April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Any Book Reviewed or Advertised in These Columns may be Obtained a t B iola Book Room 536-558 S. Hope St., Bos Angeles, Calif.
P am phlets Modernism, A Revolt against Chris tian ity ; a Foe to Good Government, by Jam es M. Gray, D.D. Two addresses, the first delivered to th e August, 1924, g radu ating class of th e Moody Bible In stitu te; s' and the second,y ; printed in th e Moody Bible In stitu te Monthly (B. I. Colp. Assn.) 10c Studies in Acts ;(P a rt 1 ), by W. R. W alker. Simple studies in th e first twelve chapters of th e book of Acts for class room work, to cover a period of th ree months. An outline is given for each lesson, th en sho rt comments on each verse, followed by a summary of th e teaching of th e lesson and sev eral p ertinen t questions. (Standard Pub. Go.) 25c “Rock of Ages” Booklets, by Rev. . R. L. Lacey. A series of helpful Gospel messages, loyal to every word in th e Bible. They include such themes as “The Sifting of S im on;” “ Delicacy and D eterm ination” ; “The Pool of Siloam” ; “Holiday or Holy Day?” Says one m inister who has read them : “ If I were only rich in money I would place ten thousand of these messages in th e hands of those who would prayerfully d istribu te them .” (Chas. J. Thynne) 6 c each; 60c a doz. Saul of Tarsus, by David Jam es Bur rell, D.DULL.D. One of Dr. B u rrell’s incomparable sermons on Paul, the Apostle. He says in his Foreword, “ I tru st it is not too late to mend the m istake I mqde' when I undertook to w rite P au l’s life from th e n eth er end. My little volumes on his journeys, his letters and his companions are lik e a porchless house w ithout some record of his early years” ’; Though Dr. Bur rell insists th a t “ the la st should be first” th is little booklet is “ first ra te ” and we h eartily commend it. (Amer ican T ract Society.) Christ in th e . Sacrificial Offerings, Bible Studies in Leviticus, by Jam es M. Gray, D .D .¿^President of Moody Bible In stitu te. Dr. Gray says in his “P refato ry Note” : “ In these studies it is intended to follow the method and be guided mainly by th e tre a t m ent of the subject in ‘The Book of Leviticus’ by Rev. S. H. Kellogg. That his volume should be out of p rin t is a g reat disappointm ent, b u t the. hope is en tertained th a t it may be rep rin ted again. Meanwhile, these studies, lim ited and inadequate as they are, may serve to keep th e name of th e book alive as well as stim ulate a deeper in te rest in th a t portion of revelation w ith which it deals.’” (B. I. Colp. Ass’n.) 35c
B reaking th e Seals, by J. J. Ross, D.D., P asto r .F irs t B aptist Church, Vancouver, B. C. (W ith introduction by Dr. Geo. W. T ru e tt). Dr. Ross is widely known as a careful exegete, clear th ink er, keen preacher and an able expositor of Scripture. Dr. T ru ett says in his introduction: “No Chris tian can seriously read th is book, whatever may be his views on the mil-, lennial question, w ithout a distinct deepening of his sp iritual life.” (Revell) $1.50 The Bible Story Book, by Jane Eayre F ryer. The story of a little g irl who is earnestly try ing to study about th e Bible people in her own Bible. From page to page th e Bible characters come to life and tell her the story of which they are a part. The au tho r has been very wise in using the Bible language as far as pos sible, simplifying it ra th e r th an mod ernizing it. Adapted for children from eight to fou rteen years of age. Beau tifully illu strated w ith color plates. (W inston) $2.00 F ields of Glory, by Russell H. Con- well, D. D., P asto r B aptist Temple, Philadelphia. Dr. Conwell is one of the most prom inent m inisters living. He has lived w ith eyes and ears and h ea rt open, and brings to his readers the rich and varied m aterials which he has gathered. T hat he can still produce work of equal brilliancy and literary value w ith his famous lectu re' “Acres of Diamonds,” is amply demon strated in th is new book, “Fields of Glory,” a volume of helpful sermons calculated to deepen the sp iritu al life of th e reader. (Revell) $1.25. New B iblical Guide, by John Urqu- h art. The “New Biblical Guide” has been out of p rin t for some time, but in making these classics in the field of Biblical research once more available to the Christian public, the. publish ers have rendered an invaluable ser vice to th e Church of Christ. The works of Rev. John U rquhart, charac terized as they are by sound exegesis, ripe scholarship, profound erudition and deep spirituality, need little in tro duction. A lthough w ritten a number of years ago, th e conclusions of the au th o r have been confirmed by later investigation and discovery, so th a t modern research only complements his findings. If studied w ith an open mind, they will solve many of the problems raised by modern critics, and will be found invaluable to every studen t of Scripture who desires to be fully equipped to “ defend the faith .” (W. P. Blessing & Co.) (Com plete in 8 volumes) $ 12 .0 0
Modern Evangelism on Fundam en ta l la n es, by O. E. Goddard, D. D. In th is book Dr. Goddard discusses the value of personal evangelism and emphasizes pastoral and vocational evangelism as well as evangelism in the Sunday School. A volume th a t m inisters of every denom ination can read w ith profit. (Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn.) $1.25 F in e Gold, by Josephine Hope Wes-' tervelt. A m issionary romance of South America splendidly and inter-' estingly w ritten by th is p o p u l a r au tho r, dem onstrating th a t oftentimes w hat seem to be adverse circumstances are only God’s hand leading on the- fullest and highest and best th a t can be w rought out for one’s life. (Biola Book Room) $1.25 F o rty -E igh t B ernard S treet, by Mrs. S. R. G raham Clark. An interest-ab sorbing story of th e testimony of a poor invalid girl, and how it influ enced, helpfully, th e lives of others. A tale which will appeal to young peo ple, as well as th e ir parents, who will find in it inspiration to encourage them to give th e ir lives more freely for others. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) 75c Why I Believe in th e V irgin B irth of Jesu s Christ, by W illiam Evans, Ph. D., D.D. A very valuable book of 104 pages containing popular -addresses delivered by Dr. Evans during noon hours in some of th e leading theatres of the United States. Terse, in te rest ing, scholarly, logical, thoroughly Scriptural, Dr. Evans’ argum ents are unanswerable. (Biola Book Room.) Cloth, $1.25; P aper, 60c Bible Quotation Puzzles, by J. Gil christ' Lawson. This is not a “ cross word’’ puzzle book, but an instructive book for th e teaching of some of the choice Biblical quotations in a most fascinating way. Fifty-two leading Bible verses are arranged as num er ical enigmas. The book will in terest boys and girls and older persons in learning Bible verses of a helpful character. We commend it h eartily for the home. (W. P. Blessing) $1.00 The Number of Man, (Eleventh Edi tion) by Philip Mauro. In 1909 Philip Mauro, a well known New York a tto r ney and Bible student, w rote a very sta rtlin g book on the present-day activities of man in attem pting to overthrow Christianity. This book has had a very larg e circulation and has now reached its eleventh printing. In th is last edition Mr. Mauro has added ano th er chapter on “The World W ar.’’ (Ham ilton Bros.) $1.50
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