ciation of the work being done in th eir shops for th e men. They say: “ P erhaps th e work th a t is being done by Rev. M. H. Reynolds, Super­ intend en t of the Shop D epartm ent of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, in the shops of th e Los Angeles and Salt Lake Divisions, is a little unique, and yet it is felt th a t its success m erits a little study. “ It is noted th a t th is work first of all is a work adapted to th e men of the shops. Many of these men, because of th e ir work, have little tim e to go to church. In o rd er to m eet th is need, B rother Reynolds goes into th e shops, and takes a service to them . “ Interdenom inational in character, it reaches men who may have Church connections, and those who do not. D irect in its appeal, it meets a need in th e lives of the fellows th a t few realize, and often we have heard the men themselves say, ‘We have our church here each week.’ “Aside from the meetings th a t are held, a sick list is handed to B rother Reynolds each week and these men are visited in the homes and hospitals. In times of sorrow, when it is always nice to have some one who under­ stands to call on, it is to him th a t many of the boys come. “A fter several years, as th e boys have grown to know the work, calls have come to him , asking if he would come to the o ther shops, holding sim­ ilar meetings, and th rough th e co-op­ eration of th e officials, a fine work has been established. Reading rooms have been furnished w ith good Gospel liter­ atu re, and w ith the increased interest, assembly halls have been bu ilt where th e men can g ath er to hear th e mes­ sage. “Men who are sent into the hospi­ tals from o th er points are visited, let­ te rs are w ritten to th e ir loved ones, where the patients cannot w rite them ­ selves, and th is has proved a blessing. Shop Associational Committees, who wish flowers tak en to some of th e ir men here, w rite or w ire him , and this is taken care of. “F rom tim e to tim e the Men’s Glee Club arranges a program or Sacred Concept for th e fellows, a t which tim e a special day is set aside, th e boys themselves planning th e details of the service. “And now may we point out the resu lts of ju st such a work as this.

HIGH School teacher in a nearby city, who is herself deeply interested in th e spir­ itu al welfare of th e young people w ith whom she comes

in contact, sends us th e following regard ing the work of one of the Bible Women whose work is largely among the High School students: “Very in teresting and wonderful is th e work of one of th e Bible Women in a class of young men and women, — different from all o ther classes in its membership and in th e problems presented, such as, for instance, in te r­ esting a college stud en t and an eighth grade g ramm ar school student,— sit­ ting side by side— in th e same Bible lesson! “Some of the High School teachers help to promote in te rest in th e class and invite to it, as opportunity offers, such students as they feel are in spe­ cial need of such teaching, although th e class is open to any and all young people, often tak ing them in th e ir machines to th e home of th e Bible teacher, sometimes driving tw enty or more miles to get them to th e class and home again. P ray er Works! “ In addition to th e class hour, the Bible teacher keeps the hours from 4:30 to 6:00 open each Sunday afte r­ noon for any studen t who wishes to come for conference and prayer. One young man had given up praying and reading his Bible some tim e ago, and then, losing his job and being w ithout home or money, w ent to ta lk the whole m a tte r over w ith th e teacher, and w ithin th ree days was placed in a splendid position. This is his testi­ mony: ‘It was so much b etter th an any th ing I had expected th a t I know it is all due to th e prayer Sunday night. It has proved to me th a t prayer works, and I know it now for a life-time.’ Taste a n d See “A ‘tenth-year stu d e n t’ was invited to the Bible Class and finally came. On th e way she rem arked to the High School Teacher who called for her th a t she had never been in a Bible Class in her life, and asked w hat peo­ ple did a t a Bible Class and w hat it really was for. It was explained to her as well as possible, and when the class ended and the auto was filled for th e homeward trip she said: ‘W asn’t th a t good, though? I didn’t have any idea w hat a Bible Class m eant, but now I know it’s something I w an t to go to ju s t all I can. W ill you please be su re to come afte r me next week?

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