T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1925
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Pointers for Preachers and Teachers
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T rue Church of God,;i)( 1 Thess. 4: 15-18; Matt. 24:27-31; 1 Cor. 15: 51 ).. (12) In His second coming to Reign One Thousand years, (Rev. 19:11- 2 0 :9 ). (Israel, th e C hu rch ,' and nations blessed.) (Matt. 25:31-46; Isa. 9 :6 -7 ). (13) In New Heavens and th e new earth , when “God shall be all in all,” (Isa. 65:17; 2 Pet. 3:12-13; Rev. 21-22;' 1 Cor. 15:24-28. — J. T. L. THE HOPE OF THE RESURRECTION F o r all who have believed on Christ to the saving of th e ir souls, the hope of th e resu rrection of th e body is— (1) A Com forting Hope, Job 19:25- 27; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Psa. 16:10; Psa. 49:15. (2) A Satisfying Hope, Psa. 17:15. (3 ) A Sustaining Hope, 2 Cor. 4:17, 18; 5:1-3. (4) A Lively Hope, 1 P et. 1:3-7. (5 ) A Purifying Hope, 1 John 3:2,3. (6) A Glorious Hope, Rom. 8:18. (7 ) A Sure Hope, John 1 4 :1 9 ;.Rev. 1:18. (8) A Sealed Hope, Rom. 8 :11 ; 2 Cor. 5:5. (9) A T rium phant Hope, Hos. 13:14; 1 Cor 15:55-57. (10) A Ju b ilan t Hope, Isa. 26:19. (11) A Blessed and Holy Hope, Rev. 2 0 : 6 . (12) The Believer’s Hope, John 11: 25-27. -^N a th an iel West. “SON OF GOD” “is” 1. Son of Man............... ....... Luke 19:10 Matt. 8:24-27 3. Never-ending ......... ..........Jno. 17:5 4. Omniscient .............. .....Jno. 2:24-25 5. F irs t and L ast.....................Rev. 1:17 6. God ..................................... Jno. 1:1-4 7. Omnipresent ......... '—Matt. 18:20 8. Divine ...... .....................Col. 1:16-17 — R. J. H. THREE “UNSPEAKABLE” POSSESSIONS 1. 8 ). 3. —The unspeakable experience (2 Cor. 1 2 :4 ). — Selected. GRACE AND GLORY 1. — T ran sferred from Death to Life by grace (John 5 :2 4 ). 2. — Transfigured by the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18, R. V .). 3. —-Translated by th e power of God (Heb. 1 1 :5 ). 4. —T ransform ed life to th e Saviour (Phil. 3:20, 21). — F. E. Marsh. — The unspeakable g ift (2 Cor. — The unspeakable joy (1 Pet. 1: 9 :1 5 ). 2.
even He shall build th e temple of the Lord.$y W hat He will yet do for Israel, and also His present work for His F ath e r and for us-—the church of God (Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Cor. 3 :9 ; Heb. 3 :3 ; 1 Pet. 2:4, 5). (4) H e is th e Glory-Bearer. “And He shall bear th e glory.” It is only by Him, and in Him, and from Him, th a t all God’s etern al blessings of His sal vation come to us, and soon will come also to Israel. How glorious He is! “On His head are many crowns.” (5) He w ill be th e R eigning and Ruling One. “He shall sit and ru le on His th rone.” We sed Him now as enthroned Sin-Purger, Prophet, P riest and Lord, and soon He will be known and loved as Israel’s Redeemer and King. His kingly reign and glory, and all its Divine issues, will then be fulfilled, known and delighted in by them. ( 6 ) “The Counsel of Peace between Them B oth” which speaks of His infi nite delight He will have in all those He has so divinely blessed, and also of th e ir delight and peace th ey will have in Him. Blessed he God for the prospect! —W. H. SEEING JESUS CHRIST “We were eyewitnesses of His m aj esty,” (2 P et. 1 :1 6 ). “We would see Jesus,” (John 12 :2 ). “B u t we .see Je su s * * * * .’|4 “They saw no man save Jesus only,” - (Heb. 2: 9; Matt. 17 :8 ). “Every eye shall see H im ,” (Rev. 1 :7 ). How do we see Jesu s in th e B ible? “B u t we See Jesu s” (1) In His virgin b irth , (Matt. 1; Luke 1, 2, 3). (2) In His Divine and hum an n atu re manifested, (John 1:14-18). (3 ) In His m iraculous and miracle- working m inistry. (F o rty recorded m iracles in Gospels; no doubt many thousands of others.) (4) In His love, sympathy, and com passion, (John 13; Matt. 8-9, etc). (5) In His tem ptation and in victory over tem ptation and Satan, (Matt. 4 ). ( 6 ) In His m anner and method of teaching and preaching, (Matt. 5- 6-7). ( “Never m an spake like this man.” “Spake w ith au tho rity , not as scribes.” ) (7 ) In His praying in th e garden of Gethsemane, (Luke 22:39-46). ( 8 ) In His death upon th e Cross for all m ankind, (Luke 23:27-49). (9) In His Bodily resurrection— glor ified once more, (Matt. 28; Luke 24). (10) In His ascension and promise to come again, (Acts 1:10-11; John 14 :3 -6 ). (11) In His Second coming for th e
THE THREE HOOKS There are th ree g rea t facts of C h r i s t ’ s redemption-HAtonement, Advocacy, Advent. And th e re are th ree looks corresponding to these. (1) The Backward Look. “Look unto me and be ye saved, all ye ends of the e a rth ” (Isa. 45 :22 ). The eye is first carried back to the cross, and to Christ’s finished work thereon accomplished. Then, our Redeemer having satisfied the law concerning sin, bids us accept, by our consenting faith, th e satisfaction He has made. “Having made peace by the blood of th e cross” we gaze w ith consenting faith upon His work and,! therefore, “ being justified by faith , we have peace w ith God th rough our Lord Jesu s Christ.” (2) The Upward Look. “Looking unto Jesus, the au tho r and finisher of our faith ; who, for the joy th a t was set before him, endured th e cross, despising th e shame, and is set down a t the rig h t hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 1 2 :2 ). There He is in the place of advocacy, who was before in th e place of atonement. B etter for the present th a t He should he th ere ra th e r th an here. The law yer m ust be in court if he would con duct th e su it of his client; and th ere fore Christ has gone to “ appear in th e presence of God fo r us.” (3 ) T h e Onward Look. “Looking for th a t blessed hope and th e glorious appearing of th e g reat God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (T itu s 2 :1 3 ). This is th e tru e expectation of the believer who waits for full salvation. Our Lord compares H imself to a Nobleman going into a far country to receive for H imself a kingdom, and to retu rn . It is for us to aw ait th a t re tu rn th a t we may share th a t king dom w ith Him. “F o r our conversa tion (citizenship) in in heaven; from whence, also, we look for th e Saviour, the Lord Jesu s Christ.” ■— A. J. Gordon. “THE GLORIES OF CHRIST” IN ZECH. 6:11-13 (1) H e is th e Crowned H igh P rie st (v. 1 1 ). The crowns are made of silver and gold. The one speaks of redemption (His d ea th ), and th e o th er of His Divine glory as th e Son of God. (2 ) H e is th e “Man whose Name is th e B ranch.” This is Christ’s spe cial name in relation to Israel and th e ir fu tu re glory. (See Isa. 11:1; Je r. 23:5 and 33:15; Zech. 3 :8 ). The “Stone of Isra el” w ith seven eyes, the only tim e He is thu s named. . ( 8 ) H is Service fo r Them, and also fo r Us. “He shall branch up under Him and build the temple of the Lord;
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