King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S' B U S I N E S S



offered to exchange th e m issionary for a school g irl in one of th e d istrict mission schools. G.. P arkes, a member of th e China Inland mission stationed a t Kingtaok- wan, Honan Province, has been ordered to pay $10,000 on pain of death and destruction of the mission compound. EVOLUTION VOTED OUT IN TENNESSEE NASHVILLE, Tenn.— A bill was introduced in the House of Represen­ tatives by Representative J. W. Butler of L aF ay ette to proh ib it th e teaching of evolution in all schools, supported in whole or in p a rt by th e State. The measure recites th a t it shall be unlaw ful to teach evolution or to teach any doctrine which holds th a t man descended from a monkey, and provides a fine of from $25 to $100. Only five members opposed the bill, while 71 voted for it. Hundreds of copies of W. J. B ryan s Nashville speech, “ Is th e Bible T ru e?” had been d istributed to both houses of th e legislature before the vote. VANCOUVER, B. C.—Native sons of Canada have begun a drive to exclude all ■O rientals from entering B ritish Columbia, w ith th e big push to have its maximum force during the full 12 months of 1925. Acting under orders from a m eet­ ing held some tim e ago, a special comm ittee opened communication w ith all th e principal service and fra ­ tern al clubs of Vancouver w ith the purpose of organizing a convention a t which Schemes would be discussed to keep B ritish Columbia for the white races. “HANDS OFF EGYPT” BRITISH WARNING LONDON.-—The League of Nations has been notified by G reat B ritain th a t it cannot to lerate any outside in te r­ ference in Egyptian affairs. G reat B ritain has apprised th e league th a t if Egypt, which is not a member of th e league, should sign the league’s protocol for the pacific settlem ent of in tern ation al disputes, she would not, in th e view of B ritain, acquire any rig h t to invoke league intervention on those m atters which were expressly reserved by B ritain when the B ritish p ro tecto rate over Egypt was term inated. CANADIANS LAUNCH BIG CAMPAIGN TO EXCLUDE ORIENTALS

NICARAGUA IS AT PEACE AFTER 100 YEAR CIVIC WAR WASHINGTON.— A fter a century of almost perpetual civil war, Nicar­ agua has settled down to peace, and American marines who have been sta ­ tioned th ere to protect Americans and American in terests since 1912 will he w ithdrawn it was learned a t th e state departm ent. t h e s p i r i t w o r l d Efforts have been made to in terest Inventor Edison in devising apparatu s by which to communicate w ith the sp irit world. If he could rig up a telephone system to connect by long distance w ith th e New Jerusalem he would cover himself w ith glory, bu t it seems unlikely th a t th is will hap­ pen. There are devices so delicate th a t the weight of a pencil dot on a piece of paper can be determ ined, but th ere is no known method of trapping th e whispers of a hum an soul. CHINESE BANDITS O FFER PR IS­ ONER FOR SCHOOL GIRL SHANGHAI.— The Norwegian mis­ sionary cap tu red by bandits on the 18th inst. has been taken to an un­ known d estination in th e interior, according to reports here tonight. The repo rts state th a t th e bandits killed more, th a n 100 Chinese and have

TARFBNAflP 351 hym ns—gem s ofthe ages v lv ll* —all w ritten out ofC hristian 3 HYMNS experience — strong in the F aith . Adopted by hundreds T he more th a n h alfmillion copies ofT abernacIe H ym ns No. 2 sold in th e p ast th ree years per­ m it us to offer th is w onderful book a t a B IG P R IC E R E D U C T IO N ! P er 100 copies: M an ila, $2^5; F u ll C lo th , $ 4 0 ; A rt B uckram superfine binding, $50; (single copies prepaid, 30c, 50c and 60c respectively.) Sample copy sent without obligation for 30 days Ju st say on post card: “ Please send me copy of Tabernacle H ym ns No. 2 0 specify binding) which I w ill return or payfo r after 30 days. ” W R IT E TODAY. * TABERNACLE PUBLISHING CO. 29 S. La Salle St., Room 91ft, Chicago, III* SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T his is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E vangelists an d Bible W om en w ho are being su p p o rted fo r from 80c to $2.80 a week. $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literature. R EPA IR PARTS SUPPLIED Stove, Range, Furnace, Steam & Hot Water Heater STOVE REPAIR CORPORATION 184 Mulberry St. Newark, N. J. j r* of progressive Churches and Bible Schools.

Presbyterian Curriculum Material for a Standard Daily Vacation Bible School, 1925 K H L is te S n g Tto O ur H eavenly F a th e r (M anual for th e K indergarten— F irst Series). Towne, 75 cents, p o stp aid PRIGodRR e v e a H ^ H im se lf in the L ives of Men, Striblen, McClure, V erk u y l,'7 5 c p o stp aid A P rim ary P ro g ram Book (F o r u se w ith “ God R evealing H im self m the Lives of Men” ), Tow ne— (w rite for p ric e ). T his p ro g ram book co n tain s definite suggestions fo r conducting th e P rim ary D epartm ent an d offers w orship m aterials, m em ory w ork an d suggests- related activ ities. ^Seeing*Americii^for C hrist, Lim ouze (w rite fo r p ric e ). T his is th e th ird book for the Ju n io r series. Follow ing th e general p lan of th e preceding books th is course offers a fully related p ro g ram fo r th e Ju n io r D epartm ent. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT „ H R E arly H eroes of th e F aith , Jack so n .....................• ....................... 50 cents, postpaid HYMN MANUAL—A M usic M anual (G rad ed )..........— ......................................... $1.50 p o stp aid CRAFT W O RK—"A M anual of C raft W ork” F irst Series, 192.1...................^.$1.00 p o stp aid Suggestions for c ra ft w ork for th o se schools desiring m ore of such w ork in th eir p ro g ram s th a n is su g g ested in the L esson C ourses above. I W T re e -........I..........................M .....40 cents, c arriag e ex tra “ A dventures in W orld F rien d sh ip -.......................... ............................ ,.30 cents, carriag e ex tra “B etter A m ericans,” N um ber One, j. C. M anuel-....-.-.. :--------60 cents, p o stp aid “B etter A m ericans,” N um ber Two, M ary D eB ardeleben..................... ,—75 cents, p o stp aid “U ncle Sam ’s Fam ily,” D orothy M cConnell........................S ......1-00 p o stp aid O ther books su g g ested in c u rre n t M issionary te x t lists A closely graded course specializing in m em ory w ork h as been outlined. Inform ation will be supplied on request. H A “ S io d AAm erican V acation L essons,” D anielson, S tooker..........................


Stop its progress and Regenerate the H earing. Use TH ERA PH O N E Ear- M assage. O nly $30. Send for Sym p­ tom Blank. Aids to H earing D ept. TheEVOLUTIONPHONE C0nInc. 636-KM Warren St. Newark, N. i.

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