April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Spirit bears w itness w ith my Spirit th a t my sins, which were many, have been forgiven. “F o r some tim e past I have been working on a newspaper in and th roughou t th e San B ernardino Val ley, bu t no hum an tongue will ever he able to describe th e m ental agony th a t I have suffered in all my past life, and in the la st few months it seemed to me th a t it was more than I could bear. I had my m ind made up th a t I would go th e way thousands of others have gone before me, by th e ir own hand, but while considering th a t way of ending my m isery the thought would always come up before me th a t in so doing I would forever cu t myself off from all hope of etern al life. And I would hold on to life a while longer in the hope th a t I m ight some day get hack to the life from which X had strayed so far away. “But on F rid ay n igh t something happened to break the awful monot ony th a t was fast killing me. I was w alking down Main S treet and passed Biola Hall. I did not know w hat it was a t th e tim e b u t th ere was a young man speaking and I stopped for a moment to listen, and th en moved on again in my wanderings. I had not gone many steps when there was a hand la id gently upon my shoulder and someone asked me in a kind voice if I was a Christian. I tu rn ed and looked in a m an’s face about the same age as myself and answered ‘No.’ I shall never forget the rad ia n t smile th a t lit up his face as he answered ‘Xam .’ I listened to him a little while as he told me what God had done for him, and left him th ere. The next n igh t found me passing the same place about the same time, and I again stopped a while to listen. There was a different man speaking th a t night, bu t he was telling the same news the man the night before was telling— the good news pf a Saviour’s love to man. A fter a little while it seemed th a t he looked straig h t a t me and quoted these words th a t th e Saviour had given to a lost world: ‘Come unto Me all ye th a t labor and áre héavy laden and I will give you re st.’’ “ It seemed to me as I listened to these words as they fell from th e lips of th a t young man on the platform , th a t they were m eant especially for me, and th a t I was hearing them for the last time. As he finished speaking, he stepped down from the platform and took me by the hand and said, ‘Don’t you w ant to be a C h ristian?’ and I th ank God from • th e bottom of my h ea rt tonight th a t there was manhood enough left in me to answer ‘Yes.’ We then w ent back into Biola Hall together, and th e re on our knees before our Heavenly F ath e r he pointed me back to Jesus Christ, from whom I had strayed so far away. I can tes tify tonight th a t I am a sinner saved by grace, and it is th e earnest desire of my h ea rt th a t some poor soul, per haps in the same, condition I was, may read th is and find the re st th a t I am enjoying tonight. For Jesus said ‘Come unto Me all ye th a t labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.’ T hank God I am enjoying rest.”
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