April 1925
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
make a m istake as to it being th e will of God. One of the encouraging things of th is service is th e propagation of the Gospel by the converts, an .u nm ista k able sign of a genuine work w rought in th e ir h earts. One of our converts on a work tra in would g ath er th e men each n igh t and explain th e Gospel to them. A fter awhile he asked the w orker to come out. We accordingly went out and seventeen men gathered to hear the message, a fte r which seven of them definitely accepted Christ as Saviour. A few weeks ago one of our first converts,, of seven years’ standing, asked if we could no t come out to his place and he would open his house for a meeting. So we went to his place and were invited back again and have had two meetings. A lthough there have been no decisions, yet we believe his whole fam ily will come to the Lord. We have g reat reason to praise th e Lord for His blessing, which has attended us as we have given pu t the message. We appreciate th e prayers of God’s people, as it is only as we pray th a t success will atten d us. F u rth e r suggestions on how to deal w ith Rom an Catholics. Mass: W hat is it? They are taugh t to believe th a t it is the sacrifice of the bpdy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read Hebrews 10:9-12. They believe th a t all have to pass through purgatory to be purged for th eir sin. Read Hebrews 1:3. They have many mediators. Read 1 Tim. 2:3-5; John 14:6. Idol worship. Exodus 20; 1 Cor. 10:19-20. Angelic worship. Read Rev. 19:10; 22 :8 ; Acts 10:25-26;' 13:11-15. R egarding P eter being th e founda tion. Matt. 16:16; 1 Cor. 3:11; Eph. .2:20; 1 P eter 2:6-8. BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission fo r Men in th e cen ter of Los A ngeles. . M eetings co n tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting. "Com e u n to me, all ye th a t lab o r an d are heavy laden, an d I will give you re st.” ers to g reater effort in w inning souls ere the day of grace closes. The w riter of th e le tte r is daily growing in grace and in th e knowledge of th e Lord Jesus Christ. “ I have heard th a t same invitation many tim es before in my past life, as it was proclaimed from pulpit and open air meetings by some of God’s faith fu l and believing serv an ts; but, somehow or other, it never before stru ck me so forcibly as being the Words of th e blessed Christ Himself, and while I know th a t the invitation was given to all th e world, it seemed to me th a t a t th is p articu lar time, it was given especially for me. “ I plainly heard God- call me in my early years of boyhood to His service and refused to go, bu t ton igh t His HE le tte r which follows was left one evening in th e desk a t Biola Hall. We are pub lishing it as an encourage m ent to all personal work
th a t it is not long before they w an t to purchase the Bible. Recently nearly every place we go we hear the request for a Bible. P erhaps some will th ink th a t is not of much importance, b u t we little know to w hat extent th a t Bible will wield its influence. Several of the believers have retu rn ed to Mexico tak ing the Bible w ith them as a g reat treasu re, and m ethinks th a t when they get home they will call th e ir friends together and read them the Scrip tures. If we will tak e the tex t a t th e head of th is article and pray as we are told to do, who knows bu t w hat a revival may b reak out in due tim e in all of L atin America. Surely we cannot
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