King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Any Book Reviewed or Advertised in These Columns may be Obtained a t B iola Book Room 536-558 S. Hope St., Bos Angeles, Calif.

P am phlets Modernism, A Revolt against Chris­ tian ity ; a Foe to Good Government, by Jam es M. Gray, D.D. Two addresses, the first delivered to th e August, 1924, g radu ating class of th e Moody Bible In stitu te; s' and the second,y ; printed in th e Moody Bible In stitu te Monthly (B. I. Colp. Assn.) 10c Studies in Acts ;(P a rt 1 ), by W. R. W alker. Simple studies in th e first twelve chapters of th e book of Acts for class room work, to cover a period of th ree months. An outline is given for each lesson, th en sho rt comments on each verse, followed by a summary of th e teaching of th e lesson and sev­ eral p ertinen t questions. (Standard Pub. Go.) 25c “Rock of Ages” Booklets, by Rev. . R. L. Lacey. A series of helpful Gospel messages, loyal to every word in th e Bible. They include such themes as “The Sifting of S im on;” “ Delicacy and D eterm ination” ; “The Pool of Siloam” ; “Holiday or Holy Day?” Says one m inister who has read them : “ If I were only rich in money I would place ten thousand of these messages in th e hands of those who would prayerfully d istribu te them .” (Chas. J. Thynne) 6 c each; 60c a doz. Saul of Tarsus, by David Jam es Bur­ rell, D.DULL.D. One of Dr. B u rrell’s incomparable sermons on Paul, the Apostle. He says in his Foreword, “ I tru st it is not too late to mend the m istake I mqde' when I undertook to w rite P au l’s life from th e n eth er end. My little volumes on his journeys, his letters and his companions are lik e a porchless house w ithout some record of his early years” ’; Though Dr. Bur­ rell insists th a t “ the la st should be first” th is little booklet is “ first ra te ” and we h eartily commend it. (Amer­ ican T ract Society.) Christ in th e . Sacrificial Offerings, Bible Studies in Leviticus, by Jam es M. Gray, D .D .¿^President of Moody Bible In stitu te. Dr. Gray says in his “P refato ry Note” : “ In these studies it is intended to follow the method and be guided mainly by th e tre a t­ m ent of the subject in ‘The Book of Leviticus’ by Rev. S. H. Kellogg. That his volume should be out of p rin t is a g reat disappointm ent, b u t the. hope is en tertained th a t it may be rep rin ted again. Meanwhile, these studies, lim ­ ited and inadequate as they are, may serve to keep th e name of th e book alive as well as stim ulate a deeper in te rest in th a t portion of revelation w ith which it deals.’” (B. I. Colp. Ass’n.) 35c

B reaking th e Seals, by J. J. Ross, D.D., P asto r .F irs t B aptist Church, Vancouver, B. C. (W ith introduction by Dr. Geo. W. T ru e tt). Dr. Ross is widely known as a careful exegete, clear th ink er, keen preacher and an able expositor of Scripture. Dr. T ru ett says in his introduction: “No Chris­ tian can seriously read th is book, whatever may be his views on the mil-, lennial question, w ithout a distinct deepening of his sp iritual life.” (Revell) $1.50 The Bible Story Book, by Jane Eayre F ryer. The story of a little g irl who is earnestly try ing to study about th e Bible people in her own Bible. From page to page th e Bible characters come to life and tell her the story of which they are a part. The au tho r has been very wise in using the Bible language as far as pos­ sible, simplifying it ra th e r th an mod­ ernizing it. Adapted for children from eight to fou rteen years of age. Beau­ tifully illu strated w ith color plates. (W inston) $2.00 F ields of Glory, by Russell H. Con- well, D. D., P asto r B aptist Temple, Philadelphia. Dr. Conwell is one of the most prom inent m inisters living. He has lived w ith eyes and ears and h ea rt open, and brings to his readers the rich and varied m aterials which he has gathered. T hat he can still produce work of equal brilliancy and literary value w ith his famous lectu re' “Acres of Diamonds,” is amply demon­ strated in th is new book, “Fields of Glory,” a volume of helpful sermons calculated to deepen the sp iritu al life of th e reader. (Revell) $1.25. New B iblical Guide, by John Urqu- h art. The “New Biblical Guide” has been out of p rin t for some time, but in making these classics in the field of Biblical research once more available to the Christian public, the. publish­ ers have rendered an invaluable ser­ vice to th e Church of Christ. The works of Rev. John U rquhart, charac­ terized as they are by sound exegesis, ripe scholarship, profound erudition and deep spirituality, need little in tro ­ duction. A lthough w ritten a number of years ago, th e conclusions of the au th o r have been confirmed by later investigation and discovery, so th a t modern research only complements his findings. If studied w ith an open mind, they will solve many of the problems raised by modern critics, and will be found invaluable to every studen t of Scripture who desires to be fully equipped to “ defend the faith .” (W. P. Blessing & Co.) (Com­ plete in 8 volumes) $ 12 .0 0

Modern Evangelism on Fundam en­ ta l la n es, by O. E. Goddard, D. D. In th is book Dr. Goddard discusses the value of personal evangelism and emphasizes pastoral and vocational evangelism as well as evangelism in the Sunday School. A volume th a t m inisters of every denom ination can read w ith profit. (Cokesbury Press, Nashville, Tenn.) $1.25 F in e Gold, by Josephine Hope Wes-' tervelt. A m issionary romance of South America splendidly and inter-' estingly w ritten by th is p o p u l a r au tho r, dem onstrating th a t oftentimes w hat seem to be adverse circumstances are only God’s hand leading on the- fullest and highest and best th a t can be w rought out for one’s life. (Biola Book Room) $1.25 F o rty -E igh t B ernard S treet, by Mrs. S. R. G raham Clark. An interest-ab­ sorbing story of th e testimony of a poor invalid girl, and how it influ­ enced, helpfully, th e lives of others. A tale which will appeal to young peo­ ple, as well as th e ir parents, who will find in it inspiration to encourage them to give th e ir lives more freely for others. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) 75c Why I Believe in th e V irgin B irth of Jesu s Christ, by W illiam Evans, Ph. D., D.D. A very valuable book of 104 pages containing popular -addresses delivered by Dr. Evans during noon hours in some of th e leading theatres of the United States. Terse, in te rest­ ing, scholarly, logical, thoroughly Scriptural, Dr. Evans’ argum ents are unanswerable. (Biola Book Room.) Cloth, $1.25; P aper, 60c Bible Quotation Puzzles, by J. Gil­ christ' Lawson. This is not a “ cross word’’ puzzle book, but an instructive book for th e teaching of some of the choice Biblical quotations in a most fascinating way. Fifty-two leading Bible verses are arranged as num er­ ical enigmas. The book will in terest boys and girls and older persons in learning Bible verses of a helpful character. We commend it h eartily for the home. (W. P. Blessing) $1.00 The Number of Man, (Eleventh Edi­ tion) by Philip Mauro. In 1909 Philip Mauro, a well known New York a tto r­ ney and Bible student, w rote a very sta rtlin g book on the present-day activities of man in attem pting to overthrow Christianity. This book has had a very larg e circulation and has now reached its eleventh printing. In th is last edition Mr. Mauro has added ano th er chapter on “The World W ar.’’ (Ham ilton Bros.) $1.50

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