April 1925
T H E ' K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Some A d v a n ta g e s o f th e E ven ing School Rev. W. H. P ike, Superintendent, Evening School, B ible In stitu te of Eos Angeles
4. Many m eth ods of Bible study are ta u g h t or used during th e course. 5. A general knowledge of the different methods of Christian work is gained,' such as teaching, preach ing, Sunday School methods, mission tvork, foreign misr lionary work, and a very thorough train ing in per sonal evangelism. 6 . T h e prac tical knowledge one gains in th e actual doing of s o m e f o r m of Christian w o r k . This is wholly vol untary on the p art of th e stud en t and is a necessary aid to C h r i s t i a n g r o wt h. As an i l l u s t r a t i o n of what the students did last year in this line, we have the following fig ures: T h e students last year volun tarily d istribu ted 383 Bibles a n d Testaments, 5974 Gospels, and 36,- 183 Gospel tracts. They talked per sonally w ith 5014 people about th eir need of Christ and had th e privilege of leading 405 to confess Christ as th eir p e r s o n a l Saviour. Besides t h i s ,
c h o o l s ir train - ig men
The Joy of the Evening School O f l l i e B i b l e I n s t i t u t e o f Los A n g e l e s , C a l . M rs. W . H. Pike ....i &
W . H. Pike
and women in dif ferent branches of learn ing are re ceiving a l a r g e patronage a t the present time. P er sons w ishing to secure a knowl edge of a l m o s t any subject may f i n d opportunity in some kind of an Evening School. The most valu able knowledge received in th i 3 life is a knowledge of God and His Word; as the Bible tells us in 2 P eter 3:18, “But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sav iour Jesus Christ,” and the only way to f u l l y k n o w JeSus Christ is to know the Bible. The E v e n i n g S c h o o l of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles offers to e v e r y o n e a Bible Course and train in g in m eth ods of Christian work of excellent character. It is c o m p r e h e n s i v e , consecutive, sys
the 1. In a sheltered nook w ith a sa-cred Book,,When the toil of 2. So we work each day to re-ceive our pay, To meet earth’s ev - er 3. O what joy is o u rs’m id the. toil- ing hours Of the work of the 1 JV -vift ' r : _ I N
day is past, Here we students meet and each, oth - er need-ed fare, But we come at night to re-ceive the Evening School, W e will not complain for our toil is
greet In a light T hat shall gain As we
egg i
m hap - py and cheerful class. And we hear th e words of make us a bless-ing rare To the ones we meet on learn of God's word and rule. So we stand a - lert in ±
our bless - ed our life’s short the Mas - te rs - i ♦ a — 0 —
D .S. C horus : S o W f , ___ \ N H
we learn the- words of our bless - ed,
Lord, Who has helped us street, And to help them on work, And the race we’re bound £: BB1 • _ m * -, • ; ---iT— 1/ on the to mm from
"I- -t- -tb high, (on high,)W hile our way (the way) To the run, (to run,) T ill at I ■19
£ Bi
=t= Lord, That we might be approved un - to Him, . (to Him,) Till
51® % J... J . m ----N—|«n
—BB --k— nigh. day. done.” 1 I s i ii I S f
• t us
. hearts u - nite m the home a-bove th ro ’.a £ last we rest on the S ■ ■ S 1 d
m 0 ■■ prais-es bright To the aviour’s love, And en- aviour’s breast, And He
-J- ass Sod th at has broug] joy the e - ter - says un - to us ‘ J N N th
nal W ell V 1
tematic, and prac tical. Its in struc tors are f r o m among the best Bible teachers of t h i s a n d other lands. One may sum up the advantages of th e Evening School of the Bible Insti tu te of Los Angeles as follows: 1. All sessions are held afte r 6:00 P. M. so th a t most young men and women who work during th e day can attend. 2. Sessions are so arranged th a t only th ree evenings a week are required to complete th e th ree years’ course. 3. Those w ishing to tak e p a rt of th e course may select th eir subjects. h*7V-b—t — i---- - * \ / mm m
---U—U-J wmmm. meet a-bove in the bonds of love, And we shout hal - a - lu-jah! A-m en/ *A good Soprano and Alto duet. Copyright, 1925, by W. H. Pike.
many conducted meetings, taugh t Sunday School classes, held open a ir meetings, and engaged in o th er forms of Christian work. W ith these advantages, it is no t surprising th a t young men and women come from all p arts of Los Angeles, and even as far away as Hollywood, Glendale, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Long .Beach, W h ittier and Monrovia. Also, last year students came representing twenty-five different nation alities and forty different religious denom inations.
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