April 1925
T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S
and expression of His un alterab le ju s tice, as well as an exercise of His love and compassion (Rom. 3:24, 25; John 3 :1 6 ). Here on Calvary i t , was th a t finally “mercy and tru th have m et to gether, righteousness and tru th have kissed each o th er” (Psa. 8 5 :1 0 ). It was God’s masterpiece of which Christ, dying on the cross, cried, “ It is fin ish ed !” The death of Christ was unique and final, is never again to be repeated (Heb. 9 :2 8 ). The whole Bible, as well as history, leads us to the conclusion expressed in Acts 4:12 and 1 Cor. 3:11 th at “neith er is th ere salvation in any other, for there is none other name given among men whereby we m u st be saved,” and th a t “ other foundation can no man lay th an th a t is laid, which is Christ Jesu s.” In the Bible and in history we see .God dealing w ith men S^in divers m anners . . . a t sundry tim es” (Heb. 1 :1 ) w ithout successP dem onstrating thereby conclusively th a t there is only one way, one possi bility. F o r w h at was impossible by promise, hum an government, enforce m ent of law, th reats, captivity, fire or w ater, was made possible by th e death of Christ. The death of Christ was sufficient to provide for th e “ so g reat salvation” (Heb. 2 :3 ). I t was an atonem ent per fect in its character and extent. Its g reat value was determ ined by Christ’s perfect and infinite ch aracter as tru e God and tru e man. He offered Him self as the Lamb w ithout spot, through the etern al Spirit, un iting in H imself a t th e same time, the qualities and of fices of a perfect sacrifice and a perfect high priest (Heb. 9:12, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26). All the typical requirem ents as shown in th e Old Testam ent, were perfectly fulfilled in Christ (Heb. 9:11, 12 ). The death of Christ is conclusive for humanity, Satan and creation. It solves all the problems. I t determ ines S atan ’s and every m an’s condition for eternity. I t meets all m an’s need from a negative and positive standpoint, pro viding not only pardon and peace, bu t justification, sanctification, and eternal glory (1 Cor. 1 :3 0 ). It determ ines all the doctrines of Eschatology. I t po tentially provides salvation for all men, y et it becomes only experimental real ity for the individual man, by th e la t te r’s God-willed cooperation by faith in Christ’s blood (Rom. 3 :2 4 ). The death of Christ was the Passover of hu manity, where God saw the blood and passed over us. Therefore th e gore of Christ is the core of th e Gospel.
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