April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Select Songs of Praise A new religious song book that is different. Interesting —Inspiring—Satisfying. A great treat of 165 best songs—40 not found in other current books. Will aid you in carrying out your program of Evangelism. POPULAR SIZE—LOW PRICE $20 and $35 per 100 according to binding. Special discounts to E v an g elists and D ealers. 200,000 printed first edition. For Revivals, Sunday Schools and General use. G ives a re a l uplift* Returnable copy on request.
life” (John 1 0 :1 0 ). “And I give unto them etern al life” (John 1 0 :28 ). Blood stands for life (Lev. 1 7 :1 1 ). Christ gave His blood, H is life (Eph. 1 :7 ; Bom. 3 :24 ; Heb. 9:14; Rev. 12;p 12 ). (2) “The wages of sin is d eath ” is ju s t as fixed and active a law as the law of gravity, ratified in every indi vidual lifq th a t ends w ith death. Christ was sinless, y et died— He died Indeed for sin, bu t no t for His, having none. He died for the sin of the world (John 1 :2 9 ). 5. Cosmological A rgument. This “ cosmos” or world, under the government of God, according to an unchangeable ru le of righteousness, re veals i n . all its domain a basic prin ciple th a t may be called “ the principle of healing by counterpoise” (science, chem istry, medicine, etc.). It Is an other way of discovering God’s un al terable righteousness in natu re. Sal vation, therèfore, as w rought by the same unchangeable God,' reveals the same principle. Turning to the Bible we find the most strik ing correlation between th e negative cause of salva tion and its effect. F o r in the Gospel is revealed the righteousness of God (Rom. 1 :1 6 ). Man fell by disbelieving God’s Word and is saved by believing God’s Word (Gen. 3:1-10; John 3:18, 36). ■ Man was beguiled by a sup ernatu ral agency or medium and is reconquered by ano ther sup ern atu ral agency or me d iato r between God and man (1 Tim. 2 :5 ). Man literally took sin' and death from a tree. He again has to take holiness and life from ano ther tree, the cross (Gen. .3:1-10; John 1 2 :32 ). All these symbolical, yet historical, facts point to th e cross as th e center of th e moral and sp iritual universe. 6. A utho ritative A rgument. Hebrews 11, “ th e cloud of w it nesses” and thousands of th e best and ablest men of all ages of th is world’s history, have testified and still w itness In life and in death to th e efficiency and sufficiency of Christ’s death as the only ground of salvation. I gladly join them w ith my own testimony, fo r “ this is a faith fu l saying, and worthy of all acceptation, th a t Jesus Christ came into th e world to save sinners, of whom I am chief” (1 Tim. 1 :1 5 ). We conclude th a t Christ’s death was th è supreme m anifestation of God’s love and benevolence. I t was the great "exegesis” (John 1 :18 ) of His char acter, a t the same tim e a vindication
THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE DEATH OF CHRIST (Continued from page 155) the universal law and condition th a t makes life, in its various expressions, possible. Blood, from a symbolical and practical standpoint, stands fo r life, is synonymous w ith life. “The life of the flesh is in th e blood” (Lev. 1 7 :1 1 ). It is a sober fact th a t life, happiness, civ ilization and all men’s acquisitions have literally been paid for w ith to r rents of blood and the sacrifice of life; the higher the acquisition, th e . good acquired, th e costlier th e prize even to the sacrifice of life. (1) The sustenance of physical hu man life daily requires stream s of blood of innocent animals. (2) All m an’s political privileges and achievements, such as freedom, etc., required, down th rough the ages, th e blood and life of loyal soldiers and patriots. (3) The realization of th e highest ideals and dearest acquisitions in so cial life, in art, science, education and everything, th a t makes a higher type of life possible, required the sacrificial life and often the blood of the ablest and noblest men. (4 ) Finally, every m an’s physical life requ ired the blood and sacrificial life of a woman, his mother. (5) Is it, then, to be wondered a t th a t th is basic law holds good in the sp iritu al sphere? Salvation, m an’s highest, most needed acquisition, re quired the blood of God (2 Cor. 5 :1 7 ), the only supreme sacrifice, th e Lamb of God (John 1 :2 9 ). 4. Logical A rgument. By the evidences of design and the necessity of a first cause in th is physi cal world, we ju stly in fer th a t th is is th e world and universe of a ju st, intel ligent agent— God. It is a first tru th of reason, th a t every effect m u st have its adequate cause. It is evident th a t righteousness and equity are the un derlying principles of the physical and moral universe. Its maxims are, there fore,‘ “ eye for eye, life for life” : (Ex. 2 1 :2 4 ). This is righ t. On th is uni versal principle of equal compensation, the laws of n atu re and of hum an gov ernm ent are founded. Now, it is also a fact, reported by history, affirmed by conscience, th a t man, by sin, forfeited and destroyed eternal, sp iritu al life in himself and in others. “F o r th e soul th a t sinneth, it shall die” (Ezek. 18: 4). Consequently, man is either eter nally lost, or th is lost life m u st some how be restored unto him. I t is for th is purpose th a t Christ came and gave His life. “ I came th a t they m ight have
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