April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S' B U S I N E S S
offered to exchange th e m issionary for a school g irl in one of th e d istrict mission schools. G.. P arkes, a member of th e China Inland mission stationed a t Kingtaok- wan, Honan Province, has been ordered to pay $10,000 on pain of death and destruction of the mission compound. EVOLUTION VOTED OUT IN TENNESSEE NASHVILLE, Tenn.— A bill was introduced in the House of Represen tatives by Representative J. W. Butler of L aF ay ette to proh ib it th e teaching of evolution in all schools, supported in whole or in p a rt by th e State. The measure recites th a t it shall be unlaw ful to teach evolution or to teach any doctrine which holds th a t man descended from a monkey, and provides a fine of from $25 to $100. Only five members opposed the bill, while 71 voted for it. Hundreds of copies of W. J. B ryan s Nashville speech, “ Is th e Bible T ru e?” had been d istributed to both houses of th e legislature before the vote. VANCOUVER, B. C.—Native sons of Canada have begun a drive to exclude all ■O rientals from entering B ritish Columbia, w ith th e big push to have its maximum force during the full 12 months of 1925. Acting under orders from a m eet ing held some tim e ago, a special comm ittee opened communication w ith all th e principal service and fra tern al clubs of Vancouver w ith the purpose of organizing a convention a t which Schemes would be discussed to keep B ritish Columbia for the white races. “HANDS OFF EGYPT” BRITISH WARNING LONDON.-—The League of Nations has been notified by G reat B ritain th a t it cannot to lerate any outside in te r ference in Egyptian affairs. G reat B ritain has apprised th e league th a t if Egypt, which is not a member of th e league, should sign the league’s protocol for the pacific settlem ent of in tern ation al disputes, she would not, in th e view of B ritain, acquire any rig h t to invoke league intervention on those m atters which were expressly reserved by B ritain when the B ritish p ro tecto rate over Egypt was term inated. CANADIANS LAUNCH BIG CAMPAIGN TO EXCLUDE ORIENTALS
NICARAGUA IS AT PEACE AFTER 100 YEAR CIVIC WAR WASHINGTON.— A fter a century of almost perpetual civil war, Nicar agua has settled down to peace, and American marines who have been sta tioned th ere to protect Americans and American in terests since 1912 will he w ithdrawn it was learned a t th e state departm ent. t h e s p i r i t w o r l d Efforts have been made to in terest Inventor Edison in devising apparatu s by which to communicate w ith the sp irit world. If he could rig up a telephone system to connect by long distance w ith th e New Jerusalem he would cover himself w ith glory, bu t it seems unlikely th a t th is will hap pen. There are devices so delicate th a t the weight of a pencil dot on a piece of paper can be determ ined, but th ere is no known method of trapping th e whispers of a hum an soul. CHINESE BANDITS O FFER PR IS ONER FOR SCHOOL GIRL SHANGHAI.— The Norwegian mis sionary cap tu red by bandits on the 18th inst. has been taken to an un known d estination in th e interior, according to reports here tonight. The repo rts state th a t th e bandits killed more, th a n 100 Chinese and have
TARFBNAflP 351 hym ns—gem s ofthe ages v lv ll* —all w ritten out ofC hristian 3 HYMNS experience — strong in the F aith . Adopted by hundreds T he more th a n h alfmillion copies ofT abernacIe H ym ns No. 2 sold in th e p ast th ree years per m it us to offer th is w onderful book a t a B IG P R IC E R E D U C T IO N ! P er 100 copies: M an ila, $2^5; F u ll C lo th , $ 4 0 ; A rt B uckram superfine binding, $50; (single copies prepaid, 30c, 50c and 60c respectively.) Sample copy sent without obligation for 30 days Ju st say on post card: “ Please send me copy of Tabernacle H ym ns No. 2 0 specify binding) which I w ill return or payfo r after 30 days. ” W R IT E TODAY. * TABERNACLE PUBLISHING CO. 29 S. La Salle St., Room 91ft, Chicago, III* SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T his is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E vangelists an d Bible W om en w ho are being su p p o rted fo r from 80c to $2.80 a week. $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literature. R EPA IR PARTS SUPPLIED Stove, Range, Furnace, Steam & Hot Water Heater STOVE REPAIR CORPORATION 184 Mulberry St. Newark, N. J. j r* of progressive Churches and Bible Schools.
Presbyterian Curriculum Material for a Standard Daily Vacation Bible School, 1925 K H L is te S n g Tto O ur H eavenly F a th e r (M anual for th e K indergarten— F irst Series). Towne, 75 cents, p o stp aid PRIGodRR e v e a H ^ H im se lf in the L ives of Men, Striblen, McClure, V erk u y l,'7 5 c p o stp aid A P rim ary P ro g ram Book (F o r u se w ith “ God R evealing H im self m the Lives of Men” ), Tow ne— (w rite for p ric e ). T his p ro g ram book co n tain s definite suggestions fo r conducting th e P rim ary D epartm ent an d offers w orship m aterials, m em ory w ork an d suggests- related activ ities. ^Seeing*Americii^for C hrist, Lim ouze (w rite fo r p ric e ). T his is th e th ird book for the Ju n io r series. Follow ing th e general p lan of th e preceding books th is course offers a fully related p ro g ram fo r th e Ju n io r D epartm ent. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT „ H R E arly H eroes of th e F aith , Jack so n .....................• ....................... 50 cents, postpaid HYMN MANUAL—A M usic M anual (G rad ed )..........— ......................................... $1.50 p o stp aid CRAFT W O RK—"A M anual of C raft W ork” F irst Series, 192.1...................^.$1.00 p o stp aid Suggestions for c ra ft w ork for th o se schools desiring m ore of such w ork in th eir p ro g ram s th a n is su g g ested in the L esson C ourses above. I W T re e -........I..........................M .....40 cents, c arriag e ex tra “ A dventures in W orld F rien d sh ip -.......................... ............................ ,.30 cents, carriag e ex tra “B etter A m ericans,” N um ber One, j. C. M anuel-....-.-.. :--------60 cents, p o stp aid “B etter A m ericans,” N um ber Two, M ary D eB ardeleben..................... ,—75 cents, p o stp aid “U ncle Sam ’s Fam ily,” D orothy M cConnell........................S ......1-00 p o stp aid O ther books su g g ested in c u rre n t M issionary te x t lists A closely graded course specializing in m em ory w ork h as been outlined. Inform ation will be supplied on request. H A “ S io d AAm erican V acation L essons,” D anielson, S tooker.......................... HEARING FAILING? HEAR B ETTER CERTAIN DAYS OR PLACES— BUT— GETTING W ORSE7 Stop its progress and Regenerate the H earing. Use TH ERA PH O N E Ear- M assage. O nly $30. Send for Sym p tom Blank. Aids to H earing D ept. TheEVOLUTIONPHONE C0nInc. 636-KM Warren St. Newark, N. i.
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